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FREE Live Online Workshop
Overcoming Trauma, Narcissistic Abuse, and Coming Home to Self:
A Special Workshop with Kate Truitt, PhD, MBA and Ramani Durvasula, PhD
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
2:30pm - 4:00pm CDT
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About the Experts
Kate Truitt

Kate Truitt, PhD, MBA, is a licensed clinical psychologist, applied neuroscientist, and internationally recognized expert in the neuroscience of trauma, stress, and resilience. She founded the Truitt Institute, where she provides cutting-edge trainings and seminars that bring together the newest advancements in the fields of neuroscience and mental health, and leads her flagship group practice and clinic, Dr. Kate Truitt & Associates. She serves as CEO for both the Amy Research Foundation and the Trauma Counseling Center of Los Angeles. She is the author of Healing In Your Hands and Keep Breathing.

Dr. Kate has spoken at the United Nations, the United States Department of Defense, PESI, and others. She is a member of the Goldie Hawn Foundation Advisory Board and the MindUP Scientific Advisory Committee, as well as an expert contributor to the Kevin Love Fund. Dr. Kate has dedicated her life to advancing the treatment of trauma and stress-related disorders and eliminating the stigma surrounding mental health, as well as empowering wellness on a global level through increased mental health literacy, personal empowerment, and individual understanding of the brain. Follow her on TikTok and Instagram @dr.katetruitt.

Click here for information about Kate Truitt.

Ramani Durvasula

Dr. Ramani Durvasula is a licensed clinical psychologist in Los Angeles, CA, Professor Emerita of Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, and the founder and CEO of LUNA Education, Training & Consulting, a company focused on educating individuals, clinicians, and businesses/institutions on the impact of narcissistic personality styles. Her academic research was focused on the impact of personality and personality disorders on health and behavior.

She is the author of multiple books including Should I Stay or Should I Go: Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist, and ”Don’t You Know Who I Am?” How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility and her newest book, It’s Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People will be released in February 2024 (Penguin Life). Dr. Durvasula is a faculty member for the APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology, and a consulting editor for the journal Behavioral Medicine. She has spoken widely on the impact of narcissism on mental health, relationships, and the workplace. She also operates a popular YouTube channel and podcast (Navigating Narcissism). Dr. Durvasula is also working with PESI on the development of an educational and certification program for clinicians working with clients experiencing the fallout of narcissistic relationships.

Click here for information about Ramani Durvasula.

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