Full Course Description

Week 1 - Introduction to the MBSR-T Program

An introduction to positive neuroplasticity and the connection to mindfulness.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Drop-in mindfulness practice
  • Turn positive experiences into lasting resources: HOT
  • Education on Neuroplasticity, Positive Neuroplasticity, and the connection to mindfulness
Key Adolescent-Specific Interventions
  • 15 ways to take in the good: pull weeds and plant seeds
  • Basic needs
  • Self-care
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Oriented to the logistics of the course and how to use the online platform
  • Exploration of all of the course materials available


  1. Explore the recent advances in neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and mindfulness on the developing teenage brain and their clinical implications.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 2 - Foundations of Stress & Mindfulness

The foundations and history of the MBSR-T program.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Drop in mindfulness practice
  • MBSR and MBSRT compare and contrast
  • Foundations of MBSRT and structure of interventions
  • Mindfulness defined
  • 3 stages of the mechanisms of change in MBSRT
  • Formal and informal mindfulness practices
  • 3 pillars of mindfulness Intentionality, attention, and attitude
Key AdolescentSpecific Interventions
  • Teen’s mental health
  • Being a mindful instructor
  • Joining with teens & developmental adaptations
  • Cultural relevance
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Oriented to the logistics of the course and how to use the online platform
  • Exploration of MBSRT materials for teens


  1. Breakdown the foundational principles of MBSR-T as related to clinical treatment.
  2. Construct the essential core components of the MBSR-T treatment program.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 3 - MBSR-T Session 1

Examining and defining the foundations of stress.  Providing an introduction to mindfulness and the research supporting MBSR-T.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Current Status Assessment (Goals and Intentionality)
  • Define Mindfulness
  • Stress the Problem, Mindfulness a Solution
  • Mindfulness and the Five Senses
  • Mindful Eating; Taking a Mindful Bite
  • Dropping-In Mindfulness Practice
  • Understand the research evidence of mbsr-t
Key Adolescent- Specific Interventions
  • Instructor Introduction
  • Teen Dyad Introduction and Fun Fact
  • Defining And Understanding Teen Stress And Stressors
  • Life Stressors: What Is Stressing You Out?
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Introduction to the Course, Group Boundaries and Limits, Course Materials, and Practice Expectations


  1. Chart the evidence-based research on MBSR-T including latest studies and new directions and their clinical implications.
  2. Connect adolescent-based stressors and the use of mindfulness-based practices for symptom management.
  3. Analyze the efficacy and value of intentionality in MBSR-T.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 4 - MBSR-T Session 2

Exploring the effects of stress on the mind and body. Beginning a personal mindfulness practice.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Mindful Check-in (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)
  • Types of Mindfulness Practice: Introduction of Formal Practice
  • Body Scan Mindfulness Practice and Debriefing
  • Paying Attention to the Five Senses During Practice
  • Developing a Personal Mindfulness Practice: The 5Ws
Key Adolescent-Specific Interventions
  • Physical and Emotional Effects of Stress (3Fs: Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response): Paying Attention to Red Flags
  • Mind-Body Connection (Acute and Chronic Stress)
  • Stress Can Be Helpful and Harmful (Yerkes-Dodson Curve): Eustress, Neustress, and Distress


  1. Employ the 4-step mindful check-in to better understand teen’s life problems and analyze it’s use and efficacy in the MBSR-T treatment program.
  2. Develop the ability to debrief all formal mindfulness practices learned in MBSR-T in a clinical setting.
  3. Implement the 5Ws (who, what, where, when, and why) in session to develop a personal mindfulness practice.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 5 - MBSR-T Session 3

Developing and strengthening mindfulness practice. Learning how to increase present-moment awareness.  A practice session is also included that focuses on the Body Scan Mindfulness Practices. Assistance on honing in on the skills involved in teaching these practices is discussed.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


  1. Devise mindfulness techniques that increase teen’s present moment functioning and improve client level of functioning.
  2. Develop awareness and improve teens client’s recognition of thoughts and feelings during mindfulness practice in session.
  3. Instruct teen clients on how to bring informal practices into their lives and how to connect informal practices to the five senses.
  4. Establish a working knowledge of the basics behind leading formal mindfulness practices in MBSR-T to inform the clinician’s choice of treatment interventions.


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Informal Practice: Bringing Mindfulness to Routine Tasks and Interests
  • Connecting Informal Practice to the Five senses
  • Living in the Now: Present- Moment Awareness
  • Paying Attention to Your Breath: Mindful Breathing Practice
  • Sitting Mindfulness Practice and Debriefing
Key Adolescent-Specific Interventions
  • Accepting Your Emotions: The Guest House Poem
  • Awareness of Thoughts and Feelings
  • Stress Waves: Riding the Waves of Life
  • Grounding Anchors: Drop Your Anchor
  • Railroad Activity: Train of Thoughts
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)
  • Developing a Personal Mindfulness Practice

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 6 - MBSR-T Session 4

Cultivating self-care and beginning to take in the good. Facilitating awareness of positive experiences and pleasant moments.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Mindful Walking and Movement Practice and Debriefing
  • Pleasant Moments Calendar
  • Heartfulness Mindfulness Practice and Debriefing
Key Adolescent- Specific Interventions
  • What Is Self-Care?
  • Cultivating Self-Care
  • Levels I-IV Self-Care Inventory
  • Taking in the Good: Doing What You Enjoy
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)


  1. Analyze the efficacy of how the MBSR-T program assists teens to take in the good, create beneficial lasting resources, and develop fundamental human needs for safety, security, and connection.
  2. Incorporate skills in session that teach teens the importance of, and ways to cultivate, self-care.
  3. To improve client level of functioning, recommend and implement the heartfulness practice to send well-wishes and kind regards to all people, another, and to yourself.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 7 - MBSR-T Session 5

Noticing, being, and working with thoughts. Facilitating awareness of negative experiences and unpleasant moments.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Yoga and/or Mindful Movement Practice and Debriefing
  • Unpleasant Moments Calendar
  • Mindful Stopping: Responding Instead of Reacting
Key Adolescent- Specific Interventions
  • Noticing, Being, and Working with Thoughts: The Role of Metacognition
  • Being Mindful of Harmful Judgments
  • Playing Out the End of the Movie
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Dropping-In Mindfulness Practice
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)


  1. Educate your clients on how to utilize skills to increase awareness of their thoughts and judgments.
  2. For purposes of client psychoeducation, explain how mindfulness creates a pause between a stimulus and response, which improves teen’s ability to respond to life’s problems rather than reacting.
  3. Teach clients to separate life moments as: pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant; teach teens to be with all moments regardless of label.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 8 - MBSR-T Session 6

Improving awareness through mindfulness. Utilizing positive coping strategies and behaviors to manage life. Includes a practice session that focuses on instructor practice of the Sitting Mindfulness Practices. Assistance on honing in on the skills involved in teaching these practices is discussed.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Sitting Mindfulness Practice (Longer) and Debriefing
  • Doing Homework or Taking a Test Mindful Practice
Key Adolescent- Specific Interventions
  • Life Events Can Cause Stress
  • Unhelpful and Harmful Coping Behaviors
  • Coping with Painful Events: Stress=Pain x Blocking
  • Tracking Harmful Behaviors: The Self-Awareness Calendar
  • Self-Harm Awareness Journal
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)


  1. Educate your clients on how to use positive coping behaviors instead of negative coping behaviors, to manage stress and improve their level of functioning.
  2. Provide teen client’s with calendars to improve awareness of pleasant and unpleasant moments, as well as to track self-harming behaviors.
  3. Help your clients discover ways to be with painful events versus pushing away or clinging to the event or situation.
  4. Experiment with interventions that can be used in teen client’s daily lives to facilitate maintenance and growth of the MBSR-T program.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 9 - MBSR-T Session 7

Cultivating mindful resilience. Building mindful relationships.

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Daily Gratitude Practice
  • Mindful Communication: Listening and Reflecting
  • MI-Messages: Sharing How You Feel
  • Mindful Communication in Relationships
  • Trust Exercise: Mindfulness in Relationships
  • Mindful Messaging and Posting
Key Adolescent- Specific Interventions
  • Things You Can’t Control
  • Courage to Change Practice
  • Letting Go Practice
  • Qualities of Self
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Dropping-in Mindfulness Practice
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)


  1. Investigate the role of the media, social networking, and the use of mindfulness practices on the development of the adolescent mind in order to inform clinical treatment interventions.
  2. Evaluate treatment techniques to help clients build positive and beneficial relationships with the self and others- mindful communication, acceptance, trust, and letting-go.
  3. Incorporate the use of MI-messages to assist teen clients with asserting themselves and in building self-respect and respect in cultivating healthy relationships.

Copyright : 01/01/2018

Week 10 - MBSR-T Session 8

Reviewing the MBSR-T program. Assessing mindfulness-based solutions. Making mindfulness a continuing part of daily living.  

Program Information

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Case Managers, Teachers/Educators, Nurses, Occupational Therapists & Occupational Therapy Assistants, Speech-Language Pathologists and other Mental Health Professionals


Key Mindfulness Interventions

  • Review of Mindfulness Practices and Key Interventions
  • Review of Current Status Assessment (Goals and Intentionality)
  • Problems and Mindful Solutions Chart
  • Mindful Practice Reminders
  • Maintaining and Continuing a Personal Mindfulness Practice
  • Gratitude Practice
Key Adolescent-Specific Interventions
  • Letter to Self
  • Processing Possible Grief and Loss
Key Interventions Not Otherwise Specified
  • Dropping-in Mindfulness Practice
  • Mindful Check-In (Highs and Lows, Mindful Qualities)


  1. Implement the curriculum in the MBSR-T program and be able to teach interventions from all of the 8-sessions to your clients.
  2. Analyze the efficacy of conducting the dropping-in, body scan, sitting, walking, heartfulness and gratitude mindfulness practices.
  3. Teach your clients how to maintain mindfulness practice and continue to use mindfulness in daily life.

Copyright : 01/01/2018