Full Course Description

Integrative Therapy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Motor, sensory, behavioral, academic, digestive, immune and autonomic dysregulation issues are all seen in various combinations and degrees in neurobehavioral disorders such as ADHD, Autism, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and social skills deficits.

But, why? What is the link? Most experts believe that these disorders are connected to one another. How? In this recording, Dr. Melillo will answer these questions in the most practical way.

Based on 20 years of clinical experience and cutting-edge brain science, Dr. Melillo will teach you new and innovative therapy techniques that connect motor development to cognitive development, and examine the relationship to early milestones and retained primitive reflexes. You will learn to tie all of this together with the Polyvagal Theory, brain hemisphericity and a holistic understanding of how the brain and the hemispheres regulate everything. You will learn techniques and tools that translate into clinical success no matter what the condition or severity.

With the rise of developmental neurobehavioral disorders and the overwhelming wide spectrum of related symptoms, understanding the root cause of neurobehavioral and learning disorders is essential to successful treatment.

From this recording, you'll learn:

  • Techniques to identify and remediate Polyvagal issues, retained primitive reflexes and a wide variety of behavioral, learning and social issues
  • Strategies to quickly and effectively inhibit primitive reflexes and promote the development of postural reflexes
  • Tools to asses and promote balance in postural, oculomotor and vestibular systems
  • Assessments for motor, sensory, academic, cognitive and behavioral skills
  • Sensory, motor, cognitive and behavioral techniques to promote brain integration
  • Nutritional and simple dietary assessments and interventions

Program Information


  1. Explain the relationship between brain development, primitive reflexes and developmental milestones to effectively treat neurobehavioral and learning disorders.
  2. Summarize the role of retained primitive reflexes in the development of neurobehavioral disorders.
  3. Complete a primitive reflex assessment in clients of all ages and implement specific exercises to inhibit each reflex and promote the development of postural reflexes.
  4. Analyze the connection between autonomic, immune and social engagement dysregulation and discuss the clinical implications.
  5. Implement clinical assessments of neurodevelopmental imbalances in clients.
  6. Identify how attachment, Polyvagal systems and hemispheric imbalances relate to symptoms of ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, processing disorders, or autism, as well as other mental health, behavior, and educational issues.
  7. Develop comprehensive treatment plans to improve and correct developmental neurological imbalances.



  • Epidemiology of mental health, educational, and neurobehavioral disorders
  • Movement and brain development
  • Brain development through segregation, integration, and localization of networks
  • Primitive and postural reflex development and retention, plus the relationship to brain development
  • Brain asymmetry, development, function, and integration of the hemispheres, plus the relationship to learning disabilities, behavioral
  • disorders and socialization issues
  • What are primitive reflexes? Why and how do they develop?
  • Assess primitive reflexes in infants, children, and adults
  • Symptoms associated with specific primitive reflex retention
  • Asymmetry of primitive reflexes and the relationship to brain imbalances, ADHD, dyslexia
  • HANDS-ON LAB: Remediation exercises for primitive reflexes
  • CASE STUDY: Adult female with multiple retained primitive reflexes, history of dyslexia, depression, digestive issues, and syncope
  • Polyvagal theory and evolution of the autonomic system
  • Fear paralysis reflex, the Moro reflex, and both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems development
  • Relate movement and primitive reflexes with Polyvagal Theory
  • Autonomic and hemispheric regulation of immune system, gut function, and other issues
  • Assess autonomic development, heart rate variability, and autonomic dysregulation
  • Connect brainstem development, the development of the social engagement system, and attachment disorders
  • HANDS-ON LAB: 35 ways to stimulate the Vagal system
  • CASE STUDY: Child with ADHD, retained Moro reflex, and abnormal heart rate variability
  • CASE STUDY: Patient with autonomic imbalance and autism
  • Right brain vs left brain functions
    • Why and how the right and left brain become specialized
    • How imbalances can develop
    • How imbalance produces specific symptoms
  • HANDS-ON LAB: Testing for brain imbalances
    • Cognitive style profile
    • Hemispheric checklist
    • Postural hemispheric exam
    • Cranial nerve exam
  • Develop specialized hemispheric-based treatment to restore balance
  • CASE STUDY: Patient with dyslexia, learning disabilities and retained primitive reflexes
  • Understanding attachment and behavior
  • Relate attachment with movement and discover the subconscious way we form and maintain relationships, and how this can affect us our whole life
  • How the brain hemispheres contribute to attachment
  • Functional neurology of human behavior, relationships and emotions
  • HANDS-ON LAB: Use the adult attachment inventory as a diagnostic tool
  • HANDS-ON LAB: Target functional neurology networks diagnostically and therapeutically
  • CASE STUDY: Patient with reactive attachment disorder and ADHD

Target Audience

  • Physical Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Physical Therapist Assistants
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Speech-Language Pathology Assistants
  • Educators
  • Psychologists
  • Counselors

Copyright : 11/30/2018

Primitive Reflex Integration

In this interactive recording, improve treatment for your clients by discovering the link between development and primitive reflexes. Learn to equate seven primitive reflexes with developmental stages and evaluate performance based on those completed stages. Practice simple techniques to immediately add to your sessions, leading to developmental successes for:
  • Sensory Processing Problems 
  • Behavioral Challenges 
  • Learning Disabilities 
  • Autism 
  • ADHD 
  • Neurological Deficits 

Program Information


Primitive Reflexes Overview
  • Brain development 
  • Possible reasons for retained reflex and re-emerging reflex 
  • Reading, writing, math, ADHD, Autism, developmental delay 
  • Primitive reflexes guidelines 
  • Beyond primitive reflexes 
  • What integration does not accomplish 
  • What to do after integration 
7 Primitive Reflexes, Including Hands-On Labs and Case Studies
  • Symptoms 
  • Testing 
  • Integration 
  • Non-integration 
Putting it all together
  • Hands-On Labs
    • Fear Paralysis Reflex 
    • Palmar Reflex 
    • Moro Reflex 
    • Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex 
    • Spinal Galant 
    • Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex 
    • Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex 
  • Case Studies
    • Case Study 1: 11-year-old with Autism overcame hypersensitivities and became more social 
    • Case Study 2: 57-year-old improved memory without memory tricks 
    • Case Study 3: Student IQ test increased after 2 years of primitive reflex therapy 
    • Case Study 4: Students improved intelligence in school findings with training 


  1. Identify seven primitive reflexes and how they contribute to development 
  2. Test for and rate the severity of the retention of each reflex 
  3. Demonstrate the integration exercise, including modifications, for each reflex 
  4. Identify the behavioral and physical symptoms associated with each reflex 
  5. Examine why the reflexes may still be present 
  6. Discuss what reflex integration can and cannon accomplish

Target Audience

  • Physical Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists 
  • Speech-Language Pathologists 
  • Physical Therapist Assistants 
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants 
  • Speech-Language Pathology Assistants
  • Educators

Copyright : 09/28/2018