Nobody can “treat” abuse, rape, molestation, or any other horrendous event. What has happened cannot be undone.

But what can be dealt with are the imprints of the trauma on body, mind, and soul.

Join Bessel van der Kolk, MD, in a transformational clinical trauma training. Attend and learn from one of the most renowned trauma experts - one who has spent decades working both as a researcher and clinician. – and NY Times bestselling author of The Body Keeps The Score.

As clinicians, the challenge is to help clients reestablish ownership of their bodies and minds — to feel without becoming overwhelmed, enraged, ashamed, or collapsed.

It takes specific methods, like neurofeedback, EMDR, meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and sensory integration. Dr. van der Kolk has used every one of these methods extensively to successfully treat his own clients, and has also experienced them himself.

This 2-day conference will serve as both a guide and an invitation – an invitation to dedicate yourself to the pursuit of helping trauma clients with the best treatment approaches proven to alleviate suffering.

Let Dr. van der Kolk show you how to apply these proven methods and approaches to your clinical practice — so you can experience the satisfaction of helping even your toughest client heal from deep-rooted trauma.

Sign up today for this sell-out event!

  1. Analyze and communicate how traumatized people process information.
  2. Determine how sensorimotor processing can alleviate traumatic re-experiencing.
  3. Articulate the range of adaptations to trauma early in the life cycle.
  4. Substantiate how trauma affects the developing mind and brain.
  5. Analyze the recent advances in neurobiology of trauma.
  6. Differentiate between disrupted attachment and traumatic stress.
  7. Demonstrate how adverse childhood experiences affect brain development, emotion regulation and cognition.
  8. Choose techniques of physical mastery, affect regulation and memory processing.
  9. Assess how traumatic imprints can be integrated using techniques drawn from yoga, theater, neurofeedback, and somatic therapies.
  10. Appraise the current DSM-5® position on DTD.
  11. Integrate various trauma treatment approaches in your practice.
  12. Defend treatment strategy alternatives to drugs and talk therapy through an understanding of current research.

Outline Neuroscience & Brain Development Early Life Trauma Attachment, Trauma, and Psychopathology Neuroscience, Trauma, Memory and the Body The Diagnosis of Treatment of Trauma-Related Disorders The Latest Research on Trauma-specific Treatment Interventions
Target Audience