Full Course Description

Treat Anxiety Fast: Powerful, Fast-Acting, Drug-Free Treatment Techniques that Defeat Anxiety & Worry

Program Information


  1. Track therapeutic progress using the brief mood survey.
  2. Describe why therapists and clients alike avoid exposure.
  3. Describe at least five techniques for treating anxiety disorders.
  4. Develop a creative, individualized treatment plan for each client.
  5. Reduce therapeutic resistance in session and boost motivation.
  6. Integrate four powerful treatment models for anxiety.
  7. Select the most effective interventions for each client.
  8. Track the client’s perception of therapeutic alliance.
  9. Explain how the hidden emotion model works.
  10. Describe how the experimental technique works.
  11. List several cognitive distortions that trigger anxiety.
  12. Explain the concept of “failing as fast as you can”.
  13. Contrast outcome vs. process resistance for anxiety.
  14. Explain how the daily mood log works.
  15. Contrast classical, cognitive, and interpersonal exposure techniques.


Day 1
What is TEAM-CBT? Reverse Hypnosis

  • How your anxious patients cast a spell on you and sabotage the treatment
Four Powerful Treatment Models for Anxiety Disorders
  1. The Cognitive Model: I THINK therefore I FEAR
    • Single session treatment for Panic Disorder (video)
  2. The Exposure Model: Taking a Page from the Tibetan Book of the Dead
    • Blood Phobia
  3. The Hidden Emotion Model: Cycling Back to Freud?
    • The Burrito Slasher
  4. The Motivational Model: Heading Off the Resistance at the Pass
    • A Case of Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Overcoming Toxic Shame (video)
  • Magic Button
  • Positive Reframing
  • Acid Test
  • Magic Dial
Clinical Exercise
  • Electrical engineer with Body Dysmorphic Disorder
    • Recovery Circle: Failing as Fast as You Can
    • A Visit to the Shopping Center from Hell
Day 2
The Cognitive Model
  • Truth-Based Techniques
  • Compassion-Based Techniques
  • Uncovering Techniques
  • Motivational Techniques
  • Quantitative Techniques
  • Visual Imaging Techniques
  • Humor-Based Techniques
  • Role-Playing Techniques
  • Spiritual Techniques
The Hidden Emotion Model
  • The Niceness Dynamic
  • Bringing Hidden Feelings to Conscious Awareness
Innovations in Exposure Therapy
  • Classical, Cognitive, and Interpersonal Exposure
Treatment Algorithms
  • Who Do We Treat? The Person or the Disorder?
Relapse Prevention Training
  • Getting Better vs. Feeling Better

Target Audience

  • Psychologists
  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychotherapists
  • Case Managers
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 12/03/2018

Overcoming Resistance in Depression Treatment

Program Information

Target Audience

Psychologists, Counselors, Social Workers, Case Managers, Addiction Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists, Nurses, and other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 11/06/2013