Full Course Description

2-Day: Stroke Rehabilitation Intensive Training Course: Best Practices for Rapid Functional Gains and Improved Outcomes

Working with stroke patients is deeply meaningful and incredibly rewarding. And you strive to help each client who’s counting on you to facilitate the improvements that can change their lives.

But some patients are so impaired that treatment becomes overwhelming. Others make exceptional gains in clinical settings, only to hit a wall in less controlled environments. As time passes without results, even the most promising patient can feel the sun setting on the person she used to be, growing disengaged and depressed – convinced she can’t progress further with therapy.

If you’re not up to speed on the latest treatment strategies, she might be right.

Learn how to apply innovative techniques that completely define what’s possible for your patients in this intensive, hands-on live webcast! Built on today’s best practices, this recording will show you highly effective tools and strategies that have helped countless survivors leave their limitations behind, even 20 years post-stroke.

Purchase today and finish this one-of-a-kind training knowing that when your next patient tells you how she hopes to return to work or stay active with her grandkids, you’ll be able to confidently guide her toward rapid functional improvements with the best methods available in neurological rehab!

Program Information


  1. Evaluate the latest advances in stroke recovery and their implications for therapy.
  2. Catalogue strategies for identifying the root causes of post-stroke impairments faster.
  3. Demonstrate how to enhance function with dual task interventions.
  4. Integrate techniques for improving bed mobility, transfers, and gait with less strain.
  5. Demonstrate how to reduce spasticity and restore limb use with constraint-induced movement therapy.
  6. Design an effective home program.
  7. Investigate a more functional, person-centered approach to resolving impairments.
  8. Build parameters for safely intensifying rehab.
  9. Determine effectively strategies for helping difficult or depressed patients become more engaged in their recovery.
  10. Evaluate traditional and innovative treatment strategies.
  11. Inspect progress measures used to justify therapy.
  12. Determine how to overcome barriers to effective strategy implementation.



  • Hot topics and innovations in stroke rehabilitation
  • What stroke rehabilitation will look like in 1, 5, and 10 years
  • Today’s best evaluations for:
    • Gait, balance and coordination
    • Strength, mobility and stability
    • Upper extremity function
    • Lower extremity function
    • Executive function
  • Hands-on lab
  • Effective techniques you can use immediately to:
    • Ignite neuroplasticity for breakthrough results
    • Restore functional strength more quickly
    • Enhance function and multi-tasking ability
    • Reduce spasticity
    • Restore limb use
    • Resolve impairments from a more functional, person-centered perspective
    • Improve bed mobility, transfers, and gait with less strain
    • Design a more effective home program
    • Intensify therapy safety and effectively
    • Re-engage difficult or depressed patients
  • Hands-on Lab
  • Constraint-induced movement therapy
  • Bimanual therapy
  • Dual task interventions
  • Balance and gait training
  • Taping
  • Functional activities
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Neuroplasticity-building interventions
  • Effective treatment strategies for specific impairments related to:
    • Ataxia
    • Hemiparesis
    • Neglect
    • Pusher syndrome
    • Spasticity
    • Subluxation
    • Gait and mobility
    • Decreased sensation
    • Reduced flexibility
    • Muscular weakness
    • Timing/coordination

  • Case study 1: Correctly select the root cause of impairment
  • Case study 2: Apply advanced gait training and multitasking techniques
  • Case study 3: Improve postural control and mobility with an agitated patient
  • Case study 4: Overcome barriers to effective strategy implementation
  • Case study 5: Adjust your plan of care for surgical and technological advances

Target Audience

  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapist Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Rehab Directors
  • Rehab Managers
  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners

Copyright : 01/28/2020

Stroke Rehab: Proven Techniques to Regain Functional Use of the UE and LE

After suffering a stroke, many emerge feeling trapped in a body that no longer works and fear the life they knew is gone. Furthermore, standard treatment strategies end with persistent long-term deficits and very basic gross motor skills at best. Your patient does not have to accept this fate and with the correct skillset, neither should you. Stroke rehabilitation does not have to be an either/or scenario – patients do not have to choose between walking or the ability to regain use of their arm!

While you may know techniques to facilitate movement in a flaccid UE and LE are similar, do you know how to improve each individually as movement emerges? Are you able to easily identify methods to “force” movement and drive neuroplasticity in motor control and sensory recovery? Can we re-create automatic movement (without thinking)? Don’t miss this opportunity to get answers to these questions and leave with a groundbreaking evidence-based skillset to achieve life changing results for your patients!

You are working with a 68-year-old patient 2 weeks after a stroke who is demonstrating minimal but observable wrist and finger extension + sensory impairment in their affected arm. Can you help this person achieve full use of their arm to dress, carry items while walking, open doors and turn on faucets? After this course – your response should be a resounding…”Yes!”.

Unfulfilled rehabilitation potential is one of the greatest losses a stroke patient may face. Don’t miss your opportunity to learn the skills needed to completely redefine what is possible for quality of life after a stroke.

Program Information


  1. Analyze objective assessment data to gauge prognosis, treatment timeline and progression.
  2. Propose 3 techniques to successfully facilitate motion in the flaccid UE and LE.
  3. Investigate evidence-based applications for post stroke gait training to achieve independent community ambulation.
  4. Demonstrate how to use dual task interference to promote automaticity in recovery of mobility and ADLs.
  5. Discriminate spasticity vs tone, the functional implications, and the best evidence in management of each.
  6. Propose 3 applications of forced use therapy for LE motor recovery.


Severe stroke mechanisms and prognostic guidelines

  • When you have seen one stroke…you have seen one
  • Applications specific to mechanism and severity – learn how to tailor your approach to the stage of recovery
  • Determine prognosis and timelines for the UE and LE
    • 1x/week, 3x/week, place treatment plan on hold?
    • How long can a person continue to recover after a stroke?
  • Spasticity vs tone are not the same problem
    • Discover the difference and the treatment for each

Apply evidence to drive neuroplasticity:
Upper Extremity

  • Flaccid to “Found”
    • Facilitate movement from a flaccid wrist or hand
  • Found to Function
    • Advance the UE from being available, to being “chosen”
  • Force more recovery: CIMT and beyond – Techniques and tasks beyond a constraint

Apply evidence to drive neuroplasticity:
Lower Extremity & Fall Risk

  • Tasks and activities to facilitate movement
  • Develop neuromuscular resources
    • Strength, endurance, motor control and balance
  • Forced use in action for LE recovery
    • Incorporate evidence-based practice

Engage our patients to optimize outcomes

  • Apply the OPTIMAL theory of motor learning
  • Autonomy, enhanced expectancies, and external focus
  • Behavioral economics in rehabilitation
  • Identify traits of bias, decision making and choice architecture
  • Facilitate compliance, intensity, and attendance

Target Audience

  • Physical Therapists/Physical Therapist Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists/Occupational
  • Therapy Assistants
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Strength and Conditioning Specialists
  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physicians

Copyright : 12/07/2021

BONUS | Treatment of Individuals with Dementia, TBI, Concussion, Stroke and Cognitive Decline; Foundations in Brain Science as it Relates to Cognitive Rehabilitation and Neuroplasticity

Over the next 20 years, the prevalence of dementia will continue to increase significantly as the baby boomer generation enters the age group of greatest risk. Do you have the skillset and tools to maximize treatment outcomes with this population? Regardless of your profession, information presented in this course will maximize your understanding of brain science, memory and cognitive decline while enabling improved responses to your treatment objectives. This course provides immediate empowerment to help your clients reduce dementia risk/cognitive decline and facilitate improvement once discovered.

Dr. Sherrie All offers a straightforward approach to introduce and explain current neuroscience while allowing immediate clinical application to your clients. Learn how to identify and find the problem and then how to set realistic evidence-based treatment goals. Dr. All shares a comprehensive toolbox of evidence-based cognitive rehabilitation interventions to optimize brain power, improve memory and reduce the rate of cognitive decline.

Drawing on over 15 years of clinical experience, Dr. All will teach you techniques and interventions to effectively:

  • Speak with confidence of neuroanatomy as it relates to memory and cognitive functioning with peers and clients/family members
  • Assess for cognitive decline and accurately interpret complicated assessment reports
  • Understand the difference between cognitive stimulation, cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation
  • Create actionable treatment plans to immediately help your clients
  • Expand working memory and enhance attention, generalizing to real-world functioning
  • Convey the importance of activity and exercise to maintain optimal brain health
  • Determine when to refer out to a specialist for more detailed assessment
  • Educate patients/clients to decrease fear and empower with evidence-based tools for improved cognitive function

Walk away with practical and useful techniques that can be implemented immediately within your practice. Start feeling confident in delivering the rehabilitation interventions your clients facing cognitive decline so desperately need!

Program Information


  1. Evaluate the usefulness of cognitive screeners such as the MOCA and SLUMS versus when to refer out to a qualified neuropsychologist.
  2. Design treatment interventions based on realistic treatment goals and the evidence supporting compensatory vs. restorative strategies.
  3. Determine the effect of client anxiety and false beliefs to inform the clinician’s choice of treatment interventions.
  4. Utilize motivational interviewing techniques and appropriate selection of rehabilitation interventions to improve client engagement.
  5. Utilize specific interventions to enhance attention, memory, visuospatial, language and executive skill functioning.
  6. Implement treatment interventions to improve holistic brain health in clinical settings.



  • Brain plasticity and the latest research
  • Associated brain regions and functions
  • Compensatory vs. restorative strategies
  • Cognitive stimulation, cognitive training and cognitive rehabilitation


  • What the MOCA and SLUMS are telling you and not telling you
  • When to refer for a full neuropsychological assessment
  • Make the most of assessment results including neuropsychology reports
  • Static (TBI / stroke) vs. progressive decline (Alzheimer’s disease): Set and maintain realistic treatment goals
  • Taking care to not “over-pathologize” concussions: Know the difference between concussion, TBI, CTE and dementia
  • The use of mood and personality measures


  • Motivational interviewing to cultivate engagement and brain health interventions
  • Treat anxiety and false beliefs to improve cognition
  • Adjustment to illness and grief: Counseling the brain impaired patient

Real World Treatment Strategies for Each Cognitive Domain


  • The neural bases of attention impairment
  • Help clients understand working memory capacity as a means of improving metacognition
  • Improve attention and reduce errors by following the DIRECT model and using PEAS & LEAP
  • “Focused drilling” to expand working memory capacity and generalizing to other outcomes
  • Mindfulness training to help clients shape attention and improve focus


  • The neural bases of memory impairment
  • Frontiers in Alzheimer’s disease management
  • Tailor memory training interventions to level of severity & motivation
  • Effective use of calendars and other external memory aids for effective daily functioning
  • Elaborative encoding techniques using visualization, linking and chunking
  • Memory aids in traditional psychotherapy treatments
  • Strategies for effective recall of learned information


  • The neural bases of executive function impairment
  • Stroke and cerebrovascular disease
  • Improve planning for greater goal attainment with the use of a reverse timeline worksheet
  • Expand flexible thinking with 6-step problem solving
  • The neural basis of stress management and emotion regulation


  • The neural bases of visual and language impairment
  • Useful Field of View Training (UFOV) for driving independence
  • The “language wallet” for independence among people with aphasia
  • Supported conversation and script training for aphasia


  • Shape the brain’s destiny: Cognitive reserve to build resistance and resilience to cognitive decline
  • The impact of socialization on brain health and recovery
  • Psychotherapy’s impact on brain health
  • Effective cognitive stimulation: The truth about brain games & crosswords
  • Teach clients how their brain works through metacognition intervention


Target Audience

  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Counselors
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Nurses
  • Nursing Home Administrators
  • Assisted Living Facility Administrators
  • Long Term/Acute Care Professionals
  • Case Managers
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Psychiatrists

Copyright : 08/10/2021

BONUS | Effective Fall Prevention in the Geriatric Population: Strategies from the CDC’s Dynamic Trio

The CDC has dedicated itself to address fall prevention in the geriatric population through the STEADI Initiative (Stop Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries). Analyze the algorithms that address each area that impact fall risk. STEADI will be covered comprehensively, including balance, medications, home environments, medical conditions and fear of falling. Key takeaways from the latest research will offer new patient fall prevention solutions.

Program Information


  1. Analyze the latest advances in fall prevention from the CDC – STEADI Initiative for Fall Prevention into your practice. 
  2. Distinguish between comprehensive screening tools and assessments to identify issues with balance, visual-spatial functioning, proprioception and other root causes of fall risk. 
  3. Select the most appropriate intervention to safely restore balance, mobility and function in your patients. 
  4. Determine how home-based risk factors that contribute to falls can be mitigated. 


Integrate the Latest Advances in Fall Prevention 

  • CDC’s STEADI Initiative 
    • Screen, assess and intervene 
    • 3 key questions to ask your patients 
    • Case Study: RBG 

Comprehensive Assessments 

  • Identify issues with balance, visual-spatial functioning, and proprioception 
  • Stay Independent Brochure 
  • Evidence-based gait and balance tests 
  • Home hazards, BP, Visual Test 
  • Feet and footwear issues 
  • Comorbidities to consider 

Impact of Medications on Fall Risk 

  • Beers criteria for medications 
  • Interventions for optimizing the medication list 

Safely Restore Balance, Mobility and Function 

  • Assess available interventions 
  • Evidence-based exercise program details 
  • Treatments for BP issues 
  • Referrals for vision impairment 
  • Appropriate exercise RX for older adults 

Home Based Risk Factors 

  • Evaluation and intervention for: 
    • Home hazards 
    • Foot and footwear issues 
  • Referrals for home and community based exercise and fall prevention programs 

Target Audience

  • Nurses
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapy Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Exercise Physiologists

Copyright : 07/29/2020