Full Course Description

Neuroscience for Everyday Practice: Connect Brain Science with Clinical Strategies for Emotional Regulation, Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, ADHD, and Chronic Pain

Scientific research on the human brain’s connection to our mental and physical well-being continues to astound. While dazzling pictures and scientific lingo certainly impress, mental health clinicians are faced with a pressing problem. How do I connect the power of neuroscience to my everyday work with clients facing stress, anxiety, emotional dysregulation, trauma, chronic pain, and other issues?

As a neuropsychologist, Robert Rosenbaum, Ph.D., has spent his career working with the brain-behavior relationship. His expertise in the principles of neuroscience, functional neuroanatomy, and diagnostics give him a unique insight into the correlation between mental health disorders, therapeutic approaches, and what happens in the brain itself.

This integrative recording will show you how to fundamentally transform your practice by linking complicated science to practical and accessible clinical techniques you can use every day!

Key benefits of watching:

  • Neuroscientific explanations that change the way clients feel about themselves and motivate them to engage in the deeper work that needs to be done.
  • Innovative ways to integrate research findings with easy-to-implement clinical interventions based on mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and somatic approaches.
  • Regulate emotions with techniques informed by a neurobiological understanding of how they’re made.
  • Control impulsivity and improve attention with techniques that act on the brain’s executive control function.
  • Effective mind-body approaches to manage chronic pain.

Discover how incorporating neuroscience into your therapy can rejuvenate your practice and provide the spark you need to change clients’ perceptions and improve their lives!

Program Information


  1. Promote engagement in treatment with explanations that make neuroscientific research and principles accessible for clients.
  2. Articulate how mindfulness skills that impact the neurological processes involved in stress can be incorporated into therapy.
  3. Implement an approach that addresses the symptoms of anxiety with clinical techniques focused on activating the parasympathetic nerve system.
  4. Communicate how an understanding of the neuropsychology of attention and executive control can inform your choice of therapeutic intervention to address attentional difficulties.
  5. Analyze the clinical implications of memory malleability in the treatment of trauma.
  6. Evaluate research on the mind-body connection to chronic pain perception, and explicate how this information can be used in clinical practice.


Manage Destructive Emotions With Effective Brain-Based Approaches

  • Embodied cognition and how emotions are made
    • Multimodal processing of emotions
    • Valence and Arousal: Dimensional Models of Emotion
  • Depression and anxiety
    • The neural interrelationships of depression and anxiety
    • Behavior is biology: treating dysphoric affects with physical interventions
  • Mindfulness and breathing exercises to regulate emotion
  • Cognitive restructuring and goal building

Stress in a Fast-Paced World: Therapeutic Strategies Informed by Biological Time and Brain Clocks

  • Biological time vs. clock time
  • Multiple brain clocks and circadian rhythms
  • Mindfulness, compassion, and time
    • Rushing vs. relishing
    • Cultivate “presence” with clients

ADHD, Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Impulsivity: The Biology of Attention and Brain-centric Interventions

  • The brain’s attention networks
  • Varieties of attention – assessment and utilization
  • Executive control of attention
  • Impulsivity and the brain’s reward pathway
  • Mindfulness awareness
  • Improve attention with strengths-based approaches

Trauma: Clinical Techniques Informed by the Science of Memory

  • Memory as an active reconstruction
  • Techniques to calm the traumatized brain
    • Mindfulness
    • Imagery
    • Somatic approaches
  • Malleability of memory: implications for treating trauma

Rewire the Brain to Ease Chronic Pain

  • Multiple pathways – ascending and descending
  • Pain intensity vs. pain distress
  • Counter catastrophizing
  • Mind-body interventions for pain
    • Guided imagery
    • Qi gong
    • Yoga


Target Audience

Counselors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Addiction Counselors, Marriage & Family Therapists, Nurses, Case Managers Therapists, Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 05/10/2018

Addiction and Recovery Update 2020: The Latest Clinical Takeaways from Neuroscience Research

Research in neuroscience provides an evidence-based and comprehensive understanding of addiction that fits well with the experiences of people needing, seeking, and in recovery. There are several insightful and well-articulated arguments challenging the disease conceptualization of addiction, but two important areas of research – epigenetics and psychoneuroimmunology – greatly advance awareness of how environmental stress creates vulnerability to addiction.

This lecture reviews the most up-to-date science of addiction, the current arguments for and against addiction’s conceptualization as a disease, and how the principles of recovery management counter the pathophysiology of addiction and improve a recovering person’s chances of achieving long-term recovery.

Program Information


  1. Appraise the latest neuroscientific explanations of substance use disorder pathophysiology and interpret Substance Use Disorder symptomology in light of this research.
  2. Investigate and analyze the arguments for and against the conceptualization of addiction as a brain disease.
  3. Analyze elements and evaluate examples of Recovery Management, post-treatment support/aftercare, and Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care.
  4. Utilize the principles of Safety Culture and Chronic Disease Management to solve common problems in early sobriety


I. Addiction: a disorder of reward learning, decision-making and self-awareness

  • Definitions of Addiction
    • The American Society of Addiction Medicine’s Definition of Addiction
    • The DSM-5 Symptomology of Addiction (Substance Use Disorder)
  • The Five Current, Leading Neuroscientific Explanations of Addiction
    • Genetic Vulnerability (Blum)
    • Incentive-Sensitization (Robinson and Berridge)
    • Pathology of Memory and Learning (Kalivas)
    • Stress-induced Allostasis (Koob and LeMoal)
    • Pathology of Motivation and Choice (Volkow, Goldstein)
  • The Debate about Addiction’s Definition as a Disease

II. Recent Advances in the Pathophysiology of Addiction

  • Epigenetics: a new understanding of heritability of addiction & recovery
    • The Overkalix Study and transgenerational trauma transmission
    • Nicotine primes cocaine use (Kandel and Kandel)
  • Psychoneuroimmunology: the Gut-Brain-Immune Loop
    • Inflammation and Psychiatric Disorders
    • The Role of Microglia in brain disease and repair
  • Implications for the Disease Argument

III. Recovery Management: a Safety-based approach to sobriety

  • Altering Health Disparities by Improving the Social Determinants of Health
  • Professional Health Programs: What Makes a Good Aftercare Plan
    • Treatment and “Recovery Literacy”
    • Recovery Management Check-Ups
      • Active Linkage to Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC)
    • Recovery Residences
    • Peer-based Sobriety Support (Kelly, Kaskutas)
    • Relapse Safety Planning
    • Urine Drug Testing (Monitoring)
    • Vocational Rehabilitation and The Collegiate Recovery Movement
    • Addiction Medicine Specialists
    • How Recovery Management informs Medication-Assisted Treatment
    • “Hedonic Rehabilitation”

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Case Managers
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 09/09/2020

Treat Anxiety, Depression & Related Disorders

Early in my career, I recognized a disconnect between neuroscience research and popular treatment strategies. While depression and anxiety are clearly rooted in altered brain function, most clinicians were not taught about specific neural circuits and neurotransmitters that contribute to these disorders. As a result, treating mood and anxiety disorders were often incomplete – many solutions uncovered by research were overlooked and strategies relied heavily on medication without any changes in a client’s action, activity and environment. There had to be a better way to treat these clients and improve outcomes!

Today, I know that using proven cognitive-behavioral interventions like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and Behavioral Activation Therapy (BAT) in conjunction with exercise, social support and positive habits yields powerful therapeutic effects. Expanding your tool kit of brain-based interventions allows you to accommodate your clients’ different challenges. And, when your clients understand that what feels “wrong” is actually the activity and chemistry of particular brain circuits, it improves treatment buy in and compliance.

Watch this must attend conference and I will show you how to put the power of neuroscience to work for you and your clients:

  • Utilize brain-based cognitive therapies like ACT, MBCT, and BAT for mood and anxiety disorders
  • Apply new techniques informed by the latest neuroscience research to improve treatment outcomes
  • Discover how simple interventions modulate the activity and chemistry of key brain regions
  • Learn how to teach clients about their brain

Are you ready to expand your treatment tool box with the latest in neuroscience techniques?

Let me help you take your practice to the next level. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

See you there,

Dr. Alex Korb

Program Information


  1. Analyze findings from neuroscientific research exploring the connection between key brain regions, neurotransmitters, and mental health.
  2. Analyze how understanding neurobiological processes can help clinicians establish realistic goals with clients and engage them in therapy.
  3. Analyze the role of the amygdala in stress and anxiety and communicate how labeling feelings and mindful awareness of emotions can be used to manage symptoms.
  4. Determine how habits relate to stress and connect this information to cognitive behavioral approaches that intervene in habit loops and reduce stress related symptoms.
  5. Use neuroscience informed explanations of mental health disorders in discussions with clients to shift how they feel about their pathology.
  6. Assess the latest scientific research on gratitude and characterize the potential benefits and research limitations found in these studies.


Understand the Key Brain Regions and Chemicals Involved

  • Prefrontal cortex, limbic system, striatum
  • Neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, etc.
  • How it all fits together

Key Principles From Proven Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions

  • Behavioral Activation Therapy (BAT)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Utilize the Benefits of Exercise

  • Benefits on serotonin and dopamine systems, as well as stress reductions
  • Intensity and frequency of exercise required
  • How simply being outdoors can help

Minding the Amygdala: Mindful Awareness of Emotions

  • Labeling feelings to reduce amygdala activity
  • Making the most of ACT to reduce stress

Set Goals, Make Decisions, and Top-Down Regulation of Brain Activity

  • The impact of goal-setting on lower-level processing
  • Choice, decisions and happiness
  • The importance of intention and voluntary choices
  • Simple strategies for applying BAT

Low-Tech Biofeedback

  • The mind-body connection, meditation and MBCT
  • Understanding heart-rate variability
  • The power of breathing
  • How postural changes, muscle tension and facial expressions can affect mood

How the Brain Encodes Habits and How to Change Them

  • The distinction between impulses and routines
  • Cognitive and emotional habits
  • The relationship between habits and stress
  • Cognitive-behavioral approaches to changing habits

Social Solutions

  • The impact of social support on the brain’s stress response
  • The power of physical touch
  • Why social interactions are rewarding
  • How social support can improve the efficacy of medication

The Power of Gratitude

  • The impact of gratitude on key neural circuits
  • How to operationalize gratitude in order to implement it in daily life

Make the Most of Sleep

  • How sleep affects mood
  • Key changes in sleep hygiene that improve sleep quality

The Limitations of Neuroscientific Research

  • fMRI imaging
  • Things to consider regarding animal studies
  • Simple explanations for complicated processes


Target Audience

  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Licensed Counselors
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Psychotherapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Occupational Therapists

Copyright : 01/26/2021

Affective Neuroscience for Clinicians: Emotion-based Strategies for the Treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression

When it comes to working with emotions in therapy, few interventions deal with the emotion itself and how to respond to it.

Instead, we teach our patients to manage and regulate them…and, in the process, we hope they go away.

But, often, the emotions don’t go away.

Why? Because the modalities you know and practice treat the symptoms and not the cause!

We need a new way to think about psychopathology and this is it!

I’ve devoted my career to affective neuroscience research and emotion-based therapies. And, along the way, helped thousands of patients with their emotional struggles.

YOU CAN easily and effectively help your clients create deep, lasting change by giving them the power to access and accept difficult emotions that come at unexpected times.

Spend this day with me and I guarantee that you will walk away with research proven strategies and tactics that help your patients overcome their emotional challenges and move through trauma, anxiety, and depression.

If you see patients with PTSD, trauma, anger, fear, guilt, shame, abandonment and compulsion issues – this is a must see seminar!

Purchase today and I will see you in the webcast!

Lee Stevens, Ph.D.

Program Information


  1. Determine which patients would benefit from affect reconsolidation and how to maximize successful outcomes.
  2. Utilize emotion in psychotherapy through techniques involving emotion-based mindfulness, self-validation, self-compassion, and emotional regulation skills
  3. Develop patient’s skills to recognize when their feelings are germane to the current situation and when they may be a result of past experience(s).
  4. Employ principles of affective neuroscience to inform treatment strategies for working with emotion in psychotherapy.
  5. Demonstrate strategies to increase and decrease emotion and recognize when to apply each strategy.
  6. Distinguish between the wanting and liking neural systems as they relate to treatment for a patient with compulsive behaviors.


Using Affect and Emotion in Therapy

  • Affect reconsolidation as a universal mechanism
  • When to implement affect reconsolidation
  • Creating the optimal conditions in therapy
  • Risks and Limitations

Affective Neuroscience Principles

  • Key brain regions for emotions
  • Impact of specific emotions on brain cortex
  • Emotion as a central problem in psychopathology
  • Strategic use of emotion in therapy

The goals of emotion-based psychotherapy

  • Building safety and trust with your patients
  • Addressing internal and external relationships to emotion
  • Achieving the optimal level of arousal
  • Changing the relationship with memory and emotion
  • Seeing emotions as a useful tool in therapy

Affective Neuroscience 4-Step Therapeutic Model

  • Emotional Awareness/Mindfulness
  • Validation of emotions
  • Self-Compassion & Empathy
  • Utilizing emotion

The Affect Reconsolidation Toolbox

  • Mindfulness for recognizing emotions and where they come from
  • Emotional validation techniques
  • Techniques for optimal arousal of emotions
  • Gestalt techniques for increasing emotion
  • Somatic techniques for up and down regulation
  • Cognitive based techniques to stop reinforcement of negative feelings

Therapeutic Goals When Targeting Specific Emotions

  • Anger – boundaries and consequences, forgiveness
  • Sadness – unresolved grief, primary/ secondary emotions
  • Fear – managing fear responses, controlling behavior
  • Desire – regulating reward systems, increasing self-control
  • Disgust – self-acceptance
  • Jealousy/Envy – comparisons to others, self-judgement

Affect Reconsolidation in the Treatment of Trauma

  • Creating curiosity about our emotional responses
  • Differentiating between past and present emotions
  • Work with secondary emotions first
  • Affect Reconsolidation for primary traumatic feelings

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Case Managers
  • Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 04/16/2021

Neuroscience for Clinicians: Brain Change for Stress, Anxiety, Trauma, Moods and Substance Abuse

Neuroscience has given us incredible insights into the workings of the brain and its connection to our mental health. Recent research reveals that neuroplasticity takes place all through life, so you can offer hope for real change no matter how long your client has suffered.

This seminar will connect complicated science with your clinical practice, and transform how you view and work with traumatized, stressed, addicted, anxious and depressed clients!

Discover how and where neuroplasticity occurs, and ways to use it therapeutically. Participate in enjoyable learning experiences that provide you with the clear principles and background you need for utilizing neuroscience in your work. Draw on multiple modalities to overcome resistance, activate creative responses, and turn problems into potentials. Add new dimensions to each therapy session and initiate change using top-down, bottom-up, and horizontal methods that can be creatively individualized.

Leave this seminar feeling confident in bringing the latest findings from neuroscience into your treatments!

Program Information


  1. Communicate how an understanding of neuroscientific research and neurological processes can help mental health professionals improve clinical outcomes.
  2. Determine the interrelationship of depression and anxiety and communicate how this information can be used in relation to treatment planning.
  3. Employ psychoeducation techniques that improve engagement in therapy by making neuroscience and neurobiology understandable for clients.
  4. Analyze how neural pathways regulating stress and reward are related to mental health disorders, and connect this information to your utilization of therapeutic interventions to reduce stress and manage addiction.
  5. Evaluate the relationship between memory malleability and trauma and communicate how this information can be utilized therapeutically to help clients cope with traumatic memories.
  6. Investigate how mindfulness and meditation impact the nervous system and articulate how mindfulness interventions can be used in your treatment plans for depression.


Tour through the Brain: What clinicians need to know from neurons to structures, to pathways, to networks

  • Feel your neurons activate
  • See brain structures in 3-D
  • Experience how the brain processes top-down, bottom-up, and horizontal
  • Actively engage your brain structures for change
  • Work with implicit and explicit memories
  • Learn how to rebalance key pathways with your interventions:
    • Pain Pathway
    • Reward Pathway
    • Fear-Stress Pathway
Nervous System Networks and the Social Brain: We are wired for attunement
  • Default Mode (DMN) and Task Mode Networks (TMN)
  • Healing attachment
  • Activate mirror neurons bottom-up
Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis: How the brain can change
  • Three timeframes for change
  • Neuroplasticity at the synapse
  • How to foster neuroplasticity in clients
  • Neuroplasticity in action: Exercise your brain!
Practice the Interventions for Healing: Bottom-up, top-down, and horizontal
  • Sensory Awareness
  • Meditation and Mindfulness
  • Body Work
  • Unconscious and the DMN
  • Experience and activate the direct Mind-Body link
Integrate the Brain into Treatments
  • Stress
    • How stress alters the nervous system
    • Calm the stress/fear pathway
    • Develop alert/relaxed attention for better coping
  • Trauma
    • Develop security through self-soothing methods
    • Foster confidence with yoga body positioning
    • Extinguish traumatic memories
    • Reconsolidate implicit memories
  • Anxiety
    • The anxious brain reaction
    • Work top down/bottom up/horizontally
    • Calm the limbic system bottom up with movement
    • Soothe the insula through meditative sensory awareness
    • Deconstruct sensations mindfully
    • Balance the nervous system
  • Substance Abuse
    • Brain areas involved in addictions
    • Rewire the reward pathway
    • Detach form pleasure and pain
    • Activate the parietal lobes for sensory relaxation and enjoyment
    • Develop prefrontal connections for better judgment
  • Depression
    • The depressed brain pattern
    • Activate an under-activated nervous system with yoga postures and energy meditations
    • Regulate the limbic system by activating links to prefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus with mindfulness turned outward
    • Practice the 4-step method to overcome negative self-suggestions
    • Unify real and ideal
    • Foster joyful relationship through mirror neurons
    • Develop compassion and gratitude
6 Principles for Incorporating the Brain into your Therapy

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Psychotherapists
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Case Managers
  • Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 02/10/2022