Full Course Description

Trauma-Focused Tapping Techniques: Over a Dozen Simple Exercises from EMDR and EFT to Build Your Client's Internal Resources

Tapping is part of many of today’s most used therapeutic trauma treatments including EMDR therapy and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

With simple tools clients can use to self-regulate and manage their emotional well-being, tapping is an accessible therapeutic approach that puts the power of healing directly in their own hands.

And because it empowers clients to take an active role in their healing, the therapeutic process becomes a collaborative and mutually supportive endeavor, lightening the load and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for growth and well-being.

These techniques fit with virtually any treatment approach, making tapping a versatile and adaptable tool to help clients release emotional blockages, reprocess distressing memories, and promote the integration of mind, body, and emotions.

Now in this immersive training, Stacy Ruse, LPC, a seasoned expert in trauma therapy, will guide you through how these techniques can be integrated into your practice to access deeper layers of healing and guide clients towards transformation.

By the end of this training, you will walk away with a toolkit filled with practical techniques that can be implemented immediately in your practice so you can:

  • Build in resources with even your most complex cases
  • Enhance engagement and adherence to therapy
  • Fill in developmental and attachment deficits
  • Better prepare clients for deeper work
  • And more!

Don’t miss this chance to build the skills and confidence to integrate tapping into your own practice.

Purchase today!

Program Information


  1. Examine the mechanisms of action underlying the effectiveness of acupressure techniques in psychotherapy.
  2. Describe the integration of acupoint stimulation into exposure and cognitive therapies in the evidence-based form of EFT for the treatment of PTSD.
  3. Understand the core components of Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) in the context of trauma treatment, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and tactile stimulation.
  4. Use EMDR resourcing techniques with clients to build and enhance self-regulation, ego strength, and secure attachment.
  5. Use brief EMDR derived techniques with integrity to core elements of EMDR therapy to increase stability, enhance emotional regulation, and improve relational difficulties for clients.
  6. Use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to assist in decreasing unwanted symptoms from traumatic stress, anxiety, depression & pain.


Tapping Fundamentals

  • Types of Tapping and Bilateral Stimulation (BLS)
  • Understanding the Distinctions: EMDR,
  • Resource Installation, Resource Tapping, and Meridian Tapping
  • Setting Clear Goals for Tapping and its Application in Healing
  • Embracing a Holistic Approach to Tapping for Comprehensive Healing

How Tapping Works: The Science & Mechanisms of Action

  • The Impact of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Healing
  • Understanding Bilateral Stimulation
  • How does BLS Work? Mechanisms of Action
  • Inner Workings of Meridian Tapping
  • Therapeutic Benefits and Applications

Assessing Client Readiness for Tapping

  • Signs of Readiness for Tapping Techniques
  • Factors Impacting Readiness: Trauma History, Emotional Regulation, and Resourcing
  • Assessing Client Preferences and Comfort Level with Tapping

Resource Tapping for Cultivating Calm, Connection, and Empowerment

  • The Role of Resource Tapping in Restoring Emotional Balance
  • Fostering a Therapeutic Environment of Safety and Trust
  • How to Identify Needed Resources of Your Client
  • Integrating Resource Tapping into a Comprehensive Therapeutic Approach

Step-by-Step Instruction: Using Tapping Techniques from EFT and EMDR in Your Trauma Treatment

  • When to Do and With Who
  • General BLS Instructions
  • Eyes Open or Closed: Choosing the Optimal Visual Focus
  • Felt-Sense Connection: Tapping into Sensations and Bodily Awareness
  • EMDR Resource Tapping Techniques
    • Peaceful/Sacred Place
    • Protective, Nurturing & Wise Figures
    • Safe Enough Now Exercise
    • Awaken Self-Energy Resourcing
    • Radiate Love-Light
  • Meridian Tapping: EFT Strategies to Restore Balance and Release Emotional Blocks
  • Tapping for Individuals & Groups
  • Pitfalls to Avoid and Common Challenges
  • Demonstrations and Practice

Evidence, Research Limitations and Treatment Risks

  • Examining the Existing Research on EFT and Tapping Techniques
  • Studies and Meta-Analyses Supporting the Effectiveness of Tapping
  • Challenges to the Research and Research Limitations
  • Addressing Potential Risks in Tapping
  • Contraindications and Other Considerations

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychotherapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Substance Use Disorders Counselors
  • Psychiatrists
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 12/13/2023

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for Trauma: Tapping to Transform Treatment Outcomes in Clinical Practice

Emotional Freedom Technique - learn Tapping to reduce trauma related symptoms.

Designed to reduce the negative effects of trauma and PTSD, tapping is research-based and proven to be long lasting. Unlike numerous other methods, EFT is exceptional in that it does not require re-experiencing a traumatic moment. Clients can alter the fight-flight response in their lives - whether they choose to talk about the painful event or not.

In fact, favorable changes in blood flow and cortisol levels were noted after just one hour long session. This is unlike other forms of trauma treatment where PTSD clients can experience symptoms for as much as three or more years.

Watch clinician and EFT trainer Bonnie Grossman, LPC, and Phoenix Crosby, LCSW, MFT, to learn the tapping technique in an experiential training, honing a technique that you can use immediately with clients. Bonnie will take you step by step through the technique and guide you through treatment planning and psychoeducation.

Sign up today for a training full of skill-building to help clients in their trauma recovery.

Purchase now!

Program Information


  1. Implement tapping technique with clients to identify and disclose events at the root of their pain and symptoms. 
  2. Demonstrate EFT techniques such as Tearless Trauma, The Movie Technique, and Sneaking up on the Problem. 
  3. Design a treatment plan that incorporates tapping techniques for clients with a trauma history. 
  4. Utilize EFT to reduce trauma related self-harm and suicidal ideation.
  5. Demonstrate to clients breathing techniques to help in manage trauma induced anxiety. 
  6. Determine how using sound bowls and visualizations practices may reduce traumatic stress symptoms. 
  7. Theorize how EFT can be used to reduce effects of intergenerational trauma by combining tapping with systemic approaches.


Tapping and How Can It Help Heal Trauma

  • Emotional Freedom Technique explained
  • Why a mind body approach can reduce trauma
  • Assist client in uncovering underlying trauma
  • The need to use alternative approaches in healing PTSD
  • Risks, Limitations and Current Research
  • Special Considerations

Design a Tapping Session for Trauma – From Start to Finish

  • Psychoeducation: introduce clients to tapping in easy to understand language
  • Treatment planning: create a set up statement to use in the first session
  • Approaches to increase client trust and disclosure
  • Evaluate progress during the session: key interactions
  • Assist the client to feel safe during the tapping process
  • Effectively end a tapping session

EFT Techniques for PTSD & Trauma

  • When to use and how to modify “Tell the Story Technique” when processing a traumatic event
  • Three effective EFT techniques to decrease and eliminate trauma
  • Assist clients to tap between sessions to reduce effects of traumatic memory
  • Tearless Trauma Technique
  • The Movie Technique
  • Sneaking up on the Problem Technique
  • Working with intergenerational trauma

Integrate Tapping with Other Clinical Approaches

  • Breathing techniques
  • Visualizations & guided imagery
  • Sound bowl therapy to increase client relaxation
  • Cognitive therapy, systemic approaches, neuro linguistic programming (NLP) with EFT
  • Gestalt therapy techniques to reprocess event and redefine traumatic moment

Reduce Symptomology of Trauma

  • Tapping to empower client when experiencing traumatic memory
  • Use EFT to diminish core negative beliefs about self and world caused by trauma
  • Reduce trauma-initiated self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • Trauma, the grieving process and tapping
  • Reduce perpetual fear and rebuild strength and courage and resilience
  • Express repressed anger due to traumatic event

Client Case Studies

  • Maintaining ethical standards, tap on scenarios of clinical situations
  • Develop tapping scripts to meet the needs of your clients

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Physicians
  • Psychologists
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Nurses

Copyright : 02/16/2024

24 Must-Have Mindfulness Techniques for Clinicians: Skills and Tools from DBT, ACT and More for Enhanced Treatment of Trauma, Anxiety, and Grief

Unlock the transformative potential of mindfulness with this training designed to elevate your skills and allow you to quickly harness the proven benefits of mindfulness across a wide range of therapeutic applications.

You’ll get a carefully curated collection of 24 indispensable mindfulness techniques used in top treatments like DBT and ACT. And since these techniques have been meticulously selected by mindfulness expert and acclaimed trainer Katelyn Baxter-Musser, you can rest assured you’re getting the very best mindfulness has to offer the clinician.

Whether you work with clients struggling with stress, anxiety, trauma, grief, or interpersonal conflicts, Katelyn will make mastering these techniques feel simple and have you fully prepared to use them the very next day.

When you watch Katelyn you’ll discover the keys to clinical mindfulness so you can:

  • Use proven tools to help clients manage their trauma triggers and interrupt anxiety
  • Skillfully utilize exercises that cultivate present moment awareness and reduce avoidance
  • Heighten clients’ consciousness of thoughts, emotions and physical sensations
  • Master techniques to regulate intense urges and impulses
  • Seamlessly integrate mindfulness into your therapeutic practice with Katelyn’s pro tips
  • Reinforce what you learn through real-life case examples and specific therapeutic scenarios

Bringing the very best mindfulness-based interventions into your practice has never been easier.

Take the guess work out of “what mindfulness intervention should I use in this situation” with Katelyn’s expert guidance and make your treatment more effective than ever before.

Purchase now!

Program Information


  1. Utilize DBT mindfulness skills to promote emotional regulation, enhance distress tolerance, and foster interpersonal effectiveness.
  2. Apply mindfulness strategies from ACT to help clients enhance their ability to stay present in the moment and cultivate non-judgmental awareness.
  3. Analyze the impact of traumatic experiences on the development and maintenance of symptoms and avoidance and describe the role of mindfulness in mitigating these symptoms.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of mindfulness exercises as interventions for reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  5. Identify potential benefits and drawbacks of mindfulness-based interventions for individuals experiencing grief and connect to the implications for clinical practice in supporting individuals coping with loss.
  6. Gain insight into the various ways in which therapists incorporate mindfulness techniques into treatment, the challenges they encounter, and the strategies they employ to address these challenges.


DBT Mindfulness Skills for Almost Any Client: Reduce Clients’ Stress, Increase Their Self-Awareness, and Help Them Regulate Emotions

  • Mindful Breathing techniques to reduce stress and anxiety in your clients
  • Present Moment exercises for awareness of thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations
  • Urge Surfing techniques to help clients regulate intense urges and reduce impulsivity
  • Non-judgmental Stance exercises to improve self-esteem and reduce interpersonal conflict

The Clinician’s Guide to ACT Mindfulness Interventions: 4 Top Tools for Clients to Manage Negative Thoughts and Build Resilience

  • Mindful Acceptance for non-judgmental attitude towards thoughts and emotions
  • Defusion techniques to help clients distance themselves from negative thoughts
  • Values Identification and Commitment for motivation and greater sense of purpose
  • Self-compassion practices for improved selfesteem and resilience

Revitalize Trauma and Anxiety Treatment with Mindfulness: Complementary Techniques for Managing Triggers, Interrupting Anxiety and Reducing Avoidance

  • Grounding exercises to manage triggers following traumatic experiences
  • Body Scanning techniques for greater awareness of bodily sensations
  • Mindful Breathing techniques to reduce physical tension and promote relaxation
  • Power of the Pause exercise to slow automatic anxiety responses and increase sense of control
  • Thought-Stopping techniques to interrupt and redirect anxiety-provoking thoughts
  • Mindful Exposure and Response Prevention techniques to help clients reduce avoidance behaviors

Mindfulness for Grief and Loss: Help Clients Reflect, Accept and Cultivate Gratitude for Healthier Grieving

  • Mindful Reflection exercises for greater insight and acceptance following loss
  • Techniques to develop non-judgmental attitudes towards grief-related thoughts
  • Cultivating Gratitude to increase resilience and improve mood
  • Compassionate Presence for improved emotional regulation and reduced distress

Strategies for Integrating Mindfulness Techniques into Clinical Practice

  • Practical tips and strategies for integrating mindfulness techniques into your clinical work
  • Case examples of mindfulness used in specific therapeutic scenarios
  • Avoiding misapplication
  • Addressing the needs of diverse populations and cultures
  • Research, risks and limitations of mindfulness-based interventions

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Case Managers
  • School Counselors
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Therapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 10/19/2023