Full Course Description

2-Day EMDR Seminar: A Rapid, Safe, and Proven Treatment for Trauma

Clients dealing with trauma aren’t always receptive to the therapeutic process. 

…and, using treatment techniques that repeatedly confront clients with the horrific details of the traumas that haunt them can cause them to be avoidant, reactionary, or completely withdrawn. 

It’s painful for client and clinician alike, and it doesn’t feel like healing.

That’s where EMDR comes in.  One of the best and most effective therapies available today, it’s exactly what you need to help your clients gently explore their pain and move toward healing.

In this on-demand EMDR seminar you will discover how this powerful, evidence-based treatment has helped thousands of clients safely and rapidly process their traumas without the need to focus on explicit details!

You’ll learn:

  • How EMDR can be used to overcome avoidance in clients
  • How EMDR techniques can help clients resolve traumatic memories
  • When and with which clients EMDR should be used
  • How to emphasize safety during sessions
  • How the 8-phase model is used in treatment

And so much more!

Register now and start using EMDR today!

Program Information


  1. Describe the role of the autonomic nervous system in trauma symptomology.
  2. Articulate the clinical implications of the freeze response in trauma treatment.
  3. Characterize the potential neurobiological mechanisms of change in the EMDR approach.
  4. Demonstrate EMDR techniques can build dual awareness in clients to treat the avoidance that makes trauma treatment challenging.
  5. Demonstrate the 8 Phases of the EMDR protocol.
  6. Assess clients to determine the appropriateness and potential risks of using EMDR.
  7. Analyze resourcing strategies from EMDR to facilitate the processing of trauma.
  8. Utilize EMDR techniques to reinforce and activate positive neural networks.
  9. Modify EMDR to work with complex/developmental trauma to directly treat traumatic memories.
  10. Evaluate strategies to foster the critical connection between client and therapist in EMDR therapy.
  11. Articulate the research limitations and potential risks associated with EMDR.
  12. Establish the order of operations for attachment-based EMDR treatment to resolve relational trauma.


Trauma and Neuroscience

  • Key brain areas involved in trauma
  • Polyvagal Theory, and types of freeze responses
  • Trauma and insecure attachment
  • The neuroscience of developmental trauma 
  • Clinical implications of the freeze response

How the EMDR Approach Works

  • The neuroscience of exposure therapy and cognitive therapy
  • The neuroscience of relaxation exercises 
  • EMDR and other “transformative therapies”
  • Why  EMDR works so well from a brain perspective

Trauma Symptoms and Assessment Tools 

  • Traumatic memories and intrusive thoughts 
  • Phobias and anxiety: Insula hyperactivation 
  • Emotional hijackings and implicit memory 
  • Avoidance cluster of symptoms
  • Why treating avoidance in trauma is critical 
  • DSM-5® symptoms in a nutshell 
  • Connecting to a diagnosis
  • Simple vs. complex trauma 
  • Intergenerational trauma
  • Symptom clusters and physical manifestations
  • CAPS-5 and PCL-5
  • Primary Care PTSD Screen 
  • Dual diagnosis

Overcome Avoidance with EMDR

  • Dual awareness
  • What you are thinking about is the network you’re in
  • Activate networks for change
  • Neurons that fire together, wire together (Hebb’s Rule)
  • EMDR as neuroentrainment

When to Use EMDR in Treatment 

  • Demonstrations and experiential exercises 
  • Single event trauma
  • Anxiety disorders involving imaginal exposure

EMDR Trauma Treatment:


  • The Original 8-Phase Model
  • Client history and treatment planning 
  • How to resource: Create a safe space
  • Assessment: Choose a target, SUDS, connect with the image/emotions/thought
  • Desensitization: Tactile vs. auditory vs. eye movement
  • How to use touchpoints, Theratapper, CDs
  • Positive Cognition Installation: Likert scale 1-7
  • Body Scan: Locate tension and distress in the body
  • Closure: Close the neural network and the 6-hour window
  • Re-evaluation

Demonstration of Original 8-Phase Model

  • Presenter demonstration
  • Attendee dyad practice of the 8-phase model

EMDR Techniques to Resolve Traumatic Memories

  • Modifications for Complex/Developmental Trauma
  • Do not use standard protocol - Rationale for modifications
  • Resourcing strategies
  • Techniques to reinforce and activate positive neural networks
  • Relevance of Polyvagal Theory, early trauma, and EMDR
  • Sensory motor modifications and somatic approaches
  • How to build Dual Awareness
  • EMDR techniques to bring traumatic memories from the limbic system into the prefrontal cortex

Attachment-Based EMDR:

  • Strategies to Treat Relational Trauma
  • Strategies to foster the critical connection between client and therapist
  • Mirror neuron activation
  • How to emphasize safety during sessions 
  • Guidance on order of operations

Research Limitations and Potential Risks

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Psych Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 12/13/2023

Foundations of Somatic Therapy for Trauma: The 9 Key Techniques for Effective Body-Based Therapy

Every trauma healer needs to know how to work with pain trapped within the body.

But, there are so many ways to do somatic therapy… many therapists have been confused about where to start.

That’s why we’ve put together foundational training on how to implement essential body-based techniques with trauma and somatic healing expert, Abi Blakeslee.

This accessible training will give you the skills to start using somatic techniques including Somatic Experiencing™ skills, breathing exercises, Hakomi, Polyvagal, movement-based, and more with your next client.

Take a front-row seat to learn step-by-step how to implement somatic therapy techniques with all your clients. Join Abi to get first-hand experience as you learn from real session demonstrations how to…

  • Implement 9 key strategies for nervous system regulation to use with ANY client
  • Apply new research on neurobiology immediately in therapy
  • Avoid getting caught in “talk therapy” and quickly begin trauma processing
  • Help clients disempower the pain and reactivity to explicit and implicit trauma memories

Register now to become the therapist who can transform trauma in their client’s mind, body and spirit – all at once!

Program Information


  1. Differentiate somatic psychology from cognitive-based therapy approaches.
  2. Analyze perspectives and different schools of thought on somatic therapy approaches to develop a robust understanding of body-based treatments.
  3. Develop and understanding of polyvagal theory and therapy interventions to integrate into somatic approaches.
  4. Determine how to gather embodied goals that can be achieved during a session.
  5. Develop skills (grounding, centering, posture, container, expansion, etc.) to help regulate the autonomic nervous system.
  6. Formulate questions and reasons that invite conscious awareness of bodily sensation.
  7. Utilize different forms of attention to access interception.
  8. Identify signs of down-regulation and up-regulation in the nervous system, as well as other states of arousal.
  9. Articulate the difference between implicit and explicit timelines and the therapeutic impact.


Somatic Psychology: Bringing the Body into Therapy

  • Introduction to Somatic Psychology
  • The new science of interoception
  • How therapeutic change happens in the NOW
  • Let your client be their own expert
  • What is a “bottom up” approach?
  • Create kinesthetic awareness
  • Identify choice points for working with the nervous system
  • What to do when your clients can’t “think their way out”
  • Create harmony between parts of self
  • How to use metaphor to help clients regulate
Introception & The Insula: Mapping the Body & Nervous System in Therapy
  • Mapping the internal body and the story of the nervous system
  • What is the Insular Cortex and how can you engage it for healing trauma
  • How does information reach conscious awareness?
  • Countering the negativity bias in the brain
  • Breaking the loop of chronic stress
  • Explore the seat where the complex emotion and self-insight arises 
What Helps Clients Regulate
9 Strategies for nervous system regulation
  1. Grounding
  2. Multiple Examples of Orienting 
  3. Centering
  4. Posture
  5. Containment and the Body as a Container for affect and life experiences 
  6. Expansion
  7. Self Contact and the use of Character Structures and Developmental Repair Messages
  8. Mirroring
  9. Gentle Movement
Educate your Clients about the Autonomic Nervous System and how it Influences their Experiences
  • Introduction to the Window of Tolerance and Range of Resiliency Model
  • Create clear goals for somatic work using the Window of Tolerance Model
  • Observe Exercises that teach clear biological markers and interoceptive experiences of the Sympathetic, transitional states, and parasympathetic nervous system
  • Learn how to support and observe down regulation in your client’s body
  • Introduction to Implicit and Explicit Memory Research
  • Work with implicit and explicit timelines
  • Re-integrate clients to a sense of present time

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Psych Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 03/29/2023

EMDR Integration with Somatic Therapy and Parts Work: Interventions for Trauma, PTSD, Attachment Injuries and Dissociation

EMDR, parts work, and somatic therapy are three of the most popular approaches right now…

But, the problem is that there is little training on how to integrate these incredibly effective modalities. Here’s the good news for you

With 30 years’ experience teaching clinicians like you, a premier expert in EMDR, somatic and parts work therapy, Sandra Paulsen, PhD, will guide you through the steps to enhance EMDR by integrating these powerful approaches.

From Sandra’s step-by-step teaching style, you’ll gain the skills to modify and customize EMDR at any stage of treatment, for any type of client trauma. You’ll be able to target your client’s trauma whether it’s stored in the body, memories or present. Walk away with skills and techniques to:

  • Create step-by-step treatment plans, so you know exactly what to do in each phase of EMDR treatment
  • Do somatic work with clients that frees their body from trapped pain
  • Integrate parts work to resolve childhood trauma and other internal conflicts
  • Harness the power of neuroaffective approaches to calm your client’s nervous system

Get the training to harness the power of three revolutionary approaches to psychotherapy – enhance your practice and offer a path forward for your client’s healing!

Register now!

Program Information


  1. Practice questions at intake point to case formulation and treatment planning. 
  2. Evaluate six somatic methods to enhance trauma processing and embodiment.
  3. Conceptualize three critical cornerstones of ego state therapy. 
  4. Practice four modifications to the standard EMDR protocol when using the Early Trauma modifications for trauma in the attachment period.
  5. Evaluate four neuroaffective strategies that facilitate trauma processing efficacy. 
  6. Practice dialogues to connect with client’s traumatized parts sensitively.


How & Why to Modify EMDR?

  • Basics of the initial interview
  • Tune into client’s unspoken story
  • The guiding decision process for integration
  • When to use standard vs modified EMDR
EMDR for Early Trauma & Neglect
  • Apply main EMDR Strategies 
  • Determine level of “aggressor loyalty”
  • Spot missed milestones
  • Birth, attachment & narcissistic parenting trauma
  • Repair client’s imagination
  • Specific strategies:
    • Containment
    • Resource State
    • Reset affective circuits
Somatic Empathy & The Body
  • Is the client embodied?
  • Test somatic sensation tolerance
  • Identify implicit memories
  • Listen to your clients non-verbal “bio-story” 
  • New evidence-based strategies
    • Tracking, spontaneous oscillation, somatic micromovements
Parts Work Therapy for High Dissociation
  • Speak directly to clients’ parts
  • Dissolve client’s loyalty to aggressor
  • Visually access client’s “dissociative table/conference room”
  • Disempower internalized “head honchos” 
  • Be an “ACT-AS-IF” Architect
    • Containment strategies, Trauma Accessing, Desensitization & more
Brining it All Together: NEST™ Principles, A Framework for Integration
  • Assessment and screening
  • Neuroaffective strategies
  • Embodiment through Somatic Therapy
  • Self-System through Ego State Therapy
  • Integrated Therapy for trauma resolution
  • Create a NEST™ treatment plan
  • Know when and how to incorporate each principle
  • Case Studies:
    • Greta – PTSD, anxiety, hears voices, disordered eating
    • Frank – Failed relationships, numb, intellectualizes, substance abuse 

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
  • Therapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 10/03/2022

Integrative EMDR & Modified Protocols

Complex trauma occurs as a result of repeated or chronic exposure to extremely threatening events from which escape is impossible. As a result of C-PTSD, clients are more likely to develop feelings of profound helplessness and powerlessness with little trust that their actions will make a difference in the outcome their lives. It is common to feel unsure about how to best support clients who feel immense shame or despair as a result of their interpersonal wounds. However, with the right training and skills you can build your confidence to effectively help clients through what may otherwise seem like a clinical impasse.  

EMDR therapy is an instrumental tool that helps clients process disturbing memories through desensitizing related images, thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. Clients with Complex PTSD and early childhood developmental trauma are at greater risk for dissociation or emotional flooding; both of which can lead to re-traumatization if not addressed by the therapist. Within this course, you will learn how to safely work with client’s emotions, sensations, and psychophysiological arousal associated with dissociative states. This requires the integration of mindful body-awareness within EMDR as well as an understanding of how to attend to client’s ego states through parts work.      

Program Information


  1. Describe the neurobiology of C-PTSD and dissociation through the lens of polyvagal theory.  
  2. Recognize emotional and physiological dysregulation as “parts” of self. 
  3. Model modified EMDR therapy protocols that will allow you to create a safe healing environment for clients with a history of complex traumatization. 


Developmental Trauma and Complex PTSD 

  • More prone to dissociation and fragmentation and  
  • Requires skillful tools to unburden parts carrying the wounds of the past 

Modified Treatment Protocols  

  • Safely work with client’s emotions, sensations, and psychophysiological arousal associated with dissociative states 
  • Strategies rooted in mindfulness and compassion to decrease defensiveness  
  • Integration of Parts Work and EMDR therapies   
  • Safely reprocess complex trauma rooted in developmental or sociocultural events 

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 10/13/2023