Full Course Description

Treating Adult Clients of Emotionally Immature Parents: How Your Clients Can Reclaim Their Lives from the Toxic Legacy of Controlling, Rejecting or Self-Involved Parents

No matter what you treat, we all work with clients trying to overcome the wounds inflicted by emotionally immature, insensitive, self-absorbed, and controlling parents.

As a therapist, working with these clients can leave you feeling frustrated and ineffective as they make the same self-destructive choices again and again, struggle to set healthy boundaries, find themselves unable to walk away from the role of “rescuer” in toxic relationships, and only say what they think others want to hear – including in therapy.

Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD, is the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting or Self-Involved Parents. A psychotherapist for over thirty years, her work has been translated into 34 languages and has helped thousands of people reverse their toxic psychological legacy and reclaim their lives.

Watch her as she shows you how you can find greater therapeutic success with clinical strategies to help your clients take control of their relationships and lives, break free from harmful patterns, connect more deeply with themselves and others, and become the person they were always meant to be.

The invaluable tools Dr. Gibson will share can help all therapists:

  • Skillfully guide clients in how they can restructure toxic relationships with parents and others
  • Free clients from the fear, shame, and self-doubt that traps them in a life of emotional coercion
  • Teach clients to protect themselves from hurtful behaviors without completely severing all ties
  • Give clients the courage to set boundaries without feeling guilty

This is one training you can’t afford to miss! Purchase today!

Program Information


  1. Distinguish between psychopathology and emotional immaturity, and establish how a disease concept model can impede therapeutic progress.
  2. Demonstrate practical communication skills that clients can use to protect themselves and redirect interactions with emotionally immature people.
  3. Utilize cognitive and emotional techniques to teach clients how they can set boundaries without feeling guilty.
  4. Employ interventions that help clients regain self-trust and the ability to identify emotionally immature control maneuvers.
  5. Formulate a treatment strategy that teaches clients how to evade attempts to undermine their mental freedom, inner-world connection, sense of goodness, and ability to reach out to others.
  6. Apply effective therapy approaches to release clients from emotional coercion and self-doubt in emotionally immature relationships.


Spotting Emotional Immaturity: Teach Clients to Understand Emotional Immaturity

  • Importance of describing over diagnosing
  • Projective identification and the Emotionally Immature Relationship System
  • Characteristics of emotional immaturity and maturity
  • What relationships feel like with emotionally immature people
How Emotionally Immature Parenting Impacts Your Clients: What You Can Expect When They Come for Therapy
  • Emotional loneliness and the fear of non-being
  • Good coping, emotional suffering; polyvagal effects
  • Self-disconnection and distrust of the inner world
  • The four horsemen of self-defeat
  • Loss of emotional autonomy and mental freedom
  • Healing fantasies, role-self, internalizer vs. externalizer styles
Cognitive and Emotional Techniques: What Works and What Doesn’t
  • Why clients find it so hard to break free from exploitation and emotional neglect
  • Why CBT and psychodynamic approaches aren’t enough
  • Exercises to help clients express themselves without anxiety
  • Teach clients to simultaneously disengage and become relationship leaders
  • How to define and use values as guideposts for the future
  • Phrasing suggestions, encouraging agency and showing how it’s done
End Emotional Takeovers and Coercion: Help Clients Achieve Emotional Autonomy from Emotionally Immature People
  • The emotionally immature person’s “distortion field”
  • Emotional coercion: how clients can spot and deflect control maneuvers
  • Communication skills to establish boundaries without guilt
  • When to sever ties with someone
Release Self-Doubt, Shame, and Fear: Clinical Tools and Interventions to Help Clients Find Their True Selves
  • Techniques to release clients’ feelings of personal “badness”
  • Interventions to address fears of being selfish and incapable of love
  • Tuning into energy shifts to track safety, unreliability, and threat in others
  • Repurpose self-doubt, shame, fear and guilt
  • Practicing experiencing emotionally intimate connection
Practice Tips for Working with the Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
  • Using countertransference effectively
  • Honoring personal style
  • Invitation, collaboration and celebration vs. direction and persuasion
  • How to phrase suggestions
  • Research and treatment limitations

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 08/25/2023

No matter what you treat, we all work with clients trying to overcome the wounds inflicted by emotionally immature, insensitive, self-absorbed, and controlling parents.

As a therapist, working with these clients can leave you feeling frustrated and ineffective as they make the same self-destructive choices again and again, struggle to set healthy boundaries, find themselves unable to walk away from the role of “rescuer” in toxic relationships, and only say what they think others want to hear – including in therapy.

Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD, is the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting or Self-Involved Parents. A psychotherapist for over thirty years, her work has been translated into 34 languages and has helped thousands of people reverse their toxic psychological legacy and reclaim their lives.

Watch her as she shows you how you can find greater therapeutic success with clinical strategies to help your clients take control of their relationships and lives, break free from harmful patterns, connect more deeply with themselves and others, and become the person they were always meant to be.

The invaluable tools Dr. Gibson will share can help all therapists:

  • Skillfully guide clients in how they can restructure toxic relationships with parents and others
  • Free clients from the fear, shame, and self-doubt that traps them in a life of emotional coercion
  • Teach clients to protect themselves from hurtful behaviors without completely severing all ties
  • Give clients the courage to set boundaries without feeling guilty

This is one training you can’t afford to miss! Purchase today!

No matter what you treat, we all work with clients trying to overcome the wounds inflicted by emotionally immature, insensitive, self-absorbed, and controlling parents.

As a therapist, working with these clients can leave you feeling frustrated and ineffective as they make the same self-destructive choices again and again, struggle to set healthy boundaries, find themselves unable to walk away from the role of “rescuer” in toxic relationships, and only say what they think others want to hear – including in therapy.

Lindsay C. Gibson, PsyD, is the Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting or Self-Involved Parents. A psychotherapist for over thirty years, her work has been translated into 34 languages and has helped thousands of people reverse their toxic psychological legacy and reclaim their lives.

Watch her as she shows you how you can find greater therapeutic success with clinical strategies to help your clients take control of their relationships and lives, break free from harmful patterns, connect more deeply with themselves and others, and become the person they were always meant to be.

The invaluable tools Dr. Gibson will share can help all therapists:

  • Skillfully guide clients in how they can restructure toxic relationships with parents and others
  • Free clients from the fear, shame, and self-doubt that traps them in a life of emotional coercion
  • Teach clients to protect themselves from hurtful behaviors without completely severing all ties
  • Give clients the courage to set boundaries without feeling guilty

This is one training you can’t afford to miss! Purchase today!

Emotional Dysregulation in Emotionally Immature (EI) People: When Parents Are Terrified of Feelings

You want to help your clients ease the pain of rejection from their emotionally immature parent…

But how do you help them to understand that the problem isn’t them, but rather is rooted in the emotional dysregulation of the parent?

This cutting-edge training with Dr. Lindsay Gibson shows how an emotionally immature parent’s fear of unbearable emotional arousal is rooted in their tendencies toward emotional dysregulation, rendering them unable to respond to their child’s bids for connection and comfort. This has profound effects on the Adult Child of Emotionally Immature Parents (ACEIP) client who isn’t in a position to understand the defensive nature of their parent’s emotional withdrawal, tension, and retreat into chronic superficiality.

You’ll be able to:

  • Help clients deal with the loneliness and lowered self-esteem that comes from parental emotional dysregulation and distance-keeping
  • Show your client how relational trauma and the paralyzing fear of being overwhelmed by emotions destroys the EI parent’s capacity for clear, honest communication
  • Teach your clients how to communicate most effectively with an EI parent prone to emotional dysregulation
  • Uncover the real reasons behind unpredictable emotional disruptions in the parent-child bond
  • Guide your clients through the emotional minefield of trying to resolve disagreements with emotionally immature parents, while diminishing feelings of defeat

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to help your clients navigate the rough waters of dealing with an emotionally immature parent.

Purchase today!

Program Information


  1. List 5 developmental factors that affect a person’s capacity for emotional self-regulation.
  2. Identify how the emotional dysregulation from emotionally immature parents leads to emotional loneliness.


The Development of Emotional Self-Regulation

  • Why all these emotions?
  • What healthy emotional self-regulation looks like
  • Dyadic beginnings of emotional regulation
  • When the parent also is emotionally dysregulated
  • Effects of avoiding right hemisphere resonance and engagement – Primal Wound
  • Techniques for learning self-regulation (free writing, self-compassion, selftalk, parts work)

How Emotional Dysregulation Leads to Limited Self-Development and Existential Insecurity

  • Limitations of research and risks to consider
  • How self-development depends on self-regulation
  • EIPs’ terror of abandonment, powerlessness, worthlessness, and non-being
  • Best approaches to avoid triggering EIP’s loss of control and existential fears

Blocked Communication Connection Prevents Resolution, Repair, and Reunion

  • Avoidance of emotional intimacy through superficial communication
  • Tangential, disrupted communication: maintains control through destroying meaning
  • Egocentric communication to block meaningful, reciprocal exchange
  • Plan for defeat and narrow goals to what is controllable and achievable

Deal with Fear and Envy of Emotional Openness and Intimacy

  • Hostile toward child’s inner individualistic world (thoughts, feelings, dreams)
  • Appeal for connection provokes emotional dysregulation and defensive attack on joy, mutuality, outreach
  • Why EIPs seem more available at times
  • Use imaginary encounters and role play to practice self-expression
  • Focus on what you want to say, not whether or not you’re reaching them

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 04/30/2024

Boundary Setting Strategies: How Your Clients Can Reclaim Emotional Autonomy

Attempts to set boundaries with toxic and emotionally manipulative people are often met with demeaning abuse designed to instill guilt, shame, fear, and self-doubt. Their victims are left feeling confused, selfish for having their own needs, and convinced they must make the abuser happy with them at any cost.

In this session, Dr. Lindsay Gibson, clinical psychologist and international best-selling author, will show you experiential emotional techniques your clients can use to set boundaries and free themselves from emotional tyranny.

Program Information


  1. Investigate defenses and emotionally coercive tactics of the narcissistic personality.
  2. Use psychoeducation and self-concept development to help empower clients to set healthy boundaries in relationships.
  3. Apply emotional and experiential techniques that will help clients protect themselves against emotional coercion.


  • Why clients seek the narcissist’s approval
  • Build boundary setting skills through psychoeducation and self-concept development
  • Strategies to decrease the impact of emotional coercion tactics

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
  • Therapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Other Mental Health Professionals

Copyright : 01/28/2022