Full Course Description

Module 1: Introduction to the Six Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine

Have you ever heard… “Patients don't change.” “Don't waste your valuable few minutes on counseling; better to use medications, which we know work.”   It’s time to change this perception!

In primary care, we have all been challenged by our patients with co-morbidities…hypertension, depression, obesity, prediabetes, chronic pain, and more. 

We all know about the specialty of preventive medicine…but lifestyle medicine remains elusive for many of us. 

So how do we offer evidence-based lifestyle medicine interventions as the first and primary mode of preventing and, when appropriate, treating chronic disease?  

We all know that modifiable behaviors – especially unhealthy eating and physical inactivity – are major drivers of death, disease, and healthcare costs….but we don’t all focus on this in our practice. 

What you will learn how to….

  • Empower patients and equip them with tools necessary for self-care and self-management of lifestyle-related health problems 
  • Create a practice environment that supports healthy lifestyle and choices
  • Incorporate lifestyle changes for diabetes, cardiovascular disease… and more! 
  • Transform your practice and incorporate lifestyle medicine into every encounter. 

When you are trained in lifestyle medicine you are able to diagnose patients, prescribe medications only as needed, and create individualized treatment plans for promoting healthy lifestyles. You can improve patient outcomes and see sustainable results!

In this course, you will hear from six experts in lifestyle medicine, clinicians who are incorporating these practices every day.  You will receive the information you need to:

  • Implement lifestyle interventions in time-strapped clinical practices
  • Use health coaching to facilitate behavior change in key lifestyle areas
  • Control Cardiovascular Disease…Lipid control, hypertension, and blood pressure control
  • Manage Diabetes…prevent and reverse the symptoms
  • Assess patient’s strengths and weaknesses, resources, preferences, and stage of change
  • Learn to treat, reverse, and prevent chronic disease through lifestyle change
  • Supplement the care you deliver
  • Use lifestyle medicine with your pediatric patients

Bonus!  You will receive downloadable PDF handouts from the American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Earn up to 12.5 CE hours!

Program Information


  1. Describe ways that components of lifestyle medicine can be incorporated into a care setting.
  2. Determine the disease processes lifestyle medicine can make a difference.
  3. Counsel patients on the whole food, plant based nutrition and its impact on health.
  4. Counsel patients on physical activity and its impact on health.
  5. Counsel patients on ways to incorporate stress management techniques to improve their health
  6. Counsel patients on the avoidance of risky and their impact on health.
  7. Counsel patients on restorative sleep approaches its impact on health.
  8. Counsel patients on the value of social connection and ways it can impact their health.
  9. Identify issues related to health equity in the implementation of lifestyle medicine.
  10. Determine the stages of pediatric development and its relationship to lifestyle medicine practices.
  11. Identify a stepwise approach to implementing lifestyle medicine in practice.
  12. Analyze a patient’s medication history to evaluate the opportunity to deprescribe.
  13. Implement health coaching to help patients make lifestyle changes. 


Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine

  • Where does lifestyle medicine can make a difference…diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain
  • Why lifestyle medicine should be a priority
  • Core Competencies
Whole Food, Plant Based Nutrition
  • Why
  • Counseling patients
Physical Activity
  • How much is right?
  • Counseling patients
Stress Management
  • What are stressors?
  • Stress impact
  • Stress relief
Avoidance of Risky Substances
  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Medication overuse
Restorative Sleep
  • Tips for sleep
  • Benefits

Social Connection

  • Family and Friends
  • Social activities

Lifestyle Medicine in Pediatric Health Care

  • Unique needs for children
  • Counseling parents

Health Equity and Lifestyle Medicine

  • Health for all
  • Habits for all

Taking the Leap – Change your Practice

  • Changing your Mindset
  • Motivational Interviewing/Health Coaching
  • Deprescribing

Target Audience

  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Clinical Nurse Specialists
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physicians
  • Dieticians

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 2: Whole Food, Plant Based Nutrition

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 3: Physical Activity

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 4: Stress Management

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 5: Avoidance of Risky Substances

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 6: Restorative Sleep

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 7: Social Connection

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 8: Lifestyle Medicine in Pediatric Health Care

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 9: Health Equity and Lifestyle Medicine

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Module 10: Taking the Leap – Change your Practice

Copyright : 08/09/2023

Intersection of Nutrition and Fitness

Lifestyle is discussed as the gold standard of health care … but behavior change is not easy, especially when working toward change with nutrition and fitness. In this recorded session, view nationally recognized wellbeing expert, Chris Mohr, PhD, RD, to explore men’s health and the relationship between lifestyle, nutrition and fitness when working toward well-being goals. You’ll learn simple, yet powerful techniques with nutrition and fitness recommendations that easily fit into your treatment sessions. You’ll also get to weigh in on combatting common weight loss, popular diet and exercise myths. What are you waiting for? Register today to integrate lifestyle medicine into your practice and help men make healthy a habit.

Program Information


  1. Develop a set of nutrition and fitness recommendations that help to meet individual body composition goals.
  2. Debate common weight loss, popular diet and exercise myths with science-based approaches to help patients meet individual goals.
  3. Utilize appropriate interview techniques to lead patients through the steps of successful change and habit implementation.
  4. Implement the powerful concept of “habit stacking” for long lasting behavior change to prevent, treat or reverse disease using effective lifestyle medicine techniques.


Relation of Nutrition and Fitness to each other and into overall wellness

  • Is one more important than the other?
  • The role of each in overall well-being
  • The role of exercise in weight loss (and health)
  • The role of nutrition in weight loss (and health)
Nutrition & Common Eating Patterns
  • SAD – ultra processed and high calorie
  • Diet wars:
    • Keto, low carb, intermittent fasting
  • Nutrition and hydration recommendations
  • The power of plants
  • How to balance a plate
Bust Common Weight Loss and Exercise Myths
  • Can you out exercise a poor diet?
  • Fad diets, shakes and cleanses
  • Cardio is the most important for weight loss
  • Spot reduction
Exercise Recommendations and Strategies to Make it a Habit
  • Strength
  • Cardio
  • Stretching
Behavior Change Tactics for Lifestyle Medicine
  • Interview techniques to identify goals and habit change prioritization
  • Habit stacking for long lasting behavior change

Target Audience

  • Chiropractors
  • Dietitians
  • Exercise Physiologists
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Personal Trainers
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapy Assistants 
  • Registered Nurses
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaches

Copyright : 05/15/2023

Sleep: The True Fix-All of Health & Human Performance

Sleep has become a “hot topic” over the last 10 years, but is it really as powerful as we think? Are naps bad? Does alcohol help you sleep? Is it okay to sleep in? What about sleep apps and wearables? This lecture will provide details about sleep, its impact on health and performance, sleep mythology, and answer many more questions regarding this essential element to performance, life, and well-being.

Program Information


  1. Investigate the 4 domains of health and human performance and how they impact patient care: cognitive, physical, social, and emotional.
  2. Evaluate the impact of sleep deprivation and sleep extension as it relates to human physiology in the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional domains.
  3. Determine sleep strategies for optimizing sleep in order to enhance human performance.


Sleep: The True Fix-All of Health & Human Performance

  • Fatigue
  • 4-Domains of Health and Human Performance
  • Impacts of sleep (and not enough)
  • Impacts of sleep deprivation
  • Sleep debt
  • Sleep Extension
  • Sleep and the Physical Domain
  • Sleep and the Cognitive Domain
  • Sleep in the Social Domain
  • Sleep in the Emotional Domain
  • Sleep Strategies
  • Sleep Technologies
  • Resource to Learn More

Target Audience

  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Physician Assistants
  • Pharmacists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapy Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Chiropractors
  • Dietitians
  • Exercise Physiologists
  • Strength and Conditioning Coaches
  • Athletic Trainers

Copyright : 05/15/2023

Disordered Drinking: A Shame-Free Approach to Helping Clients Examine Their Relationship with Alcohol

Do you work with clients whose drinking has become problematic but who don’t identify as “alcoholics”? 

Perhaps they don’t meet criteria for an alcohol use disorder. Perhaps they have zero interest in traditional abstinence-based treatment methods that involve going to rehab or attending 12-step groups. And, above all, you’re not a “substance use counselor.” 

You’re not alone. Many clients struggle with excessive alcohol use, or disordered drinking, but are unwilling to question their relationship with alcohol without feeling pressured to admit they are an alcoholic. This type of problematic alcohol use is rampant, underreported, and showing up in clinician offices everywhere.    

Watch Amanda E. White, LPC, clinician, author, and a sober person herself, for this 3-hour recording, as she teaches you how to help clients pivot away from the question “Am I an alcoholic?” and consider instead “Would my life be better without alcohol?”  

Using a harm-reduction approach that meets clients wherever they are on the journey to sobriety, Amanda will show you how to help clients: 

  • Explore their alcohol use in a non-stigmatizing way 

  • Build the motivation to cut back or abstain from alcohol altogether 

  • Work through barriers to recovery and relapse prevention 

  • Optimize the three essential tools for recovery from disordered drinking—whether they choose to stop drinking or not 

  • And so much more! 

Program Information


  1. Utilize clinical interventions with clients who exhibit problematic drinking behavior. 
  2. Create treatment goals and skills for clients who identify as disordered drinkers.  
  3. Appraise clients’ barriers to treatment. 


Alcohol Use Disorders (AUDs) v. Disordered Drinking 

When does drinking become a disorder? 

Changes from DSM IV to V criteria for AUDs (and what they mean for clients) 

Who are we leaving out? 

Countertransference: Exploring our own biases around alcohol 

Unpacking cultural expectations and dispelling myths about alcohol 

3 Essential Tools for Recovery: Emotion Regulation, Boundaries, and Self-Care 

The Iceberg Theory 

Strategies to help clients identify and process their emotions  

Six types of boundaries 

Why alcohol isn’t self-care (and exploring what is) 


Barriers to Recovery and Relapse Prevention:  

When clients’ jobs, families, and social lives revolve around alcohol 

Sober dating, socializing, and sex 

Supporting your client when their partner still drinks 

Types of triggers and how to realistically plan for them 

Coping with cravings and urge surfing 


Harm Reduction: Mindful Drinking and Moderation 

What is harm reduction?  

Evidence supporting harm reduction 

How to help clients identify when moderation isn’t working 

Mindful drinking practices 

Copyright : 01/10/2023

Implementing Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing is widely used and it is an efficient way to get your patients to increase their motivation to change. But, knowing how and when to implement the techniques isn’t an easy skill to master. In this program Marlisa Brown, will demonstrate different strategies by reviewing her own successful techniques. These insightful and practical tips will increase your confidence and enhance your motivational interviewing skills. Don’t miss this opportunity to improve the care you provide; your patients will thank you!

Program Information

Target Audience

Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Specialists


  1. Assess a patient’s readiness to change.
  2. Select the appropriate response based on motivational interviewing techniques.
  3. Evaluate the patient’s emotional state and utilize appropriate counseling skills.
  4. Adapt a more individualized approach to patient care.


Methods of Assessment

  • Identifying Patient Concerns
  • Working as the Collaborator, Not the Expert
Know your Role with Behavior Change
  • The 80/20 Talking Rule
  • Stages of Change
  • Behavior Change Strategies
  • SMART Goals
  • Motivational Interviewing Techniques
Helpful Tools
  • Learning Styles
  • Psycho-Social Considerations
  • Environment & Economic Considerations
  • Cultural Competency

Copyright : 04/28/2018

Pediatric Nutrition: Supporting Healthy Growth through the Early Life Stages

Pediatric nutrition requires a different skillset than managing nutrition for adults. If you’re not familiar with nutrition for babies or bigger kids, making recommendations to parents can be tricky and even intimidating. This session will help providers understand how to evaluate growth, discuss basic nutrition concepts that they should understand when taking care of pediatric patients, and review some common scenarios and interventions seen in pediatric primary care. 

Program Information


  1. Evaluate growth of infants, toddlers, and older children.
  2. Determine nutrition needs for infancy, childhood, and adolescence.  
  3. Discuss appropriate diets for different age groups from infancy through teenage years.


Evaluating Growth of Infants through Teenagers 
Nutrition Needs and Considerations for Different Life Stages 

  • Infant feeding 
    • Breastfeeding versus formula feeding 
    • Formula types 
    • Introducing complementary foods 
      • BLW versus conventional  
  • Nutrition concerns for toddler years 
    • Adequate portion sizes 
    • Selectiveness 
  • Grade school 
  • Teenagers 
Special Considerations 
  • Common Childhood Nutrient Deficiencies 
  • Pediatric malnutrition 
  • Obesity 
  • Food allergies 
  • Picky eating 
  • Constipation 
Case studies for common scenarios 
  • Infant with poor growth 
  • Toddler with picky eating 
  • Teenager with weight loss due to anxiety/depression 

Target Audience

  • Nurses
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
  • Physician Assistants
  • Physicians

Copyright : 05/26/2023