Boundaries and Dual Relationships in Clinical Practice: Ethical and Risk Management Challenges

As clinicians we come face to face with ethical “gray areas” daily and often skate around potential issues that could put our businesses, clinical work, or clients in jeopardy.

And of these “gray areas,” boundary issues and dual relationship challenges are a leading cause of lawsuits and licensing board complaints filed against behavioral health practitioners.

In this training you’ll receive a truly expert analysis of a range of boundary issues that behavioral health practitioners encounter. From the ethics of intimate relationships with clients and former clients; the healthy parameters of practitioners’ self-disclosure; boundary challenges when working and living in small and rural communities to the use of nontraditional interventions and so much more!

So watch ethics expert and former chair of the task force that wrote the NASW Code of Ethics, Frederic Reamer, PhD, as he provides guidance to behavioral health practitioners who grapple with these challenging situations and their aftermath. Dr. Reamer will cover a myriad of ethical dilemmas that behavioral health practitioners face in their careers and provides practical ethics-informed advice and actionable solutions. You’ll also learn:

Purchase today and avoid ethical entanglements that risk your professional liability!