Neuroscientific advances in memory reconsolidation enable us to achieve therapeutic breakthroughs with previously unheard of consistency. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to engage the neural process that decommissions implicit learnings that drive PTSD, compulsive behaviors, and insecure attachment. You’ll see how reconsolidation underlies the effectiveness of a wide range of therapies and is key to transformational change. Videos and live demonstration will show you how to mobilize the brain’s power to unlock and dissolve long-entrenched schemas, ego states, and emotional conditionings. You’ll discover:
This recording is intended only for mental health professionals and trainees.
Common therapeutic factors across diverse approaches
Permanence of transformational change
History and research
Nonverbal, implicit structure
Schemas and their self-protective function
Brain circuits involved
Challenges of incremental learning and change
Symptom cessation
Effortless permanence
Guided contradictory experience
Juxtaposition with target schema
Symptom identification
Retrieving underlying schema
Finding contradictory experiences
Dissolution of schema
Evaluating presence of multiple schemas
Therapist factors
Potential complications
Symptom deprivation
Overt statements
Sentence completion
**This recording is intended only for mental health professionals and trainees.
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