A Clinician’s Guide to Gaslighting

Help survivors break free from the cycle of manipulation and begin to heal.

Many clinicians have difficulty recognizing and treating victims of gaslighting – an intense and long-term form of psychological abuse – especially now that it’s become such a misunderstood and misused cultural term. As a result, clients often struggle to release themselves from the effects of toxic or manipulative relationships, instead being left to question their perceptions and sense of reality.

A Clinician’s Guide to Gaslighting will be your number one tool for supporting and empowering these clients. Written by gaslighting expert Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, this workbook provides you with the tools needed to identify, validate, and treat the lasting effects of gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse. Inside, you’ll find resources, worksheets, handouts, and exercises to:

Gaslighting makes victims feel trapped, helpless, and powerless. As a clinician, your job is to recognize this manipulation and help clients regain control over their narrative. Let this book be your guide.