Module 2: LGBTQ Youth

Recently, the LGBTQ community has been in in the national spotlight for challenging issues like which bathroom a transgender person should use, increased youth suicide rates, and the Pulse nightclub tragedy. No wonder youth in our communities are scared to be open about who they are.

As a clinician, how are you supposed to help an LGBTQ youth when their parents are just not on board? Also as a clinician, do you know what type of treatment techniques to suggest when an transgender youth wants to prolong hitting puberty? These are the types of questions clinicians struggle with.

Join expert and author, Deb Coolhart, Ph.D., LMFT as she draws on her nearly 20 years of working with LGBTQ youth. Deb will show you effective clinical strategies for:

Working with these youth and families can be complex, requiring the balance of many seemingly opposing viewpoints. As a clinician, there is nothing more rewarding than facilitating these changes and watching families discover their own path towards understanding.


Coming Into an LGBTQ Identity and Coming Out to Others

Clinical Considerations

Differences within the LGBTQ Spectrum

Working with Families

LGBTQ-Affirmative School Environments


  1. Explain the pressures of youth growing into an LGBTQ identity.
  2. Navigate the coming out process with youth and families.
  3. Analyze LGBTQ youth clients’ level of risk and protective factors.
  4. Measure parents’ level of acceptance and help them gain increased support.
  5. Distinguish between the needs of LGBQ and transgender youth and their families.
  6. Determine when families are ready for gender transition.
  7. Formulate letters of support for medical gender transition treatments.
  8. Advocate for LGBTQ-affirmative school environments.

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