Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT): Breakthrough Treatment Techniques for Overcontrolled Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Chronic Depression and Anxiety

Full Course Description

The Missing Dialectic: How RO DBT differs from DBT - BONUS

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Target Audience

Copyright : 08/15/2019

Module 1: Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) for Disorders of Overcontrol

Program Information



  1. Recognize the importance of applying treatments that match individual clients’ styles of coping to improve clinical outcomes.
  2. Appraise the need for new treatments for clients with an overcontrolled style of coping that has remained largely unrecognized to date.
  3. Evaluate the efficacy of RO DBT for clients with an overcontrolled style of coping.
  4. Recognize the importance of feeling part of a tribe for mental and physical well-being and apply this knowledge to understanding the impact of the lack of feelings of belonginess for overcontrolled individuals.
  5. Compare and explain the differences between overcontrolled and undercontrolled bio-temperament and how these impact perception and emotion regulation strategies in social situations.
  6. Integrate the three components of the bio-social theory for disorders of overcontrol into your case formulization of clients.
  7. Utilize the bio-social theory for disorders of overcontrol with clients early on in treatment.
  8. Understand how our neural substrates are linked to social signaling and apply this knowledge to reverse the process by using body postures and facial expressions to activate neural substrates linked to social safety and reward.
  9. Integrate the neuroregulatory model with the bio-social theory for overcontrolled disorders to better understand why overcontrolled clients have trouble activating their social safety system.
  10. Apply the Big Three +1 Skill to activate social safety within yourself and teach this skill to your clients whenever tension is present
  11. Compare and assess the social signaling styles of overcontrolled and undercontrolled clients.
  12. Understand the common errors and assumptions made when assessing overcontrol and apply this knowledge to your own assessment procedures. 
  13. Use the Assessing Styles of Coping Word-Pair List to assess your own coping style.
  14. Use the OC Trait Rating scale to assess the degree of ‘OC caseness’ of overcontrolled clients.
  15. Compare and understand the differences between the two subtypes of overcontrol.
  16. Describe and apply the RO DBT treatment structure to your own practice.
  17. Understand the importance of RO therapeutic sequencing strategies.
  18. Describe the RO individual treatment target hierarchy including the five OC social signaling themes.
  19. Apply the bio-social theory to a case example.
  20. Use the five social signaling themes to organise a client’s maladaptive behavior in preparation of treatment targeting.
  21. Understand how to use the skills manual to select appropriate treatment interventions.

Target Audience

Copyright : 08/15/2019

Module 2: Social Bonds and Self Control: How Overcontrol Creates Problems in Our Lives

Copyright : 08/15/2019

Module 3: Bio-Social Theory for Disorders of Overcontrol: How Overcontrol Develops

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Module 4: The RO DBT Neuroregulatory Model: Start with Biotemperament

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Module 5: Assessing Overcontrol: Evaluating If RO DBT is Right for Your Clients

Copyright : 08/15/2019

Module 6: Treatment Structure & Targeting: Pulling It All Together

Copyright : 08/15/2019