More YOU: The Power of Passion

As a busy healthcare professional, it’s easy to forget the magic that you bring to the table every day: giving your all, always listening, invariably putting the patient need’s first.

And through all of that, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re starting to feel burnt out.

I know because I’ve been there...but then found my jump-off point where I determined what I wanted – and I went for it. Through this experiential session, you’ll explore how to:  

My goal is not for you to think what I think or do what I do.  My goal is for you to think, and do, what YOU have decided is right for YOU. Because after all, if you create something that can help someone, it becomes your responsibility to share it.

Live in fearless pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.  

What we often forget is that we hold the key to our future. We do have choices and we will never get the things we don’t ask for.

Whether it's improving patient buy-in, treating pain, or getting a new job, more you is the mojo. So before you join me for this session, ask yourself – what are you waiting for?