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Discover how to use AEDP to treat complex trauma!
The next cohort begins January 23, 2023

It’s terrifying when you’re in a session with a client suffering from waves of intense emotions…

Clients trapped in devastating flashbacks holding their body and emotions hostage…

Watching them struggle in a push-pull battle of disorganized attachment while navigating the inner turmoil caused by their traumatized, fragmented sense of self…

And as the clinician, it’s natural to be cautious of working with their intense emotion and to avoid directly using the therapeutic relationship to transform attachment patterns for your clients.

You need a proven process that takes you from avoidance, bypassing and fear to confidently navigating the deep waters of emotional processing and transformative relational healing in treating complex trauma and PTSD.

Rooted in attachment theory, affective neuroscience, body-based approaches and parts work, Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is designed to equip clients with the skills they need to address and deal with their painful emotional traumas, rather than resort to defensive tactics.

And in this all-new online course, you can join AEDP Institute Senior Faculty Kari Gleiser, PhD, and Natasha Prenn, LCSW, to discover how to harness the power of AEDP’s intra-relational interventions.

You’ll walk away with a proven map of how to work step by step with your patient’s emotional and relational experiences to guide your clients with attachment-based, experiential and transformative trauma interventions.

Kari and Natasha have trained therapists all over the world in this innovative new way to treat trauma and now it’s your opportunity to put AEDP to work in your practice.

Your journey starts now. Register today!

Essentials of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):

Radically Relational Interventions for Working with Complex Trauma
A 6-week online training cohort with 5 live, interactive Q&A calls

Program begins January 23, 2023

A $659.98 Value
Just $329.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Earn up to 20.75 CE Hours, get unlimited access to course materials, and a bonus CE training recording!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

This unique training opportunity offers a deeply interactive learning experience and grounding in Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP). Inside this course, you’ll join your AEDP experts and a cohort of colleagues on the path to discovering how to use AEDP in your practice.

Kari and Natasha will start with the basics of AEDP, the supporting research and theories, and how to use it inside of your practice. Then they’ll dive deep into how to use this unique modality to treat complex trauma and dissociative disorders.

You’ll walk away with the skills to engage with a patient’s fragmented inner world in a way that fosters healing and transformation, not dependency and enactment.

Register today and you’ll discover:

  • How to create powerful interventions utilizing your patient’s emotional and relational experiences
  • A new paradigm for doing parts work and provide immediately applicable skills in your practice with Complex Trauma survivors
  • Innovative techniques that develop secure attachment bonds between the therapist, patient and their dissociated parts

Experience AEDP in action! You’ll learn from role plays, video analysis and transcripts of actual therapy sessions while your experts introduce transformational skills that you can use right away in your sessions.

And as a special bonus, in this exclusive course, you and your colleagues will get your questions answered directly from Kari, Natasha and your cohort colleagues in weekly live zoom calls!

From the comfort of your own home or office, you’ll learn the basics of AEDP and how to apply it in treating complex trauma, dissociative disorders and integrate this modality seamlessly into your practice!

The first live call is on February 3, 2023, so don’t wait… Register today and discover how AEDP can transform your practice and the lives of your clients.

Essentials of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):

Radically Relational Interventions for Working with Complex Trauma
A 6-week online training cohort with 5 live, interactive Q&A calls

Program begins January 23, 2023

A $659.98 Value
Just $329.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Earn up to 20.75 CE Hours, get unlimited access to course materials, and a bonus CE training recording!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

Weekly Sessions
Each week for 6 weeks,
a new on-demand training module will be available.

5 Live Q&A Calls
Join Dr. Kari Gleiser and Natasha Prenn, LCSW, to discuss clinical cases and ask questions.

Online Community
Exclusive course forums where you can ask questions, network with colleagues and share ideas.

Exclusive Bonuses
Get access to all handouts, slides, and training materials, PLUS an extra training session with Dr. Kari Gleiser and IFS Senior Trainer Dr. Frank Anderson.

Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this online training without risk. If you’re not completely satisfied, let us know and we’ll make it right!
Module 1 | AEDP - Getting Started
Released January 23, 2023

In the first module, Kari and Natasha will begin to walk you through the fundamentals of AEDP, the key terminology you need to know, an introduction to the first 2 states that frame the AEDP process, and how it differs from other psychodynamic therapy modalities.
Module length: 3 hours and 29 minutes
  • How to work with State One: defenses and distress
  • The Triangle of Experience: Defense, anxiety, and Core affect
  • How to immediately bypass defenses to do safe experiential work
  • Differentiating transformance (patient’s innate drive to heal) from resistance
  • Moment-to-moment body and emotion tracking to build safety in session
  • What is meta-processing and why do we do it?
  • Recognizing power dynamics, privilege, and oppression in therapeutic dyads
  • Risks and Limitations of AEDP
Live Call: February 3, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time

Module 2 | How Attachment and Relational Interventions are Unique in AEDP
Released January 30, 2023

Module 2 continues through how AEDP leverages attachment theory to build a healing connection between the therapist and clients in a way that allows the therapist to show up as a real person… To connect in the moment with their clients and unlock the healing resources inherent in all of us.
Module length: 3 hours and 23 minutes
  • How attachment history informs emotional experience and sense of self
  • Recognizing and transforming Internal working models
  • Using the present moment experience of the therapeutic relationship as a healing tool
  • Authenticity, self-disclosure and therapist True Self as interventions
  • Learning to recognize and work with “Relational affects”
  • Building safety and secure attachment from the very first session and beyond
Live Call – February 10, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time

Module 3 | Working with Emotions as Healing Forces: State Two Work
Released February 6, 2023

In this module, you’ll dive deep into emotions and how to identify, differentiate and use them to help your clients heal. You’ll walk away with proven AEDP interventions that allow you to deepen the emotional connection and allow processing and healing to occur.
Module length: 2 hours and 53 minutes
  • Core affect & Parts work
  • Tracking sensation, impulse, the felt-sense of emotion
  • Differentiating healing affects from maladaptive affects from defensive affects
  • Learn about bodily-based adaptive action tendencies that emotions carry
  • Dyadic regulation of affect in session: relational and somatic tools
  • Use of ‘portrayals’ to deepen emotion and encourage a full wave of emotional processing
  • Intra-relational dialogues, portrayals, internal attachment patterns
Live Call – February 17, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time

Module 4 | Working with Emotions as Transformative Forces - States Three and Four
Released February 13, 2023

Module 4 takes us into States Three and Four – working with clients to recognize and amplify transformative positive emotions and enter a core state where their sense of truth is unlocked.
Module length: 3 hours and 27 minutes
  • The healing “spiral” and transformational affective and somatic experiences
  • Recognizing and amplifying positive emotions
  • Alternating experience and reflection to integrate experience
  • Meta-processing as a way of facilitating State 3 & 4
  • Core State: unlocking client’s wisdom, compassion, expansion and self-acceptance
Live Call – February 27, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time

Module 5 | Adapting AEDP to work with Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders
Released February 20, 2023

This module takes what you’ve learned from modules 1-4 and applies it to complex trauma and dissociative disorders. Walk away with a proven process, tools and interventions to use AEDP to treat complex trauma.

Module length: 3 hours
  • Recognize symptoms and presentation of complex trauma and disorganized attachment
  • Dyadic regulation to help survivors stay in the window of tolerance
  • Disentangling trauma “tangles” of diffuse, distressing emotion
  • Using “parts” language and interactions in dyadic regulation and emotional processing
  • Use of the present moment therapy relationship to ground from flashbacks and counter traumatic projection

Module 6 | Intra-relational interventions for working with Multiplicity and Fragmentation
Released February 27, 2023

The final module covers how to use parts work within the AEDP framework. You’ll discover how to create reparative experiences between patient and dissociated parts.

Module length: 3 hours and 9 minutes
  • Integrating attachment styles into parts work
  • Balancing experiential-attachment work interpersonally and intrapsychically
  • Use the intra-relational triangle as a tool to navigate experiential parts work
  • Creating healing/reparative experiences between patient and dissociated parts
  • Foster secure attachment across a patient’s internal system of parts

Live Call – March 17, 2023 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Central Time

Essentials of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):
Radically Relational Interventions for Working with Complex Trauma
A 6-week online training cohort with 5 live, interactive Q&A calls
  A $659.98 Value
Just $329.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!


Program begins January 23, 2023

Register today and get instant access to this FREE bonus (a $59.99 value)!
Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) & IFS for Trauma & Dissociation

Join Dr. Frank Anderson and Dr. Kari Gleiser as they discuss the similarities of AEDP and IFS.

In this free bonus CE session, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at two master clinicians talking about two different approaches to treating trauma and dissociation and the benefits of each.

Click here for information about Frank Anderson


Yes. The live sessions are an optional bonus for the course to provide you the opportunity to take what you are learning into your practice and get feedback on what you’re seeing. You are not required to attend and recordings from each call with be posted in your portal.
Up to 20.75 self-study CE hours, depending on your individual board, click here for full credit details. No additional CE hours are available for the five live calls. We've worked hard to make sure as many licensed mental health and medical professionals are covered by this amazing training program.
You'll get unlimited access to the comprehensive training materials, including the recorded sessions, slides, handouts, and all bonus materials developed to add to your clinical toolbox and use with your clients.
Yes! Our mission is to help you thrive in your practice. If you're not 100% satisfied and decide this program is not for you, contact us and we'll make it right.

Essentials of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):

Radically Relational Interventions for Working with Complex Trauma
A 6-week online training cohort with 5 live, interactive Q&A calls

Program begins January 23, 2023

A $659.98 Value
Just $329.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Earn up to 20.75 CE Hours, get unlimited access to course materials, and a bonus CE training recording!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
Meet Your Course Experts
Kari Gleiser, PhD

Kari Gleiser, PhD, completed her doctoral work at Boston University and her internship through Dartmouth Medical School with a focus on trauma and PTSD. In her practice, she specializes in applying AEDP to the treatment of complex trauma, dissociative disorders and personality disorders.

Dr. Gleiser is the co-founder and co-director of the Center for Integrative Health in Hanover, New Hampshire, a trauma center dedicated to multi-modal healing of mind, body and spirit. She has served a term on the board of directors of the New England Society for the Treatment of Trauma and Dissociation (NESTTD), where she chaired a committee on education and outreach.

In collaboration with Jerry Lamagna, Dr. Gleiser has developed an "intra-relational" model of therapy, which imports AEDP's relational and experiential interventions to patients' internal systems of dissociated self-states.

Dr. Gleiser has written several clinical papers and book chapters and has presented on applying AEDP to treat dissociative disorders at various international conferences.

Click here for information about Kari Gleiser

Natasha Prenn, LCSW

Natasha Prenn, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, speaker, educator, author and life coach. As a senior faculty member of the AEDP Institute (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), she pioneered the AEDP Essential and Advanced Skills Courses, and is well known as a therapists’ therapist across the US and abroad.

Natasha, an engaging presenter, is noted for her ability to translate AEDP theory into user-friendly steps, and for her enthusiastic belief that the mechanisms of the magic of experiential-dynamic work are teachable and therefore learnable skills. Her obsession with languaging interventions and skills training has led to her co-authoring a monograph for APA: Supervision Essentials for Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. This book, which Natasha wrote with Diana Fosha, is filled with practical skills to wield the power of AEDP’s theory and practice into psychotherapy supervision.

Natasha offers coaching and psychotherapy to individuals and couples and consults with psychotherapists individually and in small groups by invitation. She is a founding editor of Transformance: The AEDP Journal, a blogger for CSAR, and the author of the forthcoming AEDP Skills Manual. Some of her articles and book chapters are available on the AEDP website.

Click here for information about Natasha Prenn

This course is backed by our...
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.

Essentials of Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP):

Radically Relational Interventions for Working with Complex Trauma
A 6-week online training cohort with 5 live, interactive Q&A calls

Program begins January 23, 2023

A $659.98 Value
Just $329.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Earn up to 20.75 CE Hours, get unlimited access to course materials, and a bonus CE training recording!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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