Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to understand and assess children and adolescents struggling with executive functions deficits
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Executive Function describes a set of mental processes that helps us connect past experience with present action, which is important for successful adaptation and performance in real-life situations. Written by a respected expert and presenter on executive functioning, Essentials of Executive Function Assessment equips mental health practitioners (school, clinical, developmental/pediatric, neuropsychologists, educational diagnosticians, and educational therapists) with all the information they need to administer, score, and interpret assessment instruments that test for executive function deficits associated with a number of psychiatric and developmental disorders.
George McCloskey, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of School Psychology Research in the Psychology Department of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and holds Diplomate status with the American Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology. He frequently presents at international, national, regional and state meetings on cognitive and neuropsychological assessment and intervention topics.
Dr. McCloskey has amassed over 35 years of experience in test development, teaching, research and assessment and intervention work with a wide range of clients. Based on the past 25 years of his research and experience working specifically with children, adolescents and adults exhibiting executive function difficulties, Dr. McCloskey has developed a comprehensive model of executive functions that can be used to assess executive function strengths and difficulties and guide efforts to foster growth and intervene with difficulties. He consults with a number of school districts and private schools nationwide on issues related to improving students’ self-regulation capacities in the classroom, behavior management, assessment and intervention for executive functions difficulties related to academic and behavior problems.
Dr. McCloskey is the author of the McCloskey Executive Functions Scales (MEFS) and lead author of the books Assessment and Intervention for Executive Function Difficulties and Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment and his most recent writing on interventions for executive function and executive skills difficulties appears in Chapter 11 of the book Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: George McCloskey has an employment relationship with the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. He receives royalties as an author for Taylor & Francis, Wiley & Sons, and Schoolhouse Press. Dr. McCloskey receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: George McCloskey has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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