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Digital Seminar

Module 13: Protocols

41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Jun 01, 2018
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Digital Seminar


Clinicians often say to me: “I want to include Nutritional and Integrative Medicine methods into my practice, but I am not sure where to begin or how to do this?” And, “What am I allowed to do?”

Many clients are already self-prescribing based on information obtained from their friends or through the Internet. While many of these clinical methods have few negative side effects, some herbal supplements, juice fasts and other apparently healthy activities can have significant adverse outcomes if not tailored to the individual’s psychobiology.

This training will provide state-of-the-art, clinical skills you need to help your clients safely navigate nutritional and integrative medicine.

You will also have opportunity to engage with your peers through online message boards, explore case examples, develop new assessment skills and discover both metaphorical and scientific language that allows for effective communication with your clients.

Don’t wait to join me in this content-rich online certificate training.


Leslie Korn, Ph.D., MPH, LMHC


* Credit Note - ***CE Details Can Be Found Under the First Module



Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB's Profile

Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB Related seminars and products

Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB, is a renowned integrative medicine clinician and educator specializing in the use of nutritional, herbal and culinary medicine for the treatment of trauma and emotional and chronic physical illness. She is known for her dynamism and humor providing clients effective alternatives to psychotropics. She completed her graduate education in the department of psychiatry and public health at Harvard Medical School and her life training in the jungle of Mexico where she lived and worked alongside local healers for over 25 years. She directed a naturopathic medicine and training clinic facilitating health, culinary and fitness retreats. She is licensed and certified in nutritional therapy, mental health counseling, and bodywork (Polarity and Cranial Sacral and medical massage therapies) and is an approved clinical supervisor. She introduced somatic therapies for complex trauma patients in outpatient psychiatry at Harvard Medical school in 1985 and served Acupuncture and faculty at National College of Naturopathic Medicine.

She is the author of the seminal book on the body and complex trauma: Rhythms of Recovery: Integrative Medicine for PTSD and Complex Trauma, 2nd Edition (Routledge, 2012, 2023); The Brainbow Blueprint: A Clinical Guide to Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for Mental Well Being (PESI, 2023), Nutrition Essentials for Mental Health (W.W. Norton, 2016), Eat Right Feel Right: Over 80 Recipes and Tips to Improve Mood, Sleep, Attention & Focus (PESI, 2017); Multicultural Counseling Workbook: Exercises, Worksheets & Games to Build Rapport with Diverse Clients (PESI, 2015); The Good Mood Kitchen (W.W. Norton, 2017); and Natural Woman: Herbal Remedies for Radiant Health at Every Age and Stage of Life (Shambhala, 2019). She was a founder of the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, a Fullbright scholar in Herbal Medicine and an NIH-funded scientist, in mind/body medicine. She is an approved clinical supervisor and is the research director at the Center for World Indigenous Studies where she designs culinary and herbal medicine programs with tribal communities engaged in developing integrative medicine programs.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Leslie Korn maintains a private practice and is the Director of Research at the Center for World Indigenous Studies. She receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. and additionally receives publishing royalties from Norton, Shambhala, and Routledge. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Leslie Korn is a member of the Nutritional Therapy Association and Integrative Medicine for the Underserved.

Additional Info

Access for Self-Study (Non-Interactive)

Access never expires for this product.


Scope of Practice Information
  • Nutritional therapies
  • Culinary medicine
  • Behavioral medicine
  • Nutritional supplementation
  • Herbal medicine
  • Hydrotherapies for mood management
  • Aromatherapy
  • Bodywork therapies
  • Acupuncture and cranial electrical stimulation
  • Sound and music for insomnia and mood
  • Light & dark therapies
  • Stage appropriate yoga for anxiety, pain and PTSD
  • Integrative detoxification for addiction
  • Learn to conduct a basic nutritional food/mood assessment
  • Learn to conduct an adrenal stress and biological rhythm assessment
  • Culture and ethnicity assessment and treatment
  • The Cultural Formulation Interview and CAM methods
  • 3 Basic lab tests for optimal mental health
Balancing the sleep/wake cycle in depression, bipolar, and PTSD
  • Balancing circadian rhythm in depression, bipolar, PTSD
  • Applying special yogic breathing exercises for mental health
  • Enhance sleep and address insomnia
The Complex Relationships between Mental and Physical Health
  • Strategies to reduce inflammation: the major factor in depression, anxiety, bipolar and ADHD
  • Chronic illness, fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety and digestion
  • The Second brain: microbiome, probiotics and GABA and anxiety
  • Sleep, adrenal health and rhythms
  • Anger, alcohol abuse and liver health
  • Genetics, depression and brain
  • PTSD and auto immune, addictions and cognition
  • ADHD, ASD and food sensitivities
  • Integrative approach recovery from addictions
Beyond Pharmaceutical Management
  • Address clients concerns and provide alternatives to psychotropics
  • Herbal medicine for mental health
  • Strategies for coming off or reducing psychotropic
  • Ayurvedic medicine and mental health
  • Exercise: aerobic, anaerobic, yoga, core, land and water based
  • Sound and music for insomnia, anxiety and anger
  • Toning, binaural music
Nutrition, Diet and Culinary Medicine
  • Food as “brain-mind-medicine”
  • Fats: essential fatty acids, toxic fats, fish oil
  • Protein: the building blocks of happiness
  • What nutrients improve mental health and cognitive function
  • Vitamins, minerals, glandulars and special nutrients for the non-nutritionist
  • Hormones
  • Balance blood sugar to balance mood
  • Cultural and genetic variations
  • Enhance digestion for mental health
  • Thyroid function and mental health
Herbal Medicine
  • Seven major herbs for PTSD, anxiety, depression, sleep and cognitive health
  • Endocannabinoid deficit theory
  • Cannabis and psychedelic medicine
  • THC versus CBD
  • Evidence for medical cannabis for mental health
  • PTSD and chronic pain
  • Smell, mood and cognition
  • Evidence for essential oils to alter mood and cognition
Special Issues Across the Lifespan
  • Children: supporting sleep, focus, mood and attention
  • Alternatives to psychotropics for ADHD
  • Middle life: peri-menopause, menopause, andropause
  • Preventing cognitive decline
  • Nutrition and integrative methods to support people with dementia and their caregivers
Somatic Therapies, Acupuncture and New Approaches
  • The spectrum of somatic and bodywork therapies
  • The NADA protocol for addictions
  • Cranial electrical stimulation for PTSD, insomnia and optimal cognition
Comprehensive NonPharmaceutical Treatment Plans and Protocols for Treating the DSM-5™ Disorders:
  • Depression & Seasonal Affect Disorder
  • Anxiety, PTSD and Complex Trauma
  • Bipolar
  • ADHD
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • OCD
  • Bulimia
  • Insomnia
  • Addictions
Develop a Niche Practice
  • The ethics and scope of your practice: ethics, law and competency
  • Build an integrative health team
  • When and where to refer clients
  • Where to find the right provider
  • Develop a niche practice as a certified specialist
  • Professional organizations and more training
  • Controversies and hot topics


  1. Evaluate the scientific research that links diet and nutrition to mental illness and its implications for treatment.
  2. Distinguish how certain micronutrients and macro nutrients affect mood and behavior in clients.
  3. Determine the psychobiology and psychophysiology of mind and body interactions with reference to six DSM™ categories.
  4. Incorporate ethical and scope of practice considerations relative to integrated and nutritional medicine with respect to your own professional discipline.
  5. Assess integrative and nutritional methods as they relate to client psycho-education.
  6. Apply mindfulness methods in the treatment of eating disorders.
  7. Discriminate between the clinical presentation of mental illness as compared to nutritional and/or hormonal imbalance.
  8. Devise six nutritional methods for treating clients who present with mood lability.
  9. Correlate gluten and casein sensitivity with the presentation of depression, psychosis and ASD in clients.
  10. Evaluate evidence-based protocols for nutritional and herbal approaches for six DSM-5™ categories.
  11. Demonstrate the use of a food mood assessment to evaluate client eating patterns and how those patterns may influence their mental health.
  12. Appraise the epidemiological research underlying the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and its specific application for client mental health.
  13. Use the DSM-5™ Cultural Formulation tool to explore about health and healing in order to inform the treatment planning process.
  14. Evaluate drug-nutrient-herbal interactions for clients in order to prevent side effects of polymedicine use.
  15. Investigate stage-specific anaerobic and aerobic exercise and self-care methods to decrease dissociative symptoms in clients.
  16. Demonstrate breathing techniques to reduce hyperventilation and improve focus among clients with anxiety disorders, as related to clinical treatment.
  17. Determine adaptations of complementary and alternative methods for children and teens with behavioral and mental health disorders such as ADHD and ODD.
  18. Assess contraindications of the use of psychotropic medications and herbal medicines and nutrients.
  19. Analyze the evidence for the use of essential fatty acids for anxiety and depression.
  20. Investigate the science for the “second brain”; the gut-brain axis communication system of neurotransmitters.
  21. Appraise the science of circadian rhythm as it contributes to depression, PTSD and bipolar disorder.
  22. Analyze the differences between mental illness versus nutritional and hormonal imbalances.
  23. Evaluate the impact of blood sugar and genetic variations on mental health disorders and effective treatment.

Target Audience

Counselors, Psychologists, Case Managers, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Dietitians, Marriage & Family Therapists, Addiction Counselors, Therapists, Nurses, Other Mental Health Professionals



Overall:      5

Total Reviews: 96


Candace Y

"Great class!"

Jose Luis V

"Great Information. Thank you!"

Lynda B

"This program was extremely beneficial and inspiring. I will not only think about my health differently, but I am excited to use the concepts in my clinical work with clients. Dr. Korn is extremely knowledgeable. She presented the concepts in an easy-to-understand and organized format. I look forward to getting some of her books for further learning. Thanks!"

Joy W

"I would recommend the course and plan on going forward with Dr. Korn's support."

Debra D

"I want to be Leslie Korn! I have studied these subjects lots for my personal health and have learned so much more that will be useful for my clients. I would like more info/practical info. This was a great course! Thank you!"

Tamara A

"This course is so comprehensive and well organized. It's priceless."

Sharon J

"Excellent. I would love to attend a live seminar with Leslie Korn. She is very knowledgeable is so many areas."

Cassandra E

"Loved learning all of the information!! I feel more equipped to better assist my clients. I wish there were more recipes."

Bonnie M. C

"Well, I must the founder of Positive Heart Living in 1986--this course brought me back to the vision I once had...loved the information and education. what I loved most is that Dr. Leslie Korn lived and lives this...Thank you!"

Roxanne N

"This was a great opportunity with the added certification options. Thank you!"

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