Michael Greco, DNP, CRNA, CPAN, CAPA, is a certified registered nurse anesthetist, a certified post-anesthesia nurse and a certified ambulatory perianestheisa nurse who currently practices at The New York Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. He has provided anesthesia care for cases ranging from outpatient ambulatory care to complex open-heart cases. He has also covered labor and delivery services as well as serving as a PACU liaison. His extensive experience in the perianesthesia/critical care arena has not just been limited to the hospital setting. As a past critical care staff educator, Michael had the opportunity to take his skills to the sky and educate flight attendants around the continental US and South America through his involvement with the American Airlines AED program. Recently, he received an honorary discharge from the US Army after serving ten years in the reserves as a nurse anesthetist. Michael has had the opportunity to present to and empower nurses and anesthesia providers not only nationally, but internationally as well.
Michael received his Doctor of Nursing Practice degree from The University of Alabama, his Masters in Nurse Anesthesia at SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, and his undergraduate BSN training at Niagara University. He is dedicated to nursing education and has completed a research study on adult learning. He currently holds an academic appointment at Columbia University as a professor in the graduate Nurse Anesthesia program. His current research interests include anesthetic management of cardiac electrophysiology patients as well as computer-mediated distance education. He is a member of Sigma Theta Tau, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists and American Society of Perianesthesia Nurses. Utilizing his minor in theater arts, Michael has appeared on National TV on the Jerry Lewis Telethon, on TLC’s Trauma Life in the ER, and has done voice over work for local and national television commercials.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Michael Greco receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Michael Greco has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.
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