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The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing The Social Brain, 2nd ed.

Louis Cozolino, PhD
Publication Date:
Jan 01, 2010
W.W. Norton
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How the brain's architecture is related to the problems, passions, and aspirations of human beings.

In contrast to this view, recent theoretical advances in brain imaging have revealed that the brain is an organ continually built and re-built by one's experience. We are now beginning to learn that many forms of psychotherapy, developed in the absence of any scientific understanding of the brain, are supported by neuroscientific findings. In fact, it could be argued that to be an effective psychotherapist these days it is essential to have some basic understanding of neuroscience. Louis Cozolino's The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy, Second Edition is the perfect place to start.

In a beautifully written and accessible synthesis, Cozolino illustrates how the brain's architecture is related to the problems, passions, and aspirations of human beings. As the book so elegantly argues, all forms of psychotherapy--from psychoanalysis to behavioral interventions--are successful to the extent to which they enhance change in relevant neural circuits.

Beginning with an overview of the intersecting fields of neuroscience and psychotherapy, this book delves into the brain's inner workings, from basic neuronal building blocks to complex systems of memory, language, and the organization of experience. It continues by explaining the development and organization of the healthy brain and the unhealthy brain. Common problems such as anxiety, trauma, and codependency are discussed from a scientific and clinical perspective. Throughout the book, the science behind the brain's working is applied to day-to-day experience and clinical practice.

Written for psychotherapists and others interested in the relationship between brain and behavior, this book encourages us to consider the brain when attempting to understand human development, mental illness, and psychological health. Fully and thoroughly updated with the many neuroscientific developments that have happened in the eight years since the publication of the first edition, this revision to the bestselling book belongs on the shelf of all practitioners.



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Louis Cozolino, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Pepperdine University and maintains a clinical and consulting practice in West Los Angeles. He is the author of Attachment-Based Teaching: Creating a Tribal Classroom, The Social Neurosience of Education: Optimizing Attachment and Learning in the Classroom, The Neuroscience of PsychotherapyThe Making of a TherapistThe Neuroscience of Human Relationships, and The Healthy Aging Brain, all from W.W. Norton. 

Dr. Cozolino holds degrees in Philosophy (State University of New York, Stony Brook), Theology (Harvard University), and a PhD in Clinical Psychology from UCLA. He speaks internationally on neuroscience and education.

Speaker Disclosures:

Financial: Louis Cozolino is faculty at Pepperdine University and maintains a private practice. Mr. Cozolino has books published by W. W. Norton. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.

Non-financial: Louis Cozolino is a member of the American Neuropsychiatric Association (ANPA), International Society for the Study of Dissociative Identity Disorder and Dissociation (ISSDID), Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP), International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), and Los Angeles County Psychological Association (LACPA).


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