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Suicide is a leading cause of death among youth… but you can play a role in turning the tide.

With the right clinical tools, you can make a significant impact in preventing suicide, treating depression, and improving client outcomes.

We’ve developed this course to provide you with the effective strategies and practical insights needed to support and guide young people who are in crisis or contemplating suicide.

You’ll learn:

  • The truth about effective, evidence-based methods for managing and reducing suicide risk in youth
  • An essential action plan for teen crises
  • The simple secret to deepen connection with youth
  • Practical interventions for self-regulation and co-morbid depression
  • Functional approaches to treating depression and preventing suicide

This course will offer insights and specific strategies for the practicing clinician to intervene effectively for youth in crisis or contemplating suicide.

Gain confidence, save lives.

This comprehensive training will boost your skills in risk assessment, intervention strategies, and postvention support. Backed by expert insights and real-world scenarios, you'll emerge equipped to navigate even the most challenging situations with confidence and compassion.

Enroll today to make a profound impact on youth mental health.

Youth Crisis Planning and Suicide Prevention

$709.95 ValueJust $199.99 Today!
Earn up to 16.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

Our online course offers comprehensive training in this adolescent crisis intervention, equipping mental health clinicians with the skills needed to effectively intervene and prevent tragic outcomes.

You will feel confident to:

  • Identify warning signs.
  • Implement evidence-based interventions.
  • Gain practical strategies to engage with adolescents in crisis.
  • Navigate complex ethical dilemmas and legal considerations with confidence.
  • Master suicide prevention techniques.
  • Save lives and make a lasting impact!

Join us to enhance your clinical toolkit, deepen your expertise, and become a beacon of hope for vulnerable youth.

Your Adolescent Suicide Prevention Course Includes

Tony L. Sheppard, PsyD, CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F

Suicide and Self-Harm in Adolescents: Effective Assessment and Intervention Strategies for Young People in Crisis

Tony L. Sheppard, PsyD, CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F | Click here for information about Tony L. Sheppard

Helping young people heal is your greatest reward.

But when treating adolescents with depression, anxiety, and trauma the full extent of their suffering is not always obvious. Many in distress wear a mask of strength while secretly harming themselves or hiding their struggle with thoughts of suicide. You worry that you could be missing critical signs.

This seminar will provide you with the assessment tools you need to unmask self-harming and suicidal thoughts, adapt interventions from DBT and CBT to work with the distinct challenges of treating suicidal and self-harming adolescents, and manage the specific confidentiality and liability issues that accompany working with minors.

There’s too much at stake to be unprepared!

Suicide and Non-suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI)

  • The relationship between suicide and self-injurious behavior
  • When clients present with depression, anxiety, trauma
  • Confidentiality, documentation, and legal considerations

Assessment Tools for Adolescents

  • Formal assessment tools for NSSI
    • Recency and frequency
    • Severity
    • Triggers
    • Who’s aware
  • Suicide risk assessment
    • SAFE-T
    • C-SSRS
    • Ideation, plan, means, intent
    • Level of risk, intervention and when to hospitalize

Motivational Interviewing Techniques That Engage Young People in Treatment

  • Tips to quickly establish rapport
  • Using the Stages to Change/Motivational Interviewing Model in Treatment
  • Overcome therapy interfering behaviors
  • When parents are ready for change NOW!

Adapt DBT for Use with Adolescents

  • Track suicidal and self-harming urges with diary cards
  • Reduce emotional reactivity and improve distress tolerance
  • Identifying emotions and triggers
  • Mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques
  • Reproducible handouts and checklists

CBT Interventions to Build Coping Skills and Manage Crisis

  • "Thought flipping" to maintain positive focus
  • Address body image issues
  • Create opportunities to build resilience, self-efficacy and self-control
  • Handle suicidal crisis – self-soothing and distraction techniques

Effectively Work with Parents, Peers and Schools

  • Interpersonal effectiveness skills for adolescents
  • Training exercises to convey feelings/read the feelings of others
  • Integrate parents into treatment
    • Parental behaviors that can do more harm than good
    • Means restriction strategies for safe home environments
  • Involve schools and peers
    • Learn to build “Trusted Adult” support networks
    • Peer education approaches that create support
    • Minimize the impact of bullying

Tony L. Sheppard, PsyD, CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F

New Insights and Strategies: Crisis Safety Planning with Youth and Teens

Tony L. Sheppard, PsyD, CGP, ABPP, AGPA-F | Click here for information about Tony L. Sheppard

Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. Assessment, management and treatment are particularly important for those youth who struggle with behavioral health challenges. This recording will offer insights and specific strategies for the practicing clinician.

  • Learn effective management of suicidality in youth
  • Employ evidenced-based management of suicide risk in youth
  • Gain insight into relational strengths that help youth
  • Feel more connected develop strategies for developing self-regulation capacities in youth

David Jobes, PhD, ABPP

Suicidal Risk Among Youth: Challenges and Keys to Moving Forward Post-Pandemic

David Jobes, PhD, ABPP | Click here for information about David Jobes

The latest evidence shows youth’s suicidality has increased.

We need to learn to treat adolescent anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.

As helping clinicians, we must stay abreast of the most effective suicide prevention programs our young clients so desperately need.

David A. Jobes, PhD, ABPP, the creator and developer of Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), is an internationally renowned expert in suicidology and treating suicidal risk.

In this session, Dr. Jobes will guide you through:

  • Integrated and applied explanation of current research on the impact of social isolation on contemporary youth mental health and suicide risk
  • Evidence-based assessments, interventions, and treatments for managing suicidal risk and helping young clients grow
  • The future of youth suicide prevention and exploration of mental health nuances in a post-pandemic world

This session will leave you feeling confident and capable in your ability to move young clients toward hope and healing!

  • Youth Mental Health and Suicide Risk: An Overview
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Know What’s Different!
  • More Efficient and Streamlined Screening/Assessing Suicidal Risk
  • Step-By-Step Guidance For Managing Suicidal Crises
  • Nuances To Treating Suicide Risk Among Youth
  • How to Decrease Suicidal Risk by Improving Mental Health

James Greenblatt, MD

Awareness is Not Enough: A New Look at the Staggering Statistics of Adolescent Mental Health

James Greenblatt, MD | Click here for information about James Greenblatt

The American youth of today are in crisis with adolescent depression and suicide at an unprecedented high.

The reactionary symptom-drug polypharmacy model does not work!

But, we HAVE tools with which we could prevent suicide, treat depression, improve patient outcomes, and turn the trend lines around.

Learn about the Functional Psychiatry model of treatment and prevention that looks at genetics, nutrition, lab data and more to get to the core of underlying mental health conditions and improve outcomes.

  • Redefine your treatment approach.
  • Use biomarkers, nutritional testing, and labs to identify functional causes of depression.
  • Implement evidence-based tools capable of improving patient outcomes.
  • Turn the tides of the youth mental health crisis.

The American Youth in Crisis

  • An overview of recent trends and statistics
  • How is the popular media framing this crisis? How is scientific research literature?
    • Psychosocial and environmental contributors
  • The established treatment and prevention paradigm: a closer look
    • Strengths and limitations of the traditional symptom-drug polypharmacy model
    • The widening gap between research innovation and clinical practice: opportunities for change

Functional Psychiatry: Expanding & Enhancing the Paradigm

  • Traditional models dismiss biology / biologic contributors to mental health: why this is a critical omission
  • An evidence-based, dimensional model of psychiatric etiology
    • Genetics x environment x epigenetics x metabolism x neurochemistry = health
  • Functional Medicine: an evidence-based, comprehensive model for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention


  • Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and their relevance to psychiatric etiology
  • SNP testing as a means to guide clinical decisions, predict individual responses to treatments
  • Strengths and limitations of the research

Low-Dose Lithium

  • Overview of the research corroborating lithium’s nutritional essentiality
  • Overview of the research illuminating lithium’s anti-suicide properties
  • Biologic mechanisms underlying lithium’s neuroprotective, mood-stabilizing, anti-suicide effects
  • Elucidating the dose-response curve: pharmaceutical vs. nutritional/low-dose lithium
  • Strategies for testing and assessment
  • Clinical indicators of deficiency
  • Strengths and limitations of the research; risks and benefits of supplementation


  • Introduction, review of common symptoms, etiology, and pathogenesis
  • Neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms
  • Implications of misdiagnosis, relevance to pediatric psychiatry
  • Testing
  • Strengths and limitations of the research

Celiac Disease

  • Introduction, review of common symptoms, etiology, and pathogenesis
  • Implications of misdiagnosis and lack of treatment
  • Testing

Ultra-Processed Food

  • Rate of consumption in American youth
  • Exploring research showing robust correlations with adverse mental health outcomes
  • Strength and limitations of the research
  • Implications for clinical practice


  • Fundamentals of human biology; commonly ignored by mainstream models
  • The laws of human nutrition: you are what you eat / you are what you don’t eat
  • Neurobiologic and neuropsychiatric implications of chronic malnutrition
  • Where does nutrition “fit” into a modern, evidence-based Functional treatment model?

Vitamin D

  • Overview of roles, biologic essentiality
  • Spotlight: serotonin synthesis
  • Common causes of deficiency
  • Research illuminating robust correlations between Vitamin D deficiency and psychopathology
  • Testing
  • Strengths and limitations of the research; risks and benefits of supplementation


  • Overview of roles, biologic essentiality
  • Spotlight: neurotransmitter synthesis, digestion
  • Common causes of deficiency
  • Testing
  • Strengths and limitations of the research; risks and benefits of supplementation


  • Overview of roles, biologic essentiality
  • Spotlight: neurotransmitter synthesis, HPA Axis modulation
  • Common causes of deficiency
  • Clinical indicators of deficiency
  • Strengths and limitations of the research; risks and benefits of supplementation

Biochemical Individuality

  • Limitations of “one size fits all” models
  • How biochemical individuality can inform a novel paradigm for treatment and prevention

“Vitamin S”: Sleep

  • What does sleep accomplish, physiologically?
  • How much sleep do we need? Are kids today getting enough?
  • Physical, neuropsychiatric ramifications of inadequate sleep, sleep dysfunction
    • Research examining links between sleep and suicide
    • Limitations of the research
  • Evidence-based sleep solutions

That’s Not All! Your Registration Includes Access to a BONUS session.
A $249.99 Value — YOURS FREE with REGISTRATION!
Self-Harm, Suicide and Depression in the Schools
Self-Harm, Suicide and Depression in the Schools
John Joseph Bearoff, PhD | Click here for information about John Joseph Bearoff

Learn to work with students who are emotionally withdrawn, exhibit extreme mood swings, become severely depressed and may even resort to self-harm and/or suicide.

These issues pose a serious challenge to you and your school.

What you will learn in the Self-Harm, Suicide, and Depression Course:

  • Skills to identify, help and support students who have emotional and/or mental health issues.
  • Best strategies for identification, prevention and postvention among students with depression, self-harm and suicidal ideation.
  • Techniques to detect and respond to at-risk students at the individual level, classroom level and school-wide level.
  • Interventions to provide the appropriate support and effectively help students cope.

Whether you are a classroom teacher, school counselor/psychologist/social worker, administrator or support staff, you need these tools to connect with and help students who most need your help.

Today’s Mental Health Issues in our Classrooms

  • Prevalence of depression, self-harm and suicide
  • The first line of defense: Role of teacher & school
  • Confidentiality & sharing of information
  • A collaborative approach

Depression: Identify and Reach At-Risk Students

  • Telltale and hidden warning signs
  • Key factors determining susceptibility, vulnerability and recovery
    • Emotional reserve
    • Emotional resiliency
  • Creative strategies to reach at-risk students
    • Sorry 7 & Super 7
    • Activities to enhance connection
    • Techniques to increase engagement
  • Classroom & school-wide accommodations

Self-Harm: Develop a Protocol for Handling the Silent School Epidemic

  • Modes of self-harm: Similarities and differences
  • Understanding the “why” of self-harm
  • Protective factors & risk factors
  • The interconnected role of addiction, self-harm & suicide
  • Approaching and connecting with the student
  • Strategies to support the at-risk student
    • Techniques to engage the disengaged
    • Methods to build coping skills
  • Notifying and engaging the parents

Create a Suicide Crisis Team: Guidelines to Recognize and Respond to Suicidal Behaviors

  • Recognizing the underlying reasons
  • Risk factors: Low/medium/high level of risk
  • Imminent warning signs – the strongest predictors
  • What to do when you suspect or hear of ideation
  • Approaching and connecting with the student
  • Strategies to:
    • Address and respond to ideation
    • Cope with a suicide attempt
    • Mobilize staff
  • Notifying and engaging the parents
  • Is suicide contagious?

Prevention Toolkit: A Guide to Help Prevent Depression, Self-Harm and Suicide

  • The role of Social/Emotional Learning (SEL) in preventing depression, self-harm and suicide
  • A collaborative, strategic approach to integrate SEL into the curriculum
    • Empower students
    • Promote connection
  • Case example: Effective K-12 SEL approach to prevention

After Suicide: Postvention Plans for Schools

  • Short-term strategies
  • Long-term, school-wide interventions
  • Minimizing risk of self-harm & suicide contagion
  • Case example: Successful postvention plans

Youth Crisis Planning and Suicide Prevention

$709.95 ValueJust $199.99 Today!
Earn up to 16.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
The Next Steps in Youth Crisis Planning and Suicide Prevention

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Complete your online CE tests and earn up to 16.25 CE Hours! Click here for Credit details and credit details specific to your profession.

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We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.

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