
Heather Y

"Excellent, helpful"

Jasmine S

"Thank you! I really enjoyed this course "

Jeff W

"Excellent presentation! Appreciate the opportunity to view via webinar and have the slides as downloadable afterwards. "

Heather R

"you are VERY well-informed! You paid attention to detail (every detail!) and I feel confident in utilizing the material you presented"

Marvin M

"Excellent work!"

Amethyst B

"Some of the information seemed excessive/drawn out."

Rivka E

"The technology was fantastic, especially saving answers in the quiz, being able to log in easily, all are really helpful in moving through this course! Thank you."

Timothy V

"Excellent much needed training under the current conditions. Thank You"

Carol W

"The training was very helpful and I learned a lot of valuable information as it relates to Telehealth."

Lindsay B

"The material was dry. I don't know how to make technology interesting or fun, but it was really hard to focus at parts. "