
Bonni G


Patricia M

"Excellent training"

Lisa D

"very good presentations - one of the better ones so far "


"Excellent presenter. I really enjoyed this module."

A. Leah K

"Gary was excellent"

Francisco d

"very practical and insightful - eye opening "

Yvette B

"Enjoyed the course and how he provided the training. It was clear and very informative."

Laura M

"Dr.Bailey was extremely helpful in explaining how racism affects ever aspect of life. I am reading White Fragility right now so I really liked the interview with Robin DeAngelo and also with Ta-Nehesis Coates."

Kim A

"This was an amzing impactful presentation. Thank you to Mr. Bailey and TRF and PESI. It should be shared widely and frequently."

France D

"Awesome material. very informative"