
Kristie C

"This was a great seminar. I have learned so much from this course."

Jackie D

"Very engaging, excellent presentation of information using case examples. Overall phenomenal training and I would love to take more by this presenter. "

Gloria G

"Excellent job at getting audience members to use the mic so we could hear the questions and feedback. Also did a great job of summarizing when an audience member went on too long. Great command of content and audience. High level of skill in documentation was evident in examples and practice included in presentation. Of all the PESI and other online courses I've taken, this is the best one! Highly engaging even though I took it online which is not my method of choice. Thank you!!"

Amy B

"This course was very good but I would not recommend taking a lengthy course on line again. It was very difficult to complete the course while working and I think much harder to follow on line then it would be in person. "

Marilyn R

"I learned a lot from this seminar and I feel more confident"

Adam R

"A daunting but excellent course."

Erin L

"This was an excellent program!"

Matthew P

"She is a great speaker, really knows documentation."

Nicole L

"well done, very informative"

Julie D

"Great course. I'm re-entering the Social Work field after a 15 year hiatus, this is JUST what I needed to get me oriented to what I'll be facing. Thank You!!"