
Louella H

"Jennifer was amazing and she did a great job explaining everything. I would like to take more training from her. She presented the material good and clear and she knew alot. She did a great job. "

Janice W

"A great deal of information requiring long time to process. Enjoyed a great deal and will use techniques and approaches frequently. "

Roopa B

"The training was timely and well-researched. Dr. Sweeton's delivery was fantastic. She provided wonderful resources. "

Ann W

"Dr. Sweeton was excellent!"

Melissa P

"Great training!"

Mary V

"The information presented in the course was fantastic! I would have liked all the handouts to be available in the video, as I couldn't see what was on her screen and there was much more information in the handout Trauma Treatment..."

Judith K

"Excellent delivery - I found it super helpful that she gave so many examples to explain the theory"

Jolene A

"Wonderful presentation, very helpful. "

Ana V

"Outstanding presenter!!! Exceptional materials, very clear thorough, visually appealing and organized information. Undoubtedly there was a lot of effort and care for details from Dr. Sweeton's in the preparation of this exceptional course. I acknowledge it and greatly appreciated it. Ana Vargas"

John T

"Excellent presenter!"