Finally, learn how to apply the evidence-based EFT approach to transform relationships impacted by trauma.
Trauma infects relationships.
It doesn’t just live in one partner... It causes disconnects, arguments, and pain. It leaves partners struggling and fighting each other instead of working together to heal.
As a couple and family therapist, your role is to go beyond just helping clients stop the arguments and fights.
To create real, lasting change, you must go deeper.
You must identify the underlying concerns, provide a safe connection, and create a path forward that builds a safe and secure connection.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) provides that roadmap. Based on scientific advances in Adult Attachment Theory, it is one of the only models of couples therapy that has been tested and shown to create lasting change in over 20 empirical studies.
Now in this all new online training, you can discover how to use the EFT approach to rebuild connections between partners to heal all types of emotional turmoil AND past traumas.
Register today and join ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer Kathryn Rheem, EdD, LMFT, and ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor Jennifer Olden, MFT, as they show you how to use EFT to repair relationships AND heal trauma.
Through real client demonstrations and corresponding conversation, you'll see exactly how to work with partners to navigate emotional triggers and build a positive connection in therapy sessions.
You’ll leave this course with a clear path to transform even the most challenging client relationships… To use love to heal their trauma.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) for Healing Trauma in Couples
Attachment-based Interventions for Healing Trauma in Relationships$524.97 Value
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- How the echoes of trauma in love relationships can trigger emotional dysregulation.
- What you can do to transform relationships by identifying the hidden impacts of trauma on survivors and their partners.
- How to identify the triggers that cause defensive and rigid mindsets even when all they want is a safe and loving relationship.
- Why you must become the temporary secure attachment figure in the sessions to allow both partners to safely share anger and free themselves to feel hope again.
- How partners get stuck in negative patterns of interaction even while searching for closeness and comfort.
- The reasons why you need to help them develop earned security with each other.
- What you can do to manage defensive reactions in therapy sessions.
- Plus, you’ll see how Kathryn goes through a client assessment, responds to escalating emotions, real-time interventions and manages different defensive styles in therapy.
- How to help couples understand negative interaction patterns and the reasons they start.
- What you can do to get to the primary emotions, beyond just what they are showing you, including a special section on why you need to develop secure and safe connections as adults.
- Exactly how Kathryn applies Stage 1 therapeutic interventions with emotionally avoidant partners, identifies triggers, and builds a bond between partners while creating a safe environment for sharing trauma.
- How and why creating a safe space is crucial to couples therapy sessions.
- Why you need to change how you think about your role when working with partners suffering from trauma.
- What actual interventions an EFT therapist uses to move couples beyond reactivity and why they use those interventions at different times.
- All aspects of Stage 2 where you begin to build effective communication that each partner can hear and understand.
- Why you need to address their view of self and why it’s critical to effective healing.
- When you can start to restructure the bond and how to use their emotions as a bridge towards healing trauma and the relationship.
- How to shift from focusing on the view of self to begin to rely on their partner for safety and connection.
- What you can do to heal emotional rigidity and bring safety into your client’s relationships.
- And see how Kathryn addresses fear, deals with violence safely, and uses the structured EFT approach to create continued growth and lasting change.
$524.97 Value
Just $288.73 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Join Kathryn Rheem and T. Leanne Campbell as they discuss how to take an Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) approach to demonstrate how to access, organize, and actively engage emotion in couples therapy where one or both partners are contending with the echoes of trauma.
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You’ll discover how you can address avoidance, build a connection, and reconnect partners coming from two different perceptions of the life they share.
As an international EFT trainer, she collaborates with Dr. Sue Johnson, the primary developer of EFT, to bring EFT to populations worldwide. Together, Sue and Kathryn created Strong Bonds, Strong Couples, LLC, which provided EFT-based weekend retreats for soldiers and Marines coming home from war and their partners at military installations in the U.S. and abroad.
Kathryn is the director of the Washington Baltimore Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy. She was voted a Top Couples Therapist in Washington, D.C. by the Washingtonian magazine. She is a clinical fellow and approved supervisor of AAMFT and has written 15 articles/chapters on the application of EFT with trauma.
Click here for information about Kathryn Rheem
Click here for information about Jennifer Olden
Attachment-based Interventions for Healing Trauma in Relationships
$524.97 Value
Just $288.73 Today — Stunning Savings!
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We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Attachment-based Interventions for Healing Trauma in Relationships
$524.97 Value
Just $288.73 Today — Stunning Savings!
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