Make your online EMDR trauma treatment sessions as productive as your in-person ones!
EMDR is a must-have trauma treatment tool and telehealth is here to stay…but are you getting the most out of your sessions with virtual clients?
Now in this FREE one-hour training, you’ll discover EMDR tools you can quickly and easily employ in virtual sessions without sacrificing clinical effectiveness!
Watch EMDR expert Megan Howard as she shows you how to use 4 virtual resources to take your video-based EMDR sessions to the next level and make them more effective and intuitive than ever before.
From bilateral stimulation to the use of sound pulses and congruent tapping, you’ll walk away feeling prepared to use EMDR when in-person sessions aren’t possible.
You don’t want to miss this incredible FREE training...
Virtual EMDR Mini-Workshop: 4 Must-Have Resources for Treating Trauma via Telehealth
Yours FREE — sign up today!