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FREE 2-Day Live Virtual Event

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care Summit

August 12-13, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Central
$649.93 Value – Absolutely FREE!
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE hours and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Day 1 | Monday, August 12, 2024
Alexa Mulee, LMHC, C-DBT
9:00 AM – 12:50 PM: From Binary to Spectrum: A Workshop on LGBTQIA+ Affirming Therapy
Featuring Alexa Mulee, LMHC, C-DBT (she/her) | Click here for information about Alexa Mulee

Think of this session as your Affirmative Care 101. You will learn the foundations of how to create a therapeutic environment that is affirming, inclusive, and responsive to the diverse needs of LGBTQIA+ clients. Gain the knowledge and skills needed to tailor therapy to the unique needs of this often underserved community, so you can improve clinical outcomes and provide more effective, culturally competent care. This session will give you the fundamentals you need to seamlessly navigate the rest of the LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care Summit!

Shanéa Thomas, Ed.D, LICSW
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: The Cost of Showing Up as Ourselves: Intra-Personal Practices for LGBTQIA+ Practitioners to Manage Burnout and Grief
Featuring Shanéa Thomas, Ed.D, LICSW (she/him/Dr.) | Click here for information about Shanea Thomas

Showing up as your authentic self in a therapeutic space can feel difficult, complicated, and stressful. As practitioners, you are navigating a world that can feel unsafe and scary, attempting to support your clients while supporting yourself at the same time. Dr. Shanéa Thomas (he/she/Dr.) personally understands how identity can increase the stress LGBTQIA+ clinicians experience and complicate your ability to give practice from an unbiased, healthy place. During this 90 minute session, Dr. Thomas will discuss the implications for burnout and stress, specifically for LGBTQIA+ clinicians, and guide you through intra-personal practices to center self-care in practice, especially while the world is on fire.

Pamela Hayes Malkoff, MFT, ATR-BC
3:45 PM – 5:15 PM: Exploring Sexual Identity, Non-Monogamy & A-Typical Relationships: Art-Based Interventions for LGBTQIA+ Clients
Featuring Pamela Hayes Malkoff, MFT, ATR-BC (she/her) | Click here for information about Pamela G. Malkoff Hayes

In today’s diverse and rapidly evolving world, understanding the intricacies of sexual identity, ethical non-monogamy, and unconventional relationships is paramount for clinicians dedicated to providing comprehensive and inclusive care. Join Pamela Hayes Malkoff as she uses her 30+ years of experience to equip you with the creative tools and insights you need to navigate these complex landscapes with confidence and sensitivity while utilizing art therapy.

Day 2 | Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Dr. Lulu, MD
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Supporting Parents of Your LGBTQIA+ Clients & Patients
Featuring Dr. Lulu, MD (she/her) | Click here for information about Uchenna Lizmay Umeh

Join award-winning parent coach, LGBTQIA+ advocate and educator, Dr. Lulu, MD during this incredible keynote session as she shares her own story as a parent of an LGBTQIA+ child and how it changed the direction of her life. But being a parent of an LGBTQIA+ child comes with its fair share of challenges and Dr. Lulu understands that. She will use her personal and professional knowledge and passion to help you navigate the best strategies to support the parents of clients so they can better support and care for their LGBTQIA+ children.

Susan Radzilowski, MSW, LMSW, ACSW
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM: Resilience Amidst Adversity: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families in the Face of Bans on Gender-Affirming Care
Featuring Susan Radzilowski, MSW, LMSW, ACSW (she/her) | Click here for information about Susan Radzilowski

Despite the critical need for gender-affirming care, actually providing affirmative care has become increasingly difficult due to new policies being passed all around the country. Clinicians are finding themselves navigating intricate legal and ethical landscapes, torn between upholding patient rights, adhering to medical ethics, and complying with restrictive laws. During this session, Susan Radzilowski will take you through the challenges of providing efficient gender affirming care in a safe therapeutic environment when policies and bans make it feel impossible, teaching you how to navigate these difficult complications.

Myeshia Price, PhD
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Meeting the Needs of All LGBTQ Youth: The Importance of Intersectionality Among LGBTQ Youth of Color
Featuring Myeshia Price, PhD (she/they) | Click here for information about Myeshia Price

LGBTQIA+ Youth are at much higher rates of poor mental health, not due to their identity in and of itself, but instead due to the stigma they face in society compounded with the already stressful things that all young people experience. However, significant differences exist among LGBTQIA+ youth who hold multiple marginalized identities. These unique stressors experienced at the intersection of their racial and LGBTQIA+ identities increases the risk for poor mental health challenges. Dr. Myeshia Price will cover the current state of LGBTQIA+ mental health, why we must consider intersectionality in how we approach interventions, and tips on how every person can contribute to the success and well-being of LGBTQIA+ youth.

Joe Kort, PhD, LMSW
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM: Growing Up LGBTQIA+: The Impact of Overt & Covert Cultural Sexual Abuse on Identity and Relationships
Featuring Joe Kort, PhD, LMSW (he/him) | Click here for information about Joe Kort

Recognizing and comprehending the intricate intersection between cultural factors, sexual identity, and trauma is extremely valuable and necessary in therapy, especially when working with LGBTQIA+ clients. Throughout this session, Dr. Joe Kort will unravel the complexities of overt and covert cultural sexual abuse and its profound impact on the identity and relationships of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Leave equipped with the knowledge, skills, and empathy you need to confidently support your traumatized LGBTQIA+ clients on their journey toward healing!

See what your colleagues are saying about our summit presenters:
FREE 2-Day Live Virtual Event

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care Summit

August 12-13, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Central
$649.93 Value – Absolutely FREE!
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE hours and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
No catch. Over the last few years, thanks to the generosity of our expert speakers and the support of therapists like you, we've had the amazing opportunity to provide professional training to more therapists than ever.
Yes! You get replay access for 14 days after the summit. Replays will be available within the week after the event ends and will be in the same place where the live sessions took place in your account portal. You also get to keep any session slides and handouts that you download!

Please note you would need to watch the presentations as they are presented live in order to receive live credit. Self-study credit is not available for the archive recordings of the live training sessions.
Yes! The self-study CE package (including up to 12.5 self-study CE hours) is just $99.99 – exclusively for registrants.
Just register today with your name and email, then click the "LIVE CE" button on the next page to purchase your credit package for just $99.99 – for up to 12.5 live CE hours if you attend each session in full.
Yes! Just register above and then click the "Self Study" CE button on the next page and purchase the recording package. You'll get unlimited access to the recordings and be able to earn self-study CE at any time in the future.
Yes! The training is LIVE and you'll be able to ask questions of all of our faculty! Though presenters may not get to all questions, they will try to answer the most relevant and frequent ones.

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FREE 2-Day Live Virtual Event

LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Care Summit

August 12-13, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Central
$649.93 Value – Absolutely FREE!
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE hours and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

*If you purchase Live CE, please note you would need to watch the presentations that are being presented live in order to receive live credit.

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