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*CE credit + workbook package available for an additional cost.
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FREE 2-Day Live Online Training
Emotional Eating & Body Image:
Trauma-Informed, Weight-Inclusive Strategies to Address Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & More
September 26th & 27th, 2024 * 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Value Price (including CE and workbook) = $486.98
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
CE credit and workbook are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

Diet culture prescribes discipline and willpower to achieve an unrealizable ideal.

But clients aren’t served by self-deprivation that contributes to weight stigma, disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, and mental health difficulties like anxiety and depression.

Now you can get access to the most up-to-date interventions to help your clients recognize and reverse the impact of toxic diet culture as you skillfully:

  • Assess food, weight, and body image treatment targets
  • Utilize CBT, IFS therapy, mindfulness, and attuned eating strategies to transform shame into empowerment
  • Treat trauma narratives and somatic activations to lessen binge behaviors
  • Detect and avoid wellness traps as you create a weight-inclusive practice

This training will shift the paradigm out of which you intervene with clients who are struggling with emotional eating and body image.

Join Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW, Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, CCTP-II, and Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS, and thousands of your colleagues LIVE online where you’ll receive:

  • Two full days of FREE training led by international experts
  • The opportunity to get your questions answered live during the training
  • The complete set of course materials
  • On-demand access to the recording for 14 days
  • Exclusive access to an upgrade package featuring CE credits and a copy of The Emotional Eating, Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & Body Image Workbook

This unique opportunity to learn from a faculty of 3 experts in emotional eating may not come again…

And at no cost, you’ve got nothing to lose!

FREE 2-Day Live Online Training
Emotional Eating & Body Image:
Trauma-Informed, Weight-Inclusive Strategies to Address Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & More
September 26th & 27th, 2024 * 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Value Price (including CE and workbook) = $486.98
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
CE credit and workbook are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
What You’ll Learn
Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW
Thursday 9/26 | 8:00am-4:00pm CT
Emotional Eating, Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & Body Image: What Every Clinician Needs to Know
Featuring Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW | Click here for information about Judith Matz

Clients who struggle with weight and food issues get caught in a vortex of shame, preoccupation and hopelessness. Trapped between the rigidity of dieting and the chaos of overeating, every day can be an emotional battle that may exacerbate or result in low self-worth, eating disorders, anxiety and depression. In this session, Judith Matz, LCSW, ACSW will show you how to help your client shift the shame that is woven into the diet-binge cycle as they challenge unhelpful thoughts and feelings related to food and body size.

Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, CCTP-II
Friday 9/27 | 8:00am-11:25am CT
Binge Eating Disorder in Focus: A Strengths-Based IFS Treatment Approach for Resilient Recovery
Featuring Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, CCTP-II | Click here for information about Amy Pershing

No matter your clinical specialty, you’re likely to see clients with Binge Eating Disorder (BED), which often accompanies trauma-related symptoms, depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. In this session, Amy Pershing, LMSW, ACSW, CCTP-II, pioneer in the treatment of BED, will give you a unique approach targeting not just behavior change, but clients’/patients’ relationships with food and their bodies to create deeper and more resilient recovery.

Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS
Friday 9/27 | 12:35pm-4:00pm CT
Gentle Nutrition: Help Clients Find Authentic Health and Avoid Wellness Traps
Featuring Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS | Click here for information about Christy Harrison

In a culture where moral value is applied to food and the statement “you are what you eat” is considered a truism, it’s no wonder clients struggle with eating and are susceptible to any food-related claim that hits headlines – whether evidence-based or not. In this session, Christy Harrison, MPH, RD, CEDS, well-known author of Anti-Diet and host of the popular Food Psych podcast, will show you a gentle nutrition approach that focuses on self-care to give your clients/patients the tools to decrease food-related anxiety and avoid wellness traps.

FREE 2-Day Live Online Training
Emotional Eating & Body Image:
Trauma-Informed, Weight-Inclusive Strategies to Address Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & More
September 26th & 27th, 2024 * 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Value Price (including CE and workbook) = $486.98
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
CE credit and workbook are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’re glad you asked! You’ll learn a new paradigm – one that is trauma-informed and weight-inclusive – for helping your clients who struggle with emotional eating and body image so that they can forge a new relationship with food and their bodies.
Because diet culture is pervasive, it’s likely that most of your clients/patients are affected by body image and eating concerns. Whether you already specialize in this area or not – whether you’re a counselor, social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, marriage and family therapist, or addiction counselor, you’ll walk away with a powerful new approach to help your clients be at home in their bodies.
No catch. Due to the generosity of our speakers and the support of therapists like you, we have been able to provide professional trainings to more clinicians than ever! Our mission is to connect knowledge with need, and offering accessible training in innovative, effective treatment approaches allows us to do that.
YES! The training is LIVE and you'll be able to ask questions of our experts! Though they may not get to all of them, our faculty will try to answer the most relevant and frequent questions.
When you register today, you get unlimited free replay access for 14 days after the training. Replays will be available within the week after the workshop ends in your account portal.
Just register today with your name and email, then click the "LIVE CE" button on the next page to purchase your credit package for just $99.99 (discounted from $486.98) — only available for those who register here and purchase before the end of the training.
Yes! Just register above and then click the “Self Study" CE button on the next page and purchase the recording package for just $99.99 (discounted from $486.98). You'll get unlimited access to the training and be able to earn CE at your convenience.

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FREE 2-Day Live Online Training
Emotional Eating & Body Image:
Trauma-Informed, Weight-Inclusive Strategies to Address Chronic Dieting, Binge Eating & More
September 26th & 27th, 2024 * 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Value Price (including CE and workbook) = $486.98
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
CE credit and workbook are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

*If you purchase Live CE, please note you would need to watch the presentations that are being presented live in order to receive live credit.

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