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After a prolonged period of merciless isolation and distress that has resulted in significant surges of mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and psychological stress...

...clinicians everywhere are struggling to get their arms around what we can’t see.

You need to be ready now to:

  • Make rapid clinical decisions when your patient’s behavioral issues disrupt medical care
  • Recommend or write mental health prescriptions for your patient with the most recent evidence incorporated
  • Provide advanced discharge recommendations for your patient’s holistic wellness and continuity of care

Register for this new psychopharmacology certificate course today to gain clear, concise and current strategies so you can confidently handle your patient’s combined medical and psychiatric needs... for any setting, department, or role you are in.

The Best CE Training for Nurses

The Best Pharmacology CE training
for Nurse Practitioners

$709.96 Value
Just $199.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!

Earn up 17 CE Hours, including up to 6.0 pharmacology hours!

Click here for course objectives and outline, and Click here for Credit hours breakdown.

Enhance your total head-to-toe wellness care with new psychopharmacology medication management solutions AND updated, tried-and-true clinical behavioral strategies!

From Kenneth Carter, PhD, ABPPB, honored by NIH and other global institutions, you’ll get two decades of his clinical research and practice condensed into easy-to-apply strategies for...

  • Complex and common questions that you get asked about medications and OTC drugs new to market
  • Medications for depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar, ADHD, antipsychotic, and insomnia... get the ins-and-outs of how these medications work, their benefits, their side effects and dangerous reactions associated with them
  • Treatment effects, adverse effects and withdrawal affects to OTCs and commonly prescribed SSRI, SNRI, Benzodiazepines, and immediate responses for situations you may encounter

You’ll get proven clinical solutions from crisis intervention expert, Valerie Vestal, MSN, PMHNP-BC, on...

  • How to manage, de-escalate and protect yourself and your patient from behavioral & mood disorder emergencies, psychotic emergencies, violent & aggressive behaviors, and more
  • Steps you need for every stage of ETOH and different types of drug-related emergencies from intoxication, withdrawal, acute to stabilization
  • How to identify, treat and communicate child/adolescent needs, geriatric emergencies, family crisis interventions, and trauma emergencies such as domestic violence and rape

From renowned trauma expert, Frank Guastella Anderson, MD, you’ll get psychopharmacology essentials related to the treatment of trauma and dissociation, including...

  • Actionable interventions you need for treating acute trauma, PTSD, ADD, depression, bipolar, co-morbid PTSD, sleep disturbances, and more
  • Easy-to-apply strategies for managing polypharmacy for PTSD symptomology, PRN medications, atypical antipsychotics, and common complex comorbidities

Sonata Bohen, MSN, ARNP, CS, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and NEI Master Psychopharmacologist, will deliver a FREE timely bonus module with tips to manage unanticipated interactions with psychotropic medications, drug-induced delirium and physical symptoms in patients affected by Covid-19.

Not only will you gain invaluable skills to quickly and accurately utilize these tools and training right away...

Walk away with a Psychopharmacology Certificate AND a comprehensive reference guide that you’ll use throughout your career!

Psychopharmacology Certificate Course: Medication and Behavior Management Strategies for Complex Patients and Challenging Situations in Any Department
$709.96 Value
Just $199.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!

Click here for Credit details, including up to 6.0 pharmacology hours.
Plus, FREE bonus module!

Course Outline


Psychopharmacology: Essential Information for Mental Health Professionals
By Kenneth Carter, PhD, ABPP | Click here for information about Kenneth Carter

Dr. Carter answers questions from providers in the field and walks through examples of practical clinical discussions that come up every day in practice, including how to discuss scope of practice with your patients in order to optimize their care when working with multiple providers. The goal is for you to finish better prepared to communicate with your patients as well as the prescribers, as Dr. Carter instructs you on how medications work, their benefits, and the side effects and dangerous reactions associated with them.

You will get the latest information on antidepressants, anxiolytics, and common medications for insomnia and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, among multiple others. Through lecture and the examination of multi-disciplinary ethics codes and real case examples, you will take a close look at the ethical decisions that accompany medication use and the non-prescribers role and limits with regards to medication discussions with your patients.

MEDS 101
  • Case study
  • Reasons to be knowledgeable about psychiatric medications
  • Lessons from other disciplines
  • Pharmacy
  • Nursing
  • Ethics guidelines
  • The common questions clients have about their medications
  • Handling differences of opinion between yourself and a prescribing professional
  • Organization of the nervous system
  • Structure of the neuron
  • Communication between neurons
  • How medicines interact with the nervous system
  • Neurobiology
  • SSRIs and SNRIs
  • Mechanism of action
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Medications in these categories
  • Case Study
  • DSM-5® anxiety categories
  • Deconstructionist approach taken by prescribers
  • Neurobiology
  • SRRIs and Benzodiazepines
  • Mechanism of action
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Medications in these categories
  • Case study
  • Monotherapy
  • Lithium, anticonvulsants, and 2nd generation
  • Mechanism of action
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Medications in these categories
  • Case study
  • Neurobiology
  • Methylphenidate and amphetamine
  • Mechanism of action
  • Delivery systems
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Medications in these categories
  • Case study
  • Psychosis symptoms
  • Neurobiology
  • 1st and 2nd generation
  • Antipsychotics
  • Mechanism of action
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Medications in these categories
  • Case study
  • Causes and treatments for insomnia
  • Medications for insomnia
  • Half-life
  • Benefits and adverse reactions
  • Case study
Behavioral Emergencies: Accurately Assess & Manage Patients in Crisis
By Valerie Vestal, MSN, PMHNP-BC | Click here for information about Valerie Vestal

Whether you work in the emergency department, on a med/surg floor or in a nursing home… managing health and behavioral emergencies are on the rise and patients may present with or begin to demonstrate what can feel like just plain frightening symptoms. In those moments, you need to act fast to establish a therapeutic relationship, help rule out medical conditions, accurately assess presenting symptoms, and evaluate for appropriate disposition. Follow clinician Valerie R. Vestal, MSN, PMHNP-BC, as she provides you with new, up-to-date and essential approaches for crisis intervention, ETOH withdrawals, aggressive/violent behaviors, threats of serious harm, de-escalation techniques, and more!

Regardless of the setting, department or exact role you are in... you will walk away with astute judgement and advanced clinical skills in order to pull together the pieces to confidently manage your patient’s combined medical and psychiatric needs.

The Psychosocial Assessment
  • Differential diagnosis
  • Assess level of consciousness
  • Quick identification of physical problems that can lead to psychiatric symptoms
  • Immediate safety concerns/danger to self
  • Panic/anxiety/agitation
  • Techniques to bring calm
Psychotic Emergencies
  • Schizophrenia
  • Psychosis related to medical conditions – delirium, endocrine disorders, cardiovascular disorders, pulmonary disorders
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Intoxication
  • Withdrawal – delirium tremens
  • Acute stage – detoxification, medical interventions
  • Stabilization stage
Drug Related Emergencies
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamine
  • PCP
  • Hallucinogens
  • LSD
  • Opioids
  • Acute management and stabilization
Violent and Aggressive Behaviors
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Self-mutilating behaviors
  • Suicidal risk
  • Predictors of suicide
  • Suspecting a drug overdose
  • Strategies for your own safety
  • De-escalation techniques
Mood Disorder Emergencies
  • Major depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorders – manic episodes
Trauma Emergencies
  • Domestic violence survivor
  • Rape survivor
  • Acute stress reaction
Families in Crisis
  • Children/adolescent needs
  • Geriatric emergencies
  • Crisis intervention – for individuals, couples, an entire family
A Guide to the Psychopharmacology of Trauma and Dissociation
By Frank Guastella Anderson, MD | Click here for information about Frank Anderson

You see patients often enough who have experienced various traumatic events. This is your opportunity to learn from world renowned trauma expert, Frank Anderson, MD. During this course module, you will receive a crash course into the neuroscience and neurobiology of PTSD, acute trauma treatments and the psychopharmacological best practices for both. Dr. Anderson's keen insights regarding co-morbidities that may be seen in patients who are receiving trauma treatment is included as well. These patient care complexities will be simplified through usable step-by-step polypharmacy solutions.

  • Effectively approaching traumatized clients with medication supports
  • Classification of the different types of trauma
    • Normative responses
    • Iatrogenic risks of rapid psychopharmacological treatment
  • Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS)
    • Working with “parts of self” and medication interventions
    • Primary types of parts
  • Therapists’ role in medications – facilitating compliance
    • Indications for medication referrals
    • Integrating IFS with medication management
    • Video case example – securing parts agreement and clarifying expectations
  • Neuroscience and the neurobiology of PTSD 
    • Neural networks and neural integration
    • Fear response circuitry – normal and disrupted function
  • Neurotransmitters and medications
    • Specific effects of most commonly used medication interventions
  • Treating Acute Trauma
    • Current psychopharmacological research and new directions
    • Negative effects of benzodiazepine use
  • Treating PTSD
    • Indicated medications and common side effects
  • Psychedelic assisted psychotherapy
    • Enhancing self-compassion and reducing defenses
    • Limitations of current research
  • Hormones and PTSD
  • Polyvagal theory and Dissociation
    • Differentiating ventral and dorsal parasympathetic function  
  • Treating Dissociation – applications of atypical antipsychotics
    • Medications new to the market
  • Psychosis, Bipolar Disorder and Trauma - Co-morbidities and Trauma 
    • Use of PRN medications and scheduling
    • Discriminating between biological and emotional symptoms
  • Sleep disturbances
    • Psychotropics used – effects and side effects
  • Attention Deficit Disorder – overlap and medication interaction with PTSD
  • Substance abuse and indicated medications
  • Depression and co-morbid PTSD
    • Star-D study results
    • Polypharmacy for PTSD symptomology
  • OCD  
  • Alternative treatments for Trauma
BONUS - Risks & Consequences of Covid-19 on Mental Health: A Psychopharmacology Update
By Sonata Bohen, MSN, ARNP, CS | {193891_Sonata_BohenWithBio}

Expert Clinician Sonata Bohen, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and NEI Master Psychopharmacologist, knows well the challenges you are facing in practice right now. As the insidious effects of Covid-19 continue to place across the country, those physical symptoms must be managed. As if all of that was not challenging enough, there are more and more Covid-19 patient cases where unanticipated interactions with psychotropic medications are taking place, increased incidence of drug induced delirium and for a long list of reasons, mental health needs, in general, are requiring our very careful attention.

Vulnerable Populations
  • Barriers in access to care
  • Increased risks during this pandemic
Increasing Risk through Social Isolation and Unemployment
  • Domestic violence
  • Suicide
  • Child abuse
  • Food insecurity
  • Substance abuse and the opiate epidemic
  • Worsening physical health
Psychopharmacology: Consequences of Covid-19
  • Organ and systems impacted 
  • Caution in dosing and selection of medications in Covid-19 patients with mental illness
  • Increase of drug induced delirium in patients on respirators with Covid-19
  • Medications used to treat Covid-19  - and possible interactions with psychotrophic medications
Global Connectedness
  • What we can learn from other nations and cultures in this present pandemic
  • How we can all come out as better people from this crisis
Psychopharmacology Certificate Course: Medication and Behavior Management Strategies for Complex Patients and Challenging Situations in Any Department
$709.96 Value
Just $199.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!

Click here for Credit details, including up to 6.0 pharmacology hours.
Plus, FREE bonus module!

Frequently Asked Questions About This Course

This course is what you want to get to the next level and keep in your toolbox throughout your career, whether you're seeking new evidence-based treatment modalities, delving into new patient populations or seeking research-oriented solutions to complex problems. This course delivers advanced training and knowledge in behavioral emergency response, evaluation techniques from the experts, the complexity of psychopharmacological medications and the pandemic impact on mental health.

This course may be right for you if you are a nurse, nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, physician assistant, physician, therapist, case manager, psychologist, social worker, pharmacist, or a counselor. After this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify effective medication regimens for patients based on their psychiatric history and presenting symptoms.
  • Manage medication combinations without causing harm.
  • Evaluate de-escalation techniques for a variety of violent patient behaviors.
  • Examine the pharmacology behind the substances of abuse seen presently in practice.
  • Describe specific ethical issues and resolutions related to patient communication and prescribing of psychotropic medications.
  • Evaluate the need for medication adjustments considering the organ/system effected by Covid-19.
  • Prevent critical pharmacology errors and avoid malpractice lawsuits.

With almost 17 hours of online video training, insightful commentary, case studies and examples, you will take away powerful new clinical strategies to immediately apply in your own practice! We encourage you to take the time to fully absorb everything. Watch the videos. Read the materials. Get your CE hours! But, if you review all of the course materials and are still not satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Yes! Once you register for this course - the materials, including bonus content, are yours to keep and access forever.

The Next Steps in Advancing Your Practice
Watch your email for your order confirmation and get instant access to all course materials designed to help you effectively integrate these solutions into your practice and your life. Click here for course objectives and outline.
Review the course materials at your own pace and at your convenience! You'll have unlimited access to all course videos and materials online forever. Plus, use the PESI Mobile app to access the course content on your phone or tablet. Choose video or audio-only versions of online courses from the world's best instructors, and complete your CE requirements anywhere, anytime, at your own pace.
Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You'll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on integrating medication and behavior management strategies into clinical practice, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences and to build your professional network.
Complete your online CE tests and earn up to 17 CE hours, including up to 6.0 pharmacology hours! Click here for Credit details.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register without risk! If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260. We’re that confident you'll find this intensive course to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Psychopharmacology Certificate Course: Medication and Behavior Management Strategies for Complex Patients and Challenging Situations in Any Department
$709.96 Value
Just $199.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!

Click here for Credit details, including up to 6.0 pharmacology hours. Click here for course objectives and outline.

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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