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To help preemies survive and thrive you need to be on top of your game. But your days are non-stop and it’s tough to stay up to date on the newest evidence and best practices.

Register now for the Neonatal Course and discover the latest evidence and best practices for this vulnerable patient population.

This comprehensive course provides essential information and strategies for every practitioner who works with preemies... from the NICU team to early intervention rehab professionals. We take the most critical topics in neonatal care – from ventilation and heart defects to how trauma affects both patients and caregivers – and translate them into practical, real-world solutions you can implement the very next day.

After completing the course, you will walk away with:

  • Solutions for feeding challenges, both in the hospital and at home
  • Clinical strategies to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes
  • How to manage complex neonatal conditions including heart defects, sepsis, hyper/hypoglycemia, and NEC
  • Best practices for minimizing developmental delay, promoting growth, and reducing adverse neonatal outcomes
  • How to use trauma-informed care to support neonatal patients & families (and yourself!)
  • Best practices to reduce your liability and protect yourself from legal risks
  • New family-centered care strategies for preparing parents to transition from the NICU to home

Who should take this course? Nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, lactation consultants, and all other clinicians who take care of premature infants.

The Complete Neonatal Course:
Navigating Prematurity, the NICU and Beyond

$2,519.78 Total Value
Just $249.99 Today — Huge Savings!
Earn up to 30.25 CE hours, including up to 3.0 pharmacology CE hours and 5.75 IBLCE L-CERPS
You'll get training from an interdisciplinary team of 20 neonatal experts to elevate your knowledge... so that you can deliver the very best care.
Course Features
  • Inspiring session by Mary E. Coughlin, MS, NNP, RNC-E, nationally recognized neonatal care expert and author of Trauma-Informed Care in the NICU
  • Interdisciplinary training designed for ALL neonatal clinicians – Nurses, NPs, Lactation Consultants, PAs, PTs, SLPs, OTs, and more
  • 20 leading specialists, including MDs, NPs, PTs, Psychologists, OTs, LCs, and PharmDs provide vital content
  • Earn up to 30.25 total CE hours including up to 3.0 pharmacology CE hours and 5.75 IBLCE L-CERPS
  • Many topics relevant to maintain your neonatal certification
You Get:
  • Unlimited access and replay for ALL sessions
  • Earn up to 30.25 CE hours
  • Expert guidance from interdisciplinary leading experts
  • Handouts and resources for each session
  • Learn on your own time and earn CE as you go
The Complete Neonatal Course
Mary E. Coughlin, MS, NNP, RNC-E
Transformative Nursing in the NICU: Trauma-informed, Age-appropriate Care
Mary E. Coughlin, MS, NNP, RNC-E | Click here for information about Mary Coughlin

The NICU experience is at best traumatic. Despite the lifesaving nature of the services provided in this highly technologically driven setting, one must not lose sight of the primary purpose of healthcare, to enhance the quality of life by enhancing health, with a goal of achieving a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Transforming the experience of care in the NICU for babies and families begins with the individual healthcare professional. The evolution of neonatology and medicine at large has taken us further and further away from our shared humanity and into a place where our patients and even ourselves are reduced to parts and functions.  Reconnecting with our own story, our values, and beliefs creates a bridge that restores our collective consciousness. When we can see ourselves in others, we open the door for more compassionate and loving encounters.  This new vision enables us to serve at our highest level, increasing our job satisfaction as we ease the suffering of others, which, in turn, reduces our own experience of compassion fatigue and burnout. 

This highly dynamic and emotional session will present the biology of trauma and how these experiences can be mitigated and buffered through authentic caring relationships grounded by love. 


The Biology of Toxic Stress 

  • Fetal Development  
  • Developmental Trajectory 
  • Long Term Consequences 

Moderators of Toxic Stress 

  • The Core Measures for Trauma-Informed Developmental Care 
  • The Principles of Trauma-Informed Care 
  • The Healing Power of Connection 

The Power of Story 

  • Trauma Exposure Responses 
  • The Walking Wounded versus the Wounded Healer 
  • Unitary Caring Science 


Shannon Tinkler, MSN, CNS, RNC-NIC
The Preterm Brain: Development, Injury and Influence
Shannon Tinkler, MSN, CNS, RNC-NIC | Click here for information about Shannon Tinkler

The preterm brain is highly susceptible to injury and influence. Every interaction we have as providers can have significant influence on the long-term outcomes of this fragile population. Understanding the development of the preterm brain, the pathophysiology of injury and infection, and the influence of our daily interactions will help practitioners deliver the highest quality care to the tiniest of patients.

Structural development of the fetal brain from conception to term 

  • Differences in brain complexity from 20-40 weeks 
  • Structural brain and neural definitions and functions 
  • Susceptibility to injury & infection 

Sensory development of the brain and effects of outside influence due to preterm birth, injury, or illness 

  • Sensory systems 
  • Influence of pain on the preterm brain 
  • Developmental care  

Preterm brain injury-Pathophysiology and prevention 

  • Intraventricular hemorrhage-stage classification and nuances of diagnosis 
  • Periventricular Leukomalacia-definition and recognition   
  • Post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus-classification and treatment 
  • Infection risks and strategies to prevent hospital-acquired infection 

Erin Sundseth Ross, PhD, CCC-SLP
Shining a Spotlight on Feeding in the NICU and Beyond
Erin Sundseth Ross, PhD, CCC-SLP | Click here for information about Erin Ross

Current evidence suggests 40% of infants who begin life in the NICU have feeding or growth problems within the first four years of life. And yet the focus within the NICU is often on simply getting the infant to eat well enough to go home. It is not enough to establish oral feedings in the NICU – professionals need to understand the ongoing development of feeding to support these infants and their families both in the hospital and after discharge. This presentation will review what is known about the normal development of eating as well as detail what the challenges are for infants and families after discharge. It will provide a model for understanding what needs to be done differently in the NICU to change the long-term feeding outcomes of these fragile infants, as well as suggestions for interventions.

Struggles to establish safe, enjoyable feedings 

  • Current research on starting feedings early to decrease length of stay 
  • Research on feeding outcomes post-discharge 
  • Feeding and growth projections 

Are we the etiology for the poor long-term outcomes post-discharge? 

  • A shift in the focus of feeding experiences in the NICU 
  • Changes to feeding after discharge 
  • Education 

Published resources to guide professional practice 

  • Best practices 
  • Standards and competencies 
  • Limitations to current research 

LaTrice L. Dowtin, PhD, LCPC, NCSP, RPT
What is Behavioral Health in the NICU?
LaTrice L. Dowtin, PhD, LCPC, NCSP, RPT | Click here for information about LaTrice L. Dowtin

Very often when families learn that the newest member of their family needs time in the NICU, panic strikes. Research shows that infant medical severity has no influence over family mental health during a NICU stay. That means whether a neonate simply needs more time to grow and feed in the NICU, family members may experience diagnosable conditions such as Acute Stress Disorder, anxiety (or postpartum anxiety), major depressive Disorder, or even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to their infant’s NICU hospitalization. These diagnoses have been shown to negatively impact infant outcomes resulting in longer NICU stays, limited skin-to-skin contact, and even later developmental delays. In this session, you will improve your ability to accurately refer families for behavioral health services. Parental mental health, infant-parent bonding, and developmental care practices will be discussed so that you can help families gain positive health outcomes during their time in the NICU. Racial, cultural, and linguistic considerations will be reviewed.

What is Behavioral Health In the NICU? 

  • Define behavioral health in NICU settings 
  • Roles of psychology/counseling vs social work in many US hospital systems 
  • Brief introduction into infant mental health  

What is the Impact of Behavioral Health in the NICU? 

  • Discuss infant outcomes 
  • Examine infant-parent relational bonding in the NICU 

When to refer to Behavioral Health in the NICU? 

  • Explore common diagnostic outcomes for NICU families 
  • Examine signs of significant parental distress 
  • Brief review of select screening tools 

Michelle Donahoo, RRT-NPS
Optimizing Ventilation of the Premature Infant
Michelle Donahoo, RRT-NPS | Click here for information about Michelle Donahoo

In the NICU any ventilation strategy aims to support the neonate's respiratory system during compromise while limiting any long-term damage to the lungs and the skin. In this session, we will review the many different ventilation modes and strategies that are available to assist with the optimization of non-invasive ventilation management and help the team make the best choice for treatment.

Standard NC 

  • Type and indications 

High flow NC 

  • Review Vapotherm system 
  • Review Optiflow system 
  • Heating and Humidity 


  • Flow generated  
  • Bubble 
  • Heating and Humidity 

Non-Invasive Ventilation modes in various ventilators 

  • Review differences between a few ventilators and their NIV modes and how they work 
  • Review interfaces differences connected to ventilator 
    • RAM NC 
    • F&P Interface 
  • Heating and Humidity 


Jane Shannon MSN, RNC-NIC, CNL, LNC
Is My License on the Line? A Discussion of Legal Issues in the NICU
Jane Shannon MSN, RNC-NIC, CNL, LNC | Click here for information about Jane Shannon

Everyone has heard stories in the news regarding formula recalls, lawsuits for NEC, birth injuries, infants with permanent brain damage and cerebral palsy, and HIE. Nurses and healthcare workers are scared that they could be tried as a criminal if they make a mistake. This presentation will discuss legal issues pertinent to caring for patients in the neonatal intensive care setting, define negligence, and how caregivers of this vulnerable population can keep their patients and themselves safe.

Neonatal Nursing Standards of Care 

  • Professional practice for RNs, graduate RNs and advanced practice nurses 
  • Neonatal specialty 
  • Certification requirements and expectations 

Legal Thinking and Descriptions 

  • Types of neonatal lawsuits 
  • How to determine negligence 
  • Anatomy of a deposition 

Medical Errors In the NICU 

  • Most common errors 
  • Who is accountable for reporting 
  • Just Culture 
  • Reducing medical errors 

Transition from NICU to Home: Great Expectations with Evaluation and Treatments
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS | Click here for information about Karen Pryor

Evaluation of the fragile infant takes special skills and a family connection. There may be intensive treatments based on work - rest and goals established, to catch up milestones with their peers. Looking at the medical findings, scans, genetic tests, and equipment needs will provide knowledge about what is happening on the outside. Neurological findings enlighten the therapist to what is working and what may need to be rewired for optimum function. Accommodations may need to be designed for special cases. Tracheostomies, feeding tubes, and oxygen are a few items we must work around to encourage rolling, coming to sitting, and other milestones.


  • Neurological findings 
  • Genetics 


  • Evaluate motor functions that are working 
  • Assess what is not working well 

Asymmetry – face, neck, trunk, upper and lower extremities 

Positional movements 

  • Tummy time  
  • Supine positions 
  • Side lying  
  • Accommodations for tracheostomy, oxygen, tube feeding equipment 

Asymmetrical presentations 

  • Torticollis  
  • Scoliosis 
  • Tone 
  • Arm and leg lengths   

Determine pain influence 

  • Methods of treatment 
  • Myofascial assistance 

Building a home program for the newborn 

  • Activities to gently awaken the nervous system 
  • Positioning and movement 

Mrs. Ashley Randolph
Health Equity Within the NICU
Mrs. Ashley Randolph | Click here for information about Ashley Randolph

When a baby is born prematurely and needs to be hospitalized in the NICU it is an overwhelming experience for families. And when families with premature babies come from multicultural backgrounds, this experience is often even more challenging. In this session, Ashley Randolph will talk about the unique needs of parents of color in the NICU, including how cultural factors impact how a family responds to the NICU experience. She will review how NICU professionals and families can establish a relationship with all families that is based on trust, mutual respect, and positive consistent communication. You will be introduced to the skills, tools, and resources to deliver more equitable care in the NICU.
Outline coming soon!
The Complete Neonatal Course:
Navigating Prematurity, the NICU and Beyond

$2,519.78 Total Value
Just $249.99 Today — Huge Savings!
Earn up to 30.25 CE hours, including up to 3.0 pharmacology CE hours and 5.75 IBLCE L-CERPS
Julia Muzzy Williamson, PharmD, BCNSP, BPS
Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia in the Neonate
Includes 1.5 hours of pharmacology content
Julia Muzzy Williamson, PharmD, BCNSP, BPS | Click here for information about Julia Muzzy Williamson

Whether it is hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia in a neonate, it signals a failure of the normal transition from fetal to postnatal patterns of glucose homeostasis, and both can lead to complications and are important risk factors for mortality and morbidity in the neonatal period. In this session, Julia Muzzy Williamson will provide a comprehensive overview of both conditions, their complex etiologies, and the most current guidelines for management. Learn how to work within the interdisciplinary team to treat these challenging conditions and improve outcomes for these little patients. Start of Collapsible area 1
  • Hyperglycemia
    • Etiology
      • Prematurity and Intrauterine growth restriction
      • Increased stress hormones
      • Causes related to feeding/total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
      • Sepsis
      • Iatrogenic
      • Transient neonatal diabetes mellitus
      • Drugs
    • Evaluation
    • History and Physical
    • Workup
    • Glucose
    • Electrolytes
    • Differential Diagnoses
    • Treatment and Management - Interdisciplinary
    • Glucose Infusion Rate (GIR)
    • Role of Insulin
  • Hypoglycemia
    • Etiology
      • Insufficient glucose supply, with low glycogen or fat stores or poor mechanisms of glucose production
      • Increased glucose utilization (excessive insulin production or increased metabolic demand)
      • Failure of counter-regulatory mechanisms
    • Evaluation
    • History and Physical
    • Workup
    • Differential Diagnoses
    • Treatment and Management - Interdisciplinary
    • Early feeding
    • Intravenous dextrose
    • Second line - corticosteroids

Diagnosis to Transition: Comprehensive Management of Neonatal Heart Defects
Angela Gooden DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC/AC, NEA-BC | Click here for information about Angela Gooden

In neonates, a comprehensive approach to the management of known or suspected cardiac defects is critical to ensuring diagnosis and management. In this session, both right and left heart lesions will be covered to include early recognition, initial resuscitation and stabilization, systematic evaluation, and knowledge of immediate and long-term management strategies. Be prepared to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.

Incidence and prevalence of neonatal cardiac defects.  

  • The rate of cardiac defects for live births in the United States per year. 
  • The incidence and prevalence of critical cardiac defects. 
  • Pre/post-natal diagnosis. 

Nuances of transitional physiology in neonates. 

  • Review fetal versus neonatal shunts. 
  • Compare and contrast associated signs and symptoms. 
  • Identify red flags. 

Late presentation resuscitation, stabilization, and evaluation strategies. 

  • Recognize clinical signs of late presentation. 
  • Establish immediate goals of treatment and stabilization. 
  • Review evaluation tools. 

Critical congenital cardiac lesions. 

  • Establish basic plans for immediate intervention including type and timing of surgical or catheter-based procedures. 
  • Review lesion-specific pre/perioperative management. 
  • Establish basic plans for long-term management and natural history of outcomes. 

Jennifer Humphries, DNP, CRNP, NNP-BC
Enteral Feeding Practices and the Review of Necrotizing Enterocolitis
Jennifer Humphries, DNP, CRNP, NNP-BC | Click here for information about Jennifer Humphries

Despite supporting evidence for enteral feedings for preterm infants, barriers to initiating and advancing enteral feeds exist, including fear of NEC or rapid weight gain. In this session, Dr. Humphries will share the evidence surrounding enteral feedings, especially early enteral feedings, and their impact on the overall health, growth, and development of the preterm infant. This session will also include a comprehensive overview of NEC including the current understanding of the disease, risk factors, pathophysiology, and epidemiology. We will discuss management and prevention of NEC in addition to new emerging research.

Nutritional Requirements for Preterm Infants 

  • Human Milk Vs Formula 
  • Nutrient per Kg  
  • Growth chart 
  • Benefits of Early Enteral Feedings 

When to start enteral feeds 

  • Stable infants 
  • High risk infants 
  • Colostrum as mouth care 

Advancing Feeds/Full Feeds 

  • Trophic feeds 
  • Assessing Feed Tolerance 
  • Rate of advancement 


  • Understanding best practice 
  • Infants with congenital abnormalities of the GI tract or following GI surgery 
  • Standardization of Practice across NICUs 

NEC -  

  • Etiology and Pathophysiology  
  • Clinical indicators  - Subtle Indicators  
  • Systemic Signs 
  • Laboratory Studies 
  • Differential Diagnosis 
  • Diagnosis  
  • Management and Surgical indicators  
  • Prognosis and complications related to NEC 
  • Long term complications 
  • Limitations of Research 
  • Understanding all potential risks and causative factors 

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Practice Essentials
Sue Bowles, DNP, APRN-CNS, RNC-NIC, CBC | Click here for information about Sue Bowles

Treating neonates with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome has often involved the separation of the mother-infant dyad and a NICU admission; something we know interrupts bonding and infant development. In the last several years a new family-centered model called Eat Sleep and Console (ESC) was developed. This model promotes maternal engagement, breastfeeding, the mother-infant dyad rooming-in, and a functional-based assessment of infants. The approach is a substantial change from previous NICU care using primarily a pharmacological approach based on a scoring tool to treat and care for these babies. This session will review the history of treating substance-exposed neonates, the development of the ESC model, and a functional approach to the assessment of a substance-exposed infant.

What is NAS/NOWs  

  • Opioid Substances 
  • Non-Opioid Substances 
  • Etiology of NAS 
  • Signs and Symptoms – Common, Acute, Subacute 

Treatment and Intervention 

  • Non-Pharmacologic Management 
  • Pharmacologic Management 

Eat, Sleep, Console: Rationale and Development 

  • ESC assessments 
  • Eating 
  • Sleeping 
  • Consoling 

Parent/Caregiver Presence 

  • Creating a supportive environment 
  • Parent presence 
  • Parent Teaching 

Recommendations - Pearls of Wisdom 

Michelle Donahoo, RRT-NPS
Advanced Airway Placement for Neonates
Michelle Donahoo, RRT-NPS | Click here for information about Michelle Donahoo

Airway management for newborns is the most important part of resuscitation. In this session you will hear the evidence for placing advanced airways such as endotracheal tubes (ETT). Michelle Donahoo will review ETT using a standard laryngoscope and video laryngoscopy systems. Additionally, she will review laryngeal mask airways (LMA) which are becoming more popular for first-line advanced airways. An overview of the indications and contraindications of both advanced airways will be included.

ETT intubation procedure 

  • Standard laryngoscope 
  • Video laryngoscope 

LMA procedure 

  • Indications, limitations, contraindications 

Limitations of the research and potential risks 

Review of EBP for intubation training and competency. 

Stephanie Abbu, DNP, RN, CNML
A Closer Look at ROP
Stephanie Abbu, DNP, RN, CNML | Click here for information about Stephanie Abbu

Every year up to 16,000 premature infants born in the United States are affected by retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). This eye disease is the leading cause of childhood blindness in the world. The complexity of ROP care requires effective coordination and communication between the entire healthcare team, including the patient’s family. As neonatal caregivers, we need to look at barriers to ROP care and follow-up through a health equity lens, then develop patient-centered solutions to prevent vision loss.


  • History of retinopathy of prematurity and  
  • How our understanding of it has evolved over time 


  • Staging system  
  • Diagnosis and treatment of high-risk neonates 


  • Standardizing personnel and roles 
  • Monitoring post-discharge care 
  • Communication interventions 

Legal Issues 

  • Liability 
  • Malpractice 

Health equity and disparities 

  • Review barriers to ROP care and follow-up 
  • Describe patient-oriented solutions to overcome barriers 

Kay A. Toomey, PhD
Understanding the Complexity of Feeding & Eating
Kay A. Toomey, PhD | Click here for information about Kay A. Toomey

Many parents and professionals see eating as being an instinctive, automatic, and easy task that comes naturally to children. However, eating is actually the most complicated of human behaviors because it is the only body-based task humans do that involves all 7 areas of human function. Not only do each of these areas need to work correctly individually, but they also need to integrate and coordinate amongst, across, and within all 7 areas in order to eat and grow well. IJoin feeding and eating expert, Dr. Kay Toomey, in this two-hour workshop where she’ll share the complexity of feeding from a multidisciplinary perspective and outline the 7 areas necessary for thorough and accurate Feeding Assessments and Treatments.
  • Scope of the Problem  
  • When Children Struggle to Eat  
  • Why Children Struggle to Eat  
  • Being Able to Eat & Grow Well -  Seven Areas of Human Function   
  • Pediatric Feeding Disorder  

Gwen Wild, MOT, OTR/L
Neurochemistry & Self-Regulation: Strategies to Improve Behavior & Emotions
Gwen Wild, MOT, OTR/L | Click here for information about Gwen Wild

Knowing the correlation between neurochemistry and self-regulation will help you better develop appropriate interventions for challenging behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), ADHD, anxiety, trauma, behavior/mood disorders, and learning disabilities. Learn clinically proven neurological approaches to immediately improve behaviors, such as hyperactivity, aggression, frequent meltdowns, extreme sensory sensitivities, inattentiveness, and more! Leave with access to simple screening tools to identify possible neurochemical differences and the knowledge to impact neurochemical change. Case studies and active participation in strategies to impact change will solidify your learning.


  • 5 of the most important NTs 
  • Primary roles 
  • Function of neurons 
  • Major neurochemicals that impact self-reg 

Addressing Neurotransmitter Imbalance 

  • Signs and symptoms 
  • How to increase or decrease major NTs 
  • Active participation in strategies to impact NT and enhance self-regulation 
  • Screening tools and intervention strategies 
  • Choose strategies based on desired neurochemical changes 

Karen Pryor
Primitive Reflex Integration Through Neuroplasticity Treatment Techniques
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS | Click here for information about Karen Pryor

Therapists frequently see primitive reflex patterns in pediatric cases. Sensory experiences govern primitive reflexes. When treatment is directed around the level of the lesion, integration begins. Rather than management of symptoms alone, neuroplasticity provides effective tools to place primitive reflex patterns in the background of the nervous system, allowing more voluntary movement.

Function Related to Neurological Anatomy 

  • Brain and brain stem anatomy 
  • CNS lobes and layers related to function 
  • Why spastic patterns are demonstrated 
  • How to apply neuroplasticity techniques 

Neurological System of the Pediatric Patient 

  • Neurological damage effects relating to specific regions of the brain and brain stem 
  • Instruction related to specific area of the CNS 
  • Demonstration of neurological patterns 
  • Form a basis of therapeutic neuromotor rewiring around damaged areas 

Change Connections in the CNS 

  • Target brain regions to treat 
  • Neuroplasticity techniques to decrease the tone of spastic patterns and allow active movements 
  • Relate simple treatments for use in home programs 

Paula Cox, PT, DSc, PCS
Motor Skills Learning & Exploration: Early Intervention for Independence & Problem-Solving
Paula Cox, PT, DSc, PCS | Click here for information about Paula J Cox

Autonomy in movement is life-changing – and you’re at the front lines, working to facilitate that change for your patients. Positively impact clinical outcomes with evidence-based therapeutic strategies to effectively examine and intervene. By identifying issues early on and addressing them, the brain’s plasticity allows the impact of your interventions to be much more comprehensive. You’ll be able to customize treatment plans for each child’s unique challenges and also offer solutions for their parents to integrate into their daily lives. Learn how to apply innovative techniques that completely redefine what’s possible for your patients’ independence and problem-solving.
  • Maximize potential for independent motor exploration 
  • Framework for effective examination, intervention and outcome measurement 
  • Contributing to the Early Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy 

Jennifer Gray, MS, CCC-SLP
Bilingual Parent Coaching in Early Intervention Settings
Jennifer Gray, MS, CCC-SLP | Click here for information about Jennifer Gray

Many bilingual families and therapists are struggling to navigate culture and language barriers as well as Early Intervention telehealth services. As daunting as these seem, there’s no need to worry!

Watch this exciting new session as Jennifer Gray demonstrates how to serve bilingual families in Early Intervention settings with proficiency. You’ll finish with the confidence to make informed decisions about how to work with bilingual families!
  • Parent and Therapist roles in Early Intervention Bilingual homes 
  • I am not Fluently Bilingual/Multilingual. What are My Options? 
  • Parent Coaching 
  • End the Blame Game 
  • Do This not That 

Angela Mansolillo, MA/CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Adapting Pediatric Feeding Therapy for the Clinic, Home, School, and Online – Not Just the Kitchen Table
Angela Mansolillo, MA/CCC-SLP, BCS-S | Click here for information about Angela Mansolillo

As feeding and swallow specialists, we are challenged with adapting our interventions to all the environments children eat in. Join in to learn concrete strategies to customize your interventions for home, school, the sitter’s...and a hundred other places!

You will finish armed with pediatric feeding strategies that will allow you to manage medical issues related to respiration, airway, and aspiration in non-medical environments, design effective individual and group feeding environments in school settings, and more!

Whether you currently work in pediatric feeding or are new to the field, Angela offers new tips and tools that make it easy to understand and easy to implement.
  • Feeding Environments 
  • There’s No Place Like Home 
  • School-Based Feeding Therapy 
  • Medical Settings 
  • Making Teletherapy Work 

Neonatal Sepsis
Includes 0.5 hours of pharmacology content
Mel Cook, MSN, RNC-NIC, C-ELBW, PHN, DNP-c | Click here for information about Mel Cook

One of the most common clinical issues you will encounter while working in the NICU is neonatal sepsis. Do you feel confident in identifying a neonate’s unique risk factors, along with recognizing the subtle signs and symptoms of neonatal sepsis? What about collecting and analyzing the relevant diagnostics, integrating multiple clinical interventions, and participating in infection prevention measures, all the while promoting family engagement to best manage these situations? Or would you like a refresher? Whether you are a 20-year NICU veteran, transitioning to the NICU, or a new grad, this dynamic course led by Mel Cook will equip you with the knowledge and confidence you need to effectively manage neonatal sepsis.

What is Neonatal Sepsis 

  • Impact 
  • How the Immune System Works 
  • Routes of Transmission 

Risk Factors 

  • Maternal 
  • Neonatal 
  • Hospital 

Early Onset Sepsis 

  • Definition 
  • Group B Streptococcus (GBS) 
  • Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) 

Late Onset Sepsis (LOS) 

  • Definition  
  • Coagulase-Negative Staphylococcus (Coag-Neg Staph) 
  • Care Bundle 

Clinical Presentation 

  • Vital Signs 
  • Early Clinical Presentation 
  • Late Clinical Presentation 
  • Differential Diagnosis 


  • Blood Culture 
  • Complete Blood Count with Differential  
  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) 
  • Lumbar Puncture  

Clinical Treatments 

  • Antibiotics 
  • Respiratory Support 
  • Hemodynamics  

Family Perceptions 

  • Sepsis is Traumatic  
  • Family-Centered Care 
  • NICU Caregiver Considerations - Full Circle 

Dawn Kersula, MA, RN, IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE
Breastfeeding Success: Latch Secrets, Alternative Feeding Methods & Medication Safety
Includes 1.0 hour of pharmacology content
Dawn Kersula, MA, RN, IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE | Click here for information about Dawn M. Kersula

Over 80% of mothers say they want to breastfeed their babies – but by the time they leave the hospital almost 20% of those babies have already been given formula. Can we change that metric? Why do babies seem to refuse the breast, and what help can we offer?

Parents can feel confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed. They report that information has not been consistent amongst the nurses helping them. How can we change that? What can we do to help hit the reset button for babies who are neurologically disorganized and fighting the breast?

Begin your journey towards IBCLC certification with over 5 CE hours towards the 90 Lactation Education hours needed for the exam, based on the IBLCE Core Competencies!

Breastfeeding Latch, Suck & Positioning

What is a good latch? 

  • The best position is the one that works 
  • Studies show families want hands-on, practical help with latch and positioning 
  • Physiologic breastfeeding (also called Baby-Led) encourages babies and moms to follow their instincts 

Steps to an effective feed 

BASICS can help staff and families assess and improve latch  

  • B = Belly to Belly 
  • A = Alignment 
  • S = Space 
  • I = In Close 
  • C = Cheeks and Chin 
  • S = Sucking and Swallowing 

What about babies who “fight the breast”? 

  • Assist with positional stability and teach the parent WHY the baby does what they do 
  • Maternal and infant conditions can affect latch and positioning 

Babies come with a history 

  • The role of birth, stimulation, medications 
  • Gestational age 
  • Neurologic disorganization 


Pathways to self-efficacy 

  • Performance accomplishment 
  • Vicarious experiences 
  • Verbal persuasion  

Distressed behavior 

  • Babies who have been repeatedly pushed forcefully to the breast can learn it’s a place of discomfort, not comfort 
  • Feed in an alternate way 
  • Re-establish trust 

Back to the breast: Make it feel safe 

  • STS or not: “How do we fit together?” 
  • Mother keeps calm, follows infant lead 
  • Use your expertise only when needed 

GLOW authors suggest 

  • On days 2-3 share info about feeding cues and latch 
  • Supports lactogenesis II and the making of milk 
  • Supply will “take off like a rocket” 

Alternative Feeding Methods 

  • What is normal weight loss? 
  • Start with hand expression  
  • Choose a safe way to get the milk into the baby – Global Media video 
  • Safe use of nipple shields 
  • Safe use of paced bottle feeding 
  • Push the reset button 
  • Teach parents about infant states of consciousness 

Medication Safety 

Considerations for availability 

  • Molecular weight 
  • Lipid solubility 
  • Excretion of drugs including half life 
  • Oral bioavailability 
  • Timing in lactation 

Translating the theory into real life 

  • Hale’s Lactation Risk Categories 
  • Antidepressants 
  • Cannabis 
  • Cigarettes 
  • Alcohol 
  • SARS-COV2 vaccines and therapies 
  • Hormonal contraceptives 


  • Infant Risk Center 
  • PLLR labeling 
  • References in print 

Anatomy and Physiology Update

  • 4-18 Ductal openings (previously thought 15-20) 
  • The ducts branch closer to the nipple – the lactiferous sinuses do not exist  
  • Ducts can be just below the skin surface, making them easily compressible 
  • Most glandular tissue is found within 30 mm (~1.2 inches) of the nipple 
  • Montgomery Glands are now called Areolar Glands 
  • Lactogenesis I (Secretory Differentiation) 
  • Lactogenesis II (Secretory Activation) 
  • Protracted nipples 
  • Inverted nipples (Grade 1 – 3) 
  • Baseline prolactin levels 
  • The role of insulin  
  • Is oxytocin always our friend? 
  • New research on Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex
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Navigating Prematurity, the NICU and Beyond

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