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Primary care is a never-ending marathon.

Each day is packed… with urgent visits, scheduled appointments, prescription refills, chronic illness management, and challenging new diagnoses… your goal is to treat all your patients, provide them with the best care possible, and keep them healthy.

But the guidelines change continuously and keeping up with emerging evidence-based care can be time-consuming and overwhelming, leaving you unsure of how to treat all your patients...

We can help… join us for an incredible program taught by a faculty team of 21 experts, so that you can deliver the most comprehensive care to your patients.

You will get...
  • Latest evidence-based guidelines… including GOLD, GINA, AAFP, CDC, and more!
  • Medication updates for acute and chronic conditions
  • Lifestyle medicine integration for primary care
  • Practical solutions provided by interdisciplinary experts

Stay up to date in rapidly changing therapeutic areas while learning to manage commonly encountered conditions and improve patient outcomes. Walk away with practical and useful information and enhanced professional skills that you can implement immediately in clinical practice.

Advances in Primary Care
$2,069.78 Value
Just $1,138.38 Today — Stunning Savings!

Earn up to 32.0 CE Hours, including up to 14.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
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  1. Developed to meet the real-world needs of primary care providers
  2. Lead by primary care experts who are in the trenches every day
  3. Evidence-based guidelines... from GINA, CDC, GOLD, ADA, ACLM, and more!
  4. Information that you can immediately apply in your practice
  5. The most current pharmacology content and opportunity to earn up to 14.0 pharmacology CE hours

See our amazing agenda and meet your primary care expert speakers!

Integrating Lifestyle Medicine in Primary Care
Jessica Albores, MBA, FNP-C, DipACLM, CWS
Defining Lifestyle Medicine...
  • What is Lifestyle Medicine?
  • Discuss the 6 pillars of lifestyle medicine
  • How is Lifestyle Medicine Different from other related disciplines?
What is the evidence...
  • Interventions to prevent and treat chronic disease
  • Lifestyle-related chronic diseases... including obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, breast cancer, dementia, and a few others
What are Lifestyle Medicine Interventions...
  • Prevention of developing lifestyle-related chronic illnesses
  • Strategies to integrate Lifestyle Medicine into daily practice
  • Strategies to implement lifestyle medicine quickly into short visits

Managing Chronic Liver Disease in Primary Care
Amanda Chaney, DNP, FAANP, AF-AASLD
Abnormal LFTs
  • Reasons for Abnormal LFTs
  • Finding the “why”
  • When to Refer
Hepatitis C Update
  • Background
  • Diagnosis and Presentation
  • Treatment Options
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
  • Background
  • Treatment Options
  • Consultations
Cirrhosis and its Complications
  • Cirrhosis Complications
  • Portal Hypertension — GI bleeding and Ascites
  • Infections
  • Pulmonary issues
  • Renal issues
  • Palliative Care
  • Transplant

Reflux & Heartburn with a Retroflex of Health & Wellness
Melissa Dyrdal, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
0.5 Pharmacology CE Hours
Reflux & Heartburn
  • Pathophysiology/effects
  • Typical vs. Atypical
  • Patient referrals
Comprehensive Evaluation
  • EGD/pH/HRM
  • Gastric Emptying
  • Esophagram
  • Planimetry
  • CT
Treatment options
  • Lifestyle/diet
  • Medication
  • Endoscopic
  • Surgical
Medical Weight Management
  • Assessment/consult
  • Diagnostics/Labs
  • Processed Food Addiction
  • Treatment route
Quality of life/success
  • Education
  • Options
  • Referral(s)
Patient/provider relationship for lifelong disease
  • Openness/trust
  • Continued knowledge and education
  • Accountability
  • Follow through

Asthma Interventions: The GINA Guidelines
Alicia Elam, PharmD
1.5 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • What is GINA?
  • Anti-Asthmatic Drugs and how they are employed in the GINA strategy
    • SABAs
    • LABAs + ICS
    • LAAC
    • ICS
    • LTR
  • GINA guidelines — the use of albuterol in the management of asthma
  • Previous asthma treatment guidelines vs. Current GINA strategy
  • US Boxed Warning associated with LABAs in the management of asthma
  • Alternative asthma treatments / other controller options

Managing COPD in Primary Care: Yes, You Can!
Mike Hess, MPH, RPFT, RRT
0.5 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • COPD Pathogenesis & Epidemiology
    • Screening tools
    • Phenotypes/etiotypes
    • Diagnostic options
  • Treatment Options
    • Pharmacological management
    • Tobacco cessation strategies
    • Pulmonary rehabilitation
    • Oxygen therapy
    • Surgical and bronchoscopic interventions
  • Additional Resources
    • GOLD
    • ATS/ERS
    • Peer support groups

Can't Miss Diagnoses in Primary Care
Kristene Diggins, DNP, MBA, FAANP, CNE, NEA-BC, DC
  • Cardiovascular Assessment & Diagnosis — H & P, Specific pointers, Key exam findings in normal/abnormal exam, Differential Diagnosis: MI
  • Cerebrovascular Assessment & Diagnosis — H & P, specifics pointers, Key exam findings in normal/abnormal exam, Differential Diagnosis: CVA/ TIA
  • Pulmonary Assessment & Diagnosis — H & P specifics for the pulmonary exam, Key findings in normal exam/ abnormal, Differential Diagnosis of interest: PE
  • Timely Evidence-based Differential Diagnosis
    • Point of care Clinical Decision Support tools
    • Limitations of CDSS and other collaborative decision tools to effectively diagnose/timely
    • Evidence-based process of collaboration in primary care urgencies/ diagnosis

Primary Care Dermatology for the Non-Dermatology Provider
Mikala Riddlesworth, PA-C, MMS
  • Acne
  • Dermatitis
    • Atopic
    • Allergic
    • Contact
  • Benign Lesions
    • Cysts/Lipoma
    • Nevi
    • Seborrheic/Solar Keratosis
  • Pre Malignant Lesions
    • Actinic Keratosis
  • Malignant Lesions
    • Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
    • Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
    • Melanoma

Immunizations in Primary Care: Making a Difference
Kathy Bay, DNP, RN, CENP, USN, ret
1.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
Current adult and child/adolescent recommendations for immunization
  • Child Immunization Schedule for 2023
  • Adult Immunization Schedule Changes for 2023
  • Covid-19
  • On the horizons
Vaccine safety tools utilized in the United States
  • VSD
  • COVID-19 CISA Project
Importance of recommending immunizations to patients
  • Role of primary care providers
  • Patient Education/Dispelling myths
  • Record Keeping
  • Resources

Screening for Mental Health Issues in Primary Care
Catherine Moore, MSN, PMHNP-BC
  • Importance of mental health assessment and treatment in primary care — Prevalence, Access to specialized treatment: often long waits or other barriers to engaging Mind-Body connection
  • Levels of integration — Coordinated vs. Integrated
  • Measurement-based care — Pros and cons, Considerations
  • Depression — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • Anxiety — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • Sleep — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • Other mood disorders and Psychotic disorders — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • ADHD — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • Substance use — Diagnosing: symptom measure, clinical interview, Psychopharmacologic intervention, medical rule-outs
  • Safety Assessment and Planning — CSSR, Safety planning
  • Limitations or research and potential risks

Management of Food Allergies in Primary Care
Erin Sinnaeve, DNP, FNP-C
  • Food Allergy Stats — global population and state rates of food allergy, most allergenic foods, anaphylaxis rates, hospitalizations, and medical procedure data, health disparities, quality of life impact
  • Diagnosing food allergy — the importance of history, IgE testing through skin and immunocap/RAST tests, IgE versus Non-IgE food allergy
  • Management of food allergy — education, treatment for anaphylaxis, school implications/forms, clinician role in the management of food allergy-related anxiety
  • Prevention — early Introduction, eczema treatment, breastfeeding

Endocrine Challenges in Primary Care
Christina Dzioba, PhD, APRN, WHNP-BC, BC-ADM, FNP-BC, C-EFM
1.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • Metabolic Syndromes and Diabetes
    • Gut Health, genetics, and hormone dysregulation as key pathophysiology components
    • Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine
    • Treatments require a multifaceted approach and individualized plan
    • Watching and Waiting leads to missed opportunities and weight gain
    • Older adult considerations
  • Thyroid disorders
    • Gut health, Genetics, and hormone and immune system dysregulation lead to pathophysiologic changes
    • Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid symptoms and management
    • Risk factors to consider in primary care
    • Older adult recommendations
  • Osteoporosis
    • Quality is just as important as quantity and is not just a problem in older adults
    • Key risk factors to consider
    • Primary care partnerships needed to help patients through treatment
Advances in Primary Care
$2,069.78 Value
Just $1,138.38 Today — Stunning Savings!

Earn up to 32.0 CE Hours, including up to 14.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

An $889.89 value!

Prescribing for Pain Management: Best Practices for Opioid and Non-Opioid Medications
Debra Dermady-Ray, RN-BC, MS, ANP-BC
2.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • Pharmacokinetics to Guide Medication Decisions
  • Principles of Analgesia
  • Medications for Pain Management
  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Standard of Care for Scheduled Pain Medications

Respiratory Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics, Indications for Use and Patient Monitoring
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS
1.75 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • Asthma — Not Just Bronchodilators Anymore
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) — Long-Term Pharmacologic Therapies
  • SARS-CoV2, COVID-19
  • Tuberculosis (TB): Still Prevalent and Highly Contagious
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Pneumonia

Botulinum Toxin Injections for Chronic Migraine
Victoria Trott, PA-C, MMS, AQH
Migraine Headaches
  • Diagnosis
  • Aura — no Aura
  • International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD)
PREEMPT Protocol for Botulinum Toxins
  • Criteria
  • Documentation
  • Potential Adverse Effect
  • Insurance
Injection Process (Demonstration)
  • Materials Needed
  • Injection Sites (31 total)
  • Dosage
  • Frequency
  • Reconstitution
  • Documentation

Wake Up the Surgeon! Can't Miss Abdominal Pain Diagnoses
Patrick Heagey, MPAS, PA-C
  • Patient History — pertinent historical details related to a chief complaint of abdominal pain, risk factors, benign vs. urgent, visceral vs. parietal vs. referred
  • Physical Exam — findings leading to the diagnosis of an acute surgical abdomen, benign vs. urgent
  • Emergent and surgical management of several common potential life-threatening surgical abdominal emergencies
    • Differential dx
    • Acute appendicitis
    • GI Perforation
    • Ectopic pregnancy
    • Small bowel obstructions
    • Mesenteric Ischemia
    • Volvulus
    • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
  • Potential pitfalls in the management of acute abdominal pain in the geriatric population

Mythbusters: Genetics and Pharmacogenomics
Nguyen Park, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA
The Current state of Genetics & Genomics Advances
  • MythsBusters Flow Chart
  • Genomic Competencies
  • Impact on Clinical Practice
Basics of genetics & genomics
  • Double Helix (Rosalind Franklin)
  • Double-Stranded vs. Single-Stranded DNA/RNA
  • DNA Points to Remember
  • The Human Genome: Your DNA
  • Genetic testing affects patient care
    • Newborn Screening
    • Mitochondrial
  • Direct-to-Consumer Genetic/Genomic Testing
Ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding genetics & genomics testing and therapies
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  • Gene Therapy
  • Genetic Mutation/Replacement

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: Office-Based Orthopaedic Evaluation
Dennis Rivenburgh, MS, ATC, PA-C, DFAAPA
The orthopedic exam — overview, conditions, anatomy, focused history questions
  • Shoulder
  • Elbow
  • Hip
  • Knee
  • Ankle
Radiographic Imaging
  • Indications
  • Which views to order
  • Interpretation
Treatment Approaches
  • Physical therapy
  • Immobilization/Casting
  • Surgery

Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy
James Paoletti, BS Pharmacy, FIACP, FAARFM
  • Goals of balanced physiologic hormones
  • Functions and benefits of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone v
  • Patient Needs Assessment
  • Effects of supraphysiologic dosing of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
    • Estradiol
    • Progesterone
    • Dosage forms used for BHRT

Management of Type 2 Diabetes for Primary Care
Matthew Kearney, MS, MPAS, PA-C
  • Complications — Macrovascular, Microvascular, and Neuropathy complications
  • Treatment — A1C Goals, Medications (ADA Guidelines), Patient teaching Reduction of ASCVD Risks
  • Goals — Reduced HF Risk, Reduce risk of Neuropathy, Increased quality of Life

"Life is Dangerous, Wear a Helmet!" Concussion Assessment and Management
Steven Cohen, MPA/HCA, PA-C
  • What is a Concussion?
    • "Not for Faint of Heart"
    • "Hold on to Your Helmets!"
    • Concussion Facts — A New Model-Symptom with Focused Therapies
    • Improving Recovery
  • What Should We Know?
    • Mild TBI — refer to GCS
    • Head Trauma — Blunt Trauma
    • Why Did I See My Provider (somatic complaints)
  • Studies and Physical Exam Findings
    • Additional Testing
    • SCAT 5 — Sports Concussion Assessment Toll 5
    • MACE
  • Mechanisms of Concussion
  • Adult Psych. Issues or Mental Health Disorders associated with concussion identified
  • Concerns to See a Provider
  • Research Into CTE
  • So, Where are we going with Concussion Research and Management?

When it's More than just a Nightcap: Alcohol Use Disorder
Deanna Bridge Najera, MPAS, MS, PA-C, DFAAPA
  • Impact of alcohol use disorder
  • Definitions related to alcohol consumption
  • Risks of heavy drinking
  • Benefits of screening for AUD and how to perform
  • Detox — outpatient and inpatient protocols
  • Medications for maintaining sobriety
  • Other supports for AUD

JNC8: Is it Still Great? Hypertension Treatment Guidelines
Alicia Elam, PharmD
1.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
  • Joint National Committee Guidelines (JNC8) — Guideline Emphasis, Three Questions, Blood Pressure Goals
  • Why is JNC8 more lenient with BP control? HDFP, HSP, ANBP, VA Cooperative
  • Which Antihypertensive Classes are first line?
  • 2nd, 3rd, and later line options for the treatment of HTN
  • What do Trials Matter? — ALLHAT and AASK
  • Exceptions to the JNC8 rule?
  • Follow-up with JNC8
  • Lifestyle changes
  • JNC8 vs. ACC/AHA 2017 and other guidelines
Advances in Primary Care
$2,069.78 Value
Just $1,138.38 Today — Stunning Savings!

Earn up to 32.0 CE Hours, including up to 14.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

How You'll Feel the Next Day in Your Practice Setting

CONFIDENT to safely prescribe medications for COPD, Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes and more!

EQUIPPED to initiate treatment for and manage several chronic conditions in your primary care setting

PREPARED to develop appropriate differential diagnosis and order diagnostic studies

ENERGIZED to bring your primary care practice to the next level!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Advances in Primary Care
$2,069.78 Value
Just $1,138.38 Today — Stunning Savings!

Earn up to 32.0 CE Hours, including up to 14.0 Pharmacology CE Hours
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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