Each state has its own continuing education requirement for training in domestic violence for behavioral health professionals, social workers, and other professionals. This course includes a comprehensive overview of domestic violence, but it is important that you verify with your specific licensing board or professional organization to ensure it covers the required topics.
With this comprehensive course, you'll receive a package of our best domestic and intimate partner violence training at one low price…and you will earn up to 16.25 CE hours, which includes 10 hours of domestic violence training and 6.25 hours in general ethics training.
You will learn from some of PESI's best domestic and intimate partner violence speakers including Katelyn Baxter-Musser, LCSW, C-DBT, Christina A. Reese, LCPC, PHD, and Terry Casey, PhD.
This training is an indispensable guide for improving outcomes for those impacted by domestic and intimate partner violence. You will walk away with:
- Screening tools to assess for safety, risk, and lethality
- Checklists and advocacy resources
- Documentation and confidentiality strategies
- Guidance on crisis intervention and safety planning
- Culturally competent responses to abuse
- Trauma-informed interventions for clients exposed to domestic violence
- Guidelines for mandatory reporting: The "what", "when" and "to whom"
- Updates on state laws pertaining to minors
- Vicarious trauma and the clinician
- Perspectives on boundary issues with minors, and parents/guardians
Just $199.99!
Whether you're a social worker, counselor, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, nurse, or anyone in the helping professions, this is one program you can't afford to miss.
Don't wait to take advantage of this exclusive bundle offer and save!
Many professions require continuing education on domestic violence and ethics. Check your specific licensing board or professional organization to confirm this course will meet the requirements.
Nurses! If your state requires training on domestic violence as part of your continuing education requirements, this course is a great opportunity!
Trauma-Informed Interventions, Documentation, Reporting and Ethical Issues
Register Today for $199.99!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
Katelyn Baxter-Musser, LCSW, C-DBT
6.0 hours of domestic violence instruction
- Myths about domestic and intimate partner violence
- Substance abuse and domestic violence
- Abuse in the LGBTQ Community
Red Flags of Violence: What All Clinicians Need to Know
- Screening and assessment techniques
- Identify immediate danger
- Tools to assess for safety, risk, and lethality
- Checklists and advocacy resources
- Technology and domestic/intimate partner violence
Reporting Requirements and Documentation Guidelines
- Privacy and confidentiality
- Who is required to report and when?
- Standards for making a report
- Proper documentation and confidentiality strategies
The Next Steps: Crisis Intervention & Safety Planning
- Safety plans while living with and leaving abusive partners
- Safety planning for children
- Emotional safety planning
- Restraining orders/protective orders
- Recognizing your own biases
- How survivors interpret domestic violence in their culture
- Adapting danger assessments for underserved populations
- What is victim blaming and how to avoid it
Trauma-Informed Interventions: Transition Clients from Surviving to Thriving
- Assess for PTSD, anxiety, trauma, and other mental health issues
- Understand the multilayered impact of DV/IPV
- Processing shame, anger, and guilt
- Working with children exposed to domestic violence
- Research, limitations, and treatment risks
Vicarious Trauma & The Clinician
- What is compassion fatigue
- Recognizing signs of burnout
- Self-care techniques for the professional
Christina Reese, PhD, LCPC
3.0 hours of domestic violence instruction
- Gang Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Community Based-Mass Violence
- Healing Trauma
- Defining Self Care
- Emotion Regulation and Managing Grief
Katelyn Baxter-Musser, LCSW, C-DBT
1.0 hour of domestic violence instruction
- Barriers to leaving narcissistic abuse relationships
- Trauma-informed approaches that respect clients' autonomy
- Strategies to enhance clinical support and safety
Terry Casey, PhD
6.25 hours of general ethics instruction
- The ethical and legal landscape
- Vulnerability and power differentials
- Federal and state laws outlining legal responsibilities
- Licensing rules
- Suggestions & resources for avoiding problems and mitigating risk
- Limitations of the research and potential risks
The Necessity of a Decision-making Model
- The Multiple Perspective Model: Step-by-step guide
- The five essential perspectives
- Consult, consult, consult
- Decision & documentation
Different States, Different Laws!
- Variability among state laws pertaining to minors
- Documenting that parents are informed
- Checking assumptions of parents & minors
- Guidance to parental & minors' rights resources
Consent Rules and Issues Involving Minors
- Consent vs. assent
- Who can provide consent?
- Parental rights and consent rules
- Special rules for older adolescents
- Informed consent process
Who is the Identified Client and why this Matters
- When does an individual become a client?
- Personal representatives
- Ethical vs. legal considerations
Confidentiality Standards and Limits with Minors
- Limits of confidentiality
- Communications with minors and parents
- Progressive scenarios technique
- Parental agreements
- Default rights
- Special situations
- Exceptions
Responding to Requests for Records
- Healthcare records vs. educational records
- Clinical records and psychotherapy notes
Caught in the Middle of Divorced Parents
- Informed consent process
- Parenting plans
- Other legal considerations
Mandatory Reporting: The "what", "when" and "to whom"
- Mandatory reporting — state laws
- Federal definition of child abuse
- Variability among state laws
- Ethical considerations
Relationships and Boundaries with Minors
- Social media policies
- Boundary issues with minors, and parents/guardians
- Multiple relationships
- Power differentials
- Virtual relationships
- Vulnerability of minors & potential for exploitation
- Texting and messaging
- Physical touch: When it is appropriate, and when it is not Informed consent
- Organizational policies
Trauma-Informed Interventions, Documentation, Reporting and Ethical Issues
Register Today for $199.99!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
Click here for information about Katelyn Baxter-Musser
Click here for information about Christina Reese
Click here for information about Terry Casey
Each state has its own continuing education requirement for training in domestic violence for behavioral health professionals, social workers, and other professionals. This course includes a comprehensive overview of domestic violence, but it is important that you verify with your specific licensing board or professional organization to ensure it covers the required topics.
Each state has its own continuing education requirement for training in ethics for behavioral health professionals, social workers, and other professionals. This course includes a comprehensive overview of ethics, but it is important that you verify with your specific licensing board or professional organization to ensure it covers the required topics.
Yes! This training is an indispensable guide for improving outcomes for those impacted by domestic and intimate partner violence. You will walk away with:
- Screening tools to assess for safety, risk, and lethality
- Checklists and advocacy resources
- Documentation and confidentiality strategies
- Guidance on crisis intervention and safety planning
- Culturally competent responses to abuse
- Trauma-informed interventions for clients exposed to domestic violence
- Guidelines for mandatory reporting: The "what", "when" and "to whom"
- Updates on state laws pertaining to minors
- Vicarious trauma and the clinician
- Perspectives on boundary issues with minors, and parents/guardians
With over 16 hours of online video training, role-plays, insightful commentary, interventions, and examples, you will have compelling new clinical strategies that you can immediately start applying in your practice! We encourage you to take the time to fully absorb everything. Watch the videos. Read the materials. Get your CE hours! Earn your certification!
But if you review all of the course materials and are still not satisfied, call us at 800-844-8260. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Yes! Once you register for this course you'll have unlimited access to all the materials, including bonus content.
Trauma-Informed Interventions, Documentation, Reporting and Ethical Issues
Register Today for $199.99!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.