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I know what it's like to deal with the constant arguing, badgering and explosive outbursts of a child with ADHD.
Struggling to get them to focus… repeating yourself over and over… the frustrating calls from the school… the meltdowns that grind on you until you're exhausted.
Having days where you wonder how you're going to make it through with nothing left in the tank to give.
You're not alone.
I've worked with thousands of parents in the exact same spot. Tired of advice that doesn't work. Tired of charts, rewards, yelling, begging, bribing... with no results.
And getting access to a qualified ADHD specialist is almost impossible.
Hi, I'm Dr. Ari Tuckman, one of the world's leading experts in ADHD. Over the last 25 years, I've tested dozens of techniques for helping children with ADHD. Not all of them were affordable, some didn't work well enough, and some just weren't easy to use.
But among the failed tests were diamonds in the rough. I perfected them and compiled them into a toolbox of brain-based strategies that are effective, powerful and easy to use.
The parents I've worked with say these techniques are life-changing — and eager parents have flooded my waitlist wanting to learn them.
Now with this online program, I can teach them to you.
In short 5-8 minute sessions, this program gives you proven tips on improving grades and behavior at school, medication, morning and bedtime routines, ending fights at home, and so much more. You'll begin seeing results immediately.
No more morning battles…
Homework and chores completed without fights…
Easily deescalate explosive emotions and avoid meltdowns…
Turn teachers and schools into allies…
See friendships blossom…
Enjoy more joyful moments with your family…
And the best part is, these techniques focus on your child's strengths to help them succeed in life.
Don't wait to get started. Your child needs these techniques now so you can move forward and find success as quickly as possible. Let's do this together!
Your family comes first...
Unlock this course and receive hours of expertise that can cost upwards of $500 for a fraction of the cost!
Register risk-free, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Specifically designed to set your child up for success…

 Less stressful morning and bedtime routines

 Setting boundaries with social media and technology

 Manage long-term assignments, chores, and day-to-day basics

 Sample dialogues to create harmony with teachers, schools, and more

 Increase responsibility and flexibility when your child becomes a teen

 Manage and avoid "freak outs", meltdowns, and last-minute pressuring
family dancing
Dozens of easy-to-implement strategies for ages from 4 to 18.

"Dr. Ari's course with PESI Life offers quick, practical strategies that are invaluable for parents navigating the daily challenges of raising a child with ADHD. As an OT, I highly recommend it to any parent seeking effective solutions despite limited time, providing an opportunity to take control and empower themselves in supporting their child's well-being."
Gwen Wild, MOT, OTR/L
Licensed Occupational Therapist
Bite-Size Learning – Anytime, Anywhere!

I know you're busy. That's why I've divided this program into short, 5-8 minute videos you can watch any time, even on the go with the PESI app.
I've removed anything non-essential and get right down to the practical tips you need to change your daily struggles immediately. Watch or listen to the videos on your phone or laptop. It's like having your own personal ADHD expert always with you, ready to provide easy-to-use strategies whenever you need them.
You Get Lifetime Access
Register today and this program is yours to keep forever. Watch and rewatch videos as you need specific strategies, and tackle challenges as they arise. The whole program will be conveniently located in your PESI Life account whenever you need it – labeled by topic for easy reference and ready for instant access.
It's not just about managing ADHD; it's about helping your child succeed.

Unlock this course and receive hours of expertise that can cost upwards of $500 for a fraction of the cost!
Register risk-free, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Thrive Together as a Family
Explore Important Topics
"The modules are very affirming and relatable. I was glad to hear the information about neurobiology and brain science related to ADHD, as well as the information related to the various medication options and what to look for/be aware of."
— Tanya N., Parent
My Child Has ADHD, Now What?
I'm exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed
... am I a terrible parent?
When to seek professional help and who does what

To Medicate or Not to Medicate?
Weighing the pros and cons
Simplified overview of common meds
How to know when meds aren't working and side effects
Are there alternatives to medication?

Myth Busting: What ADHD Is and Isn't
ADHD and the brain explained
Your ADHD comes with you wherever you go
What is "executive functioning"?
Does anyone else in the family have ADHD? (Probably)
What if it isn't just ADHD?

Real Improvements
More Joy — Less Stress

Effective Parenting Strategies for Everyday Challenges
Expectations, rules, and punishments that actually work
Is the problem skills or motivation?
Bedtimes and mornings
Keep your head on when your child is losing theirs
Screen time
Navigating sibling relationships, friendship, and romance
Staying organized, having the right things with you
kids playing

Set Your Child Up for Success in School
What to expect from school
Make the teachers your allies
What the heck is a 504 plan and IEP?
Winning (surviving) the homework wars
When Things Go Wrong (failing and behavioral problems)

Increasing Independence in the Teen Years
Show me what you can handle
Make social media supportive and safe
Setting your teen up for what comes next
Parenting a college student from a distance
Life at home after high school
Gap years and when returning from college

Parents are raving about this course...
5 stars
"I appreciate how Dr. Tuckman breaks down a very overwhelming topic into understandable and relatable sessions. I feel educated and empowered and am hungry for more."
— Jean B.

"Ari's explanations are very clear and his advice is useful. I'm looking forward to watching more!"
— Amanda Z.

"I would recommend this program even without finishing it. I love what I have experienced so far."
— Ross M.

Try it out today risk-free!
We offer a 100% money back guarantee.

Ari Tuckman
Here's my promise to you…
It gets better. Your child CAN grow up happy, healthy, and successful with ADHD. You can have a more balanced household and start enjoying parenting again. It's all in this program.
Imagine getting HOURS of one-on-one expertise with a leading ADHD expert for a fraction of the cost of ONE session.

satisfaction guarantee
PESI Life and I are so confident this program will help you and your kiddo that we're offering it risk-free. 100% money back guarantee.
So what have you got to lose? It's time to stop struggling and start thriving.

Make every moment count.
Real progress with less effort.
Yours Today for $89.99!
Normally $99.99

Help for your family in the palm of your hand!
No matter your situation, this video course can help your child reach their full potential and your family find greater connection and joy.
Sign up today and get instant access to the program.
Unlimited Access — Anytime, Anywhere

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We're so confident that you'll find the support you need, we offer a 100% money back guarantee. Check out the FAQs.
"When you know what you're doing, it can make a really big difference."
More About Dr. Ari Tuckman

Ari Tuckman

Dr. Ari Tuckman is a licensed psychologist, international presenter, author, and ADHD expert with 25 years of experience working with children and families just like you!
He has not only helped thousands of people, he's also trained therapists around the world. He is a popular and dynamic presenter who routinely earns excellent reviews for his ability to make complex concepts understandable and useful — and he's bringing all that to YOU!
He has given more than 650 presentations and podcast interviews for professionals and members of the public, across America and in Sweden, Turkey, Greece, Mexico, England, Spain, Denmark, Canada, and Iceland. He is the author of four books on ADHD, one for clinicians and three for the general public, and the podcast host of More Attention, Less Deficit.
Dr. Tuckman is a former board member and current conference committee chair for CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and is the 2023 recipient of the Hall of Fame award for his significant contributions to field of ADHD diagnosis and treatment. He has appeared on CNN, National Public Radio, and XM Radio and has been quoted in The New York Times, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe,, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Men's Health, and many other media outlets.

"He (Ari) has improved the lives of hundreds of patients with ADHD over 25 years… his superb presentations have educated and elevated audiences ranging from local PTA meetings to professional conferences, not just in the US but all over the world. Along with his practical takeaways is the consistent destigmatizing message of I see you, I understand you."
— Dr. Roberto Olivardia
Clinical Psychologist, specializing in the treatment of ADHD and executive functioning issues

Stop Struggling and Start Thriving

Unlimited Access — Anytime, Anywhere
Register risk-free, we offer a 100% money back guarantee.
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I've already tried everything, how do I know this will actually work?
A: This course was specifically designed by Dr. Ari Tuckman, an ADHD expert with 25 years of experience working with children and families just like yours! He's compiled the most crucial and useful tips into this simple course. If you're feeling frustrated and like you're getting nowhere, there's a good chance this course is just what you need to start feeling in control again. If you still aren't convinced, read what parents and licensed professionals have said about this course and Dr. Ari...
  • "The information was extremely helpful to me. The short, educational videos helped me grasp the concepts." — Ross B.
  • "The modules are very affirming and relatable. I was glad to hear the information about neurobiology and brain science related to ADHD, as well as the information related to the various medication options and what to look for/be aware of." — Tanya N.
  • "Dr. Tuckman not only puts practical tools in your hands to help your kids and family today, I feel like I'm listening and talking to a professional who really sees me." — Sarah Mount, Licensed Professional Counselor
  • "ADHD Training for Parents with Dr. Ari is exactly what parents and caregivers who have children with ADHD need — bite-sized content pieces aimed at specific issues that apply to their family's current stage of life and bigger-picture information to help fill in the "why" of it all — without getting too technical or theoretical. It's ideal for exhausted families who frankly don't have the bandwidth to take in a bunch of overwhelming information, and Dr. Ari's conversational, practical-meets-credible approach makes his guidance that much more helpful. Highly recommend!" — Kate Sample, Licensed Professional Counselor, with 15+ years of experience working with kids, teens, and families in outpatient, school, and residential settings

Q: Isn't it cheaper to just use free resources online?
A: You can find resources anywhere, but the reality is you can't just trust anyone with your child and family's health decisions. This course with Dr. Ari is based on his 25 years of experience working with families and children. He is an expert in the field of ADHD and has been recognized by others in his field — in fact, receiving a lifetime achievement award! Dr. Ari has seen what works and what doesn't work. He's bringing you the best information you need to know about your child with ADHD. This course is easy to follow and divided up into convenient 5-8 minute videos.

Don't waste your time going down internet rabbit holes — get quality support and guidance you can trust!

PLUS, using the PESI Mobile App, you can watch anywhere, anytime, just as easily as searching for information online, and you know this is coming from a credible source. Still not convinced? We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Q: My child already has a medical provider that addresses their ADHD, why do I need this course?
A: This is not meant to substitute medical professionals, however, this is an easy-to-use, valuable tool to access anytime, anywhere — for years to come! No waiting for your next appointment to ask your list of questions. Dr. Ari will also discuss the topic of medication and how to find an ADHD-specialist provider. You'll be even more prepared to ask the questions that will be most beneficial to your child — whether you're talking with doctors, teachers, school administrators, or even other parents!

Q: As a parent of a child with ADHD, our family already has additional responsibilities and costs. Is it worth it?
A: We get it, and that's why we've designed this course specifically to make life easier. No lengthy books to read — you can finish this course in JUST three hours. Getting three hours with any doctor can take months of appointments (and cost thousands!) — but this course gives you access to world-leading ADHD expert Dr. Ari Tuckman. And he is here with you every step of the way. You have unlimited access to all course modules. Share them with your co-parent. Revisit them in the future. The cost of this course is less than a night out to eat or a weekend activity. The relief your child and your family will feel is well worth the cost.

Q: Why can't I purchase a couple of books on ADHD or read the ones I already have?
A: Well... have you? Chances are you've bought books and don't have the time or the energy to sit down for a solid period of time to actually digest and pull out the details that are going to help you in your life today. A couple of books + shipping, you're at a similar price. This course gives you instant, unlimited access — anywhere, anytime. The short 5-8 minute videos break up the information into easy-to-digest sections. There's no skimming through the pages or skipping useless "fluff" because it's not there. Dr. Ari is talking directly to you, a busy parent with a child who has ADHD trying their best. Dr. Ari's attitude is positive and upbeat leaving you feeling hopeful and inspired to try new things with a new outlook. Reading a book uninterrupted takes several hours at least, chances are you don't have that luxury. This course is under 4 hours and split into bite-sized chunks.

At PESI Life, our mission is simple — to support you and your family through life's challenges.
We're dedicated to finding world-renowned experts and sharing their life-changing approaches with you in an affordable, accessible way to help you find greater happiness and well-being.
PESI Life  is part of the greater PESI Inc. family of brands, a global nonprofit with the mission to connect knowledge with need. Since 1979, PESI has been providing leading-edge continuing education training in mental health and healthcare.

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"Thank you for recognizing a need and graciously addressing it! You all are the best!"

5 stars
"PESI is a high-quality organization to learn from — thank you for all the work you do to make the world a healthier place."

5 stars
"PESI really is the gold standard
in continuing education!"

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course. This program is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a mental health professional. This program does not constitute a therapist-client relationship. This course does not offer Continuing Education credits.
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