A great marker for neurological health is the existence of primitive reflexes — when any remain past the first year of life, they can hinder a child's future development!
Retained reflexes cause symptoms or contribute to autism, dyslexia, speech disorders, sensory disorders, hyperactivity — resulting in…
…messy handwriting, poor eye-hand coordination and visual tracking, tendency to slump when sitting, walking on toes, inability to sit still and concentrate, and more!
As therapists, when we treat the causes and symptoms of motor delays, we can utilize alternate brain pathways to improve the effects of therapy.
In this in-depth certification course, you'll get the best of both worlds…the convenience of online, self-paced learning, plus LIVE ONE-ON-ONE CONSULTATION with primitive reflex expert Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS.
Experience for yourself the amazing effects neuroplasticity techniques will have on alignment of eyes, trunk, and upper and lower extremities when active movements replace spastic patterns in the children you work with.
See what a difference Primitive Reflex Integration can make!
Certification in Primitive Reflex Integration
$1,169.95 Value
Just $643.47 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
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Join Dr. Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS, as she demonstrates how neuroplasticity tools and techniques create new neural pathways when there has been insult to the central nervous system.
PLUS, this comprehensive certification course will allow you to add a new dimension to your practice as a Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialist (CPRCS).
You'll learn how to rewire to viable connections placing primitive reflexes in the background, allowing for coordinated voluntary movements and higher achievement of motor milestones.
And there's nothing better than seeing your patients meet their developmental goals.
From congenital abnormalities (Downs Syndrome, cerebral palsy, Angelman Syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and more…) to traumatic brain injuries, this certification course delivers new and exciting ideas on how to detour around damage and incorporate viable nervous system connections.
And, as part of this course, you get a FREE one-hour individualized consultation with Dr. Pryor.
$1,169.95 Value
Just $643.47 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Plus, FREE CPRCS certification ($299.99 value)!
Helping transform the lives of our pediatric patients is why we do what we do!
And the simplest techniques can have the most profound effect on your pediatric patient's progress.
These seemingly small changes can be a catalyst to increase developmental success for your patients with neurological deficits, behavioral challenges, autism, sensory processing problems, learning disabilities, and ADHD.
Dr. Pryor advances a more expansive view of how to integrate therapy in active, fun home programs, because practice makes pathways!
- Neuroanatomy & Brain Development
- Brain Damage & Missing Parts
- Biggest Challenges in Developmental Delays
- How to Approach Treatments
- A New Perspective on the Nervous System & Guiding it for Positive Change
- The Primary & Secondary Results of Neuroplasticity Techniques
- How to Integrate Neuroplasticity into Your Therapy Program
- Brain Development and Impairments
- Evaluation and Assessment
- Detail
- Palmar Grasp
- Plantar Grasp
- Symmetrical Tonic Neck
- Asymmetrical Tonic Neck
- Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
- Moro Reflex
- Extension Synergy
- Flexion Synergy
- Central Nervous System Injuries
- Relief of Tremor Activity
- Rewire Connections to Improve Motor Function
- Deeper Understanding of Reflex and Response Mechanisms
- Functional Relationships Between Primitive Reflexes & Sympathetic Nervous System
- Inside & Outside Environmental Considerations Impeding Reflex Integration
- Observe and Document
- Primitive Reflexes of Face and Mouth
- Pain Influence on Primitive Reflexes
- Passive verses Active Testing for Primitive Reflexes
- Positional Testing
- Demonstrations
$1,169.95 Value
Just $643.47 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Plus, FREE CPRCS certification ($299.99 value)!
BONUS — One hour of Individualized Consultation with Dr. Karen Pryor
This one-on-one consultation is valued at $300 — included in the course tuition!
- Physical Therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech-Language Pathologists
- Physical Therapy Assistants
- Occupational Therapy Assistants
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS, has a doctorate in physical therapy and has practiced for over 40 years in the field. Dr. Pryor is the owner of Health Sphere Wellness Center, an integrative therapy clinic in Tennessee. Involved with early intervention in the birth-three population for over 30 years, she has developed neuroplasticity techniques that are used in a wide variety of settings, including homes, childcare centers, and school systems, to advance pediatric therapy programs. She is the author of Ten Fingers Ten Toes Twenty Things Everyone Needs to Know.
Dr. Pryor serves on several boards, including the Leadership Interagency Council for Early Intervention, (2014-2024), a position to which she was appointed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam and Governor Bill Lee. In 2010, she received the President's Volunteer Service Award for her contributions to the advanced treatment of children from President Barack Obama. In addition to her work with children, Dr. Pryor has served as an adjunct professor at the Tennessee State University Occupational Therapy School, and in the Volunteer State Community College Physical Therapy Assistant program. She is a clinical instructor for several universities and colleges. With her years of experience and passion for complete wellness, Dr. Pryor advances a more expansive view of how to integrate therapy throughout the lifespan by using COMPASS neuroplasticity techniques.
Click here for information about Karen Pryor" LOVED the presenter [Karen Pryor], her delivery, and knowledge of the subject. " — Jaime B.
" Excellent presenter [Karen Pryor] and content. " — Debra H.
" Karen was a great speaker, kept my attention. Great expertise. " — Katie H.
" I found your course to be incredibly beneficial and already applied some neuroplasticity principles mentioned throughout your course. I’m seeing deeper and quicker connections being made for my patients. " — Taylor R., LOTR
" I love the multisensory approach. I have started implementing this with my outpatients and seeing such amazing changes.
I cannot wait to be certified!! " — Denise M., OT
" Thank you for all of your years of amazing work! "
" I thoroughly enjoyed and learned much and am putting things together more in my treatments. The rotation component you reference makes me so happy! I seemed to have disagreed with many therapists over my near 30 years in treating and it makes me confident I was doing the right things — especially with the children with torticollis. " — Beth H., PT
We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
$1,169.95 Value
Just $643.47 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Click here for Credit details.