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You play a significant role in the pre and post-op healing journey for breast cancer recovery. It's a very delicate time, where patients need you more than ever.

With this unique 360-degree view — learn how to accelerate healing from a multidisciplinary panel of experts: PT, OT, MD, cancer survivors, and a dietitian — all in one robust training.

  • Whole-body manual lymph drainage protocol with demonstrations for supine, sitting, and standing
  • Effective tools to promote limb reduction, reduce the risk of infection, increase ROM, reduce pain and swelling
  • Elevate your expertise in oncology & lymphedema nutrition: key topics include risk reduction, sugar's impact, estrogen-food links, alcohol, and more!
  • Cost & time-saving strategies for compression garments & strategic bandaging
  • Enhance the recovery process with therapeutic exercise and home exercise programs
  • Your most common breast cancer surgery questions — answered!

This is the MOST complete care that you can give your patients. Unlock real-world solutions and empower patients for a healthier oncology journey.

Integrative Rehabilitation — Trauma Informed Approach — Advanced Healing for Pre & Post-Op — Nutrition

Beyond Breast Cancer

Targeted Rehab Strategies to Support Recovery and Healing

$1,079.94 Value
Just $593.97 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Plus, earn up to 22.5 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details
Click here for course objectives and outline

Key Highlights of this Training:

  • Self-care made simple! Manual lymph drainage (MLD), compression garments, bandages, dry brushing, and more!
  • Understand the timeframe for rehab and MLD — when is it safe to begin?
  • Nutrition-based approaches to accelerate healing and reduce recurrence risk
  • Trauma-informed approaches to calm the patient and reduce anxiety
  • Your biggest questions about reconstruction, answered by the surgeon.
  • Clear up the confusion surrounding compression garments — which ones? For how long? Who needs them? Why not just bandage?

Real People, Real Results. See What Your Peers are Saying:

"Elisa DiFalco was exceptional! She presents the information in a way that is easy to understand and provides a lot of visual demonstrations/examples."

— Stacia K, OT

"Extremely knowledgeable teacher! It was so great to hear Karen’s story and gives us all the information to be able to help other patients."

— Anik L, PT

"Awesome program, after being a recipient of MLD, I loved learning more."

— Natalie V, OT

"I really loved this course and thought Elisa DiFalco, MS, OT, CMLDT, LMT, did an amazing job keeping me engaged and eager to learn more."

— Sara C, LMT

"I was surprised at all the information about MLD. There was a lot of useful information to enhance the orthopedic outpatient practice I work in. Thank you."

— Marilyn B, PTA

"I've used these MLD techniques throughout my career as a massage therapist!"

— Karen L

What You'll Learn
Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Cancer Recovery: The Lymphatic System, Garments/Bandages & Practical Applications
"Pre-op manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) can be just as important as post-op MLD."
— Lisa DiFalco, OT, LMT Click here for information about Elisa DiFalco
Manual Lymph Drainage to Promote Limb Reduction, Reduce Risk of Infection, Increase ROM, Reduce Pain & Swelling
  • Full-body lymphatic drainage protocol for maximum draining
  • Demonstrations for various positions: supine, sitting, and standing
Enhance Healing through Self-Care Strategies & Holistic Approaches
  • Therapeutic exercise & home program
  • Dry brushing, taping, infrared light, heat, massage, saunas
  • Clothing for easier ADLs/IADLs and long-term outcomes
  • Integrate tai chi and yoga
Cost-Effective Compression Garments & Bandaging and Insider Tips
  • Essential baseline measurements
  • Proven tips for self-care donning and doffing garments!
    • Avoid donning struggles and unwanted creases with basic household items
    • Tips that make removal a breeze that don’t require expensive tools
  • Compression bandage types and techniques to promote lymphatic drainage
    • Ensuring proper compression levels
  • Warning: how common shapewear can jeopardize treatment outcomes
Increase Edema Awareness for Better Outcomes
  • Impact of factors like LNN removal, radiation, garments
  • Unexpected edema triggers
  • Sentinel node biopsies and risk reduction
  • Therapeutic exercise guidelines
Putting it All Together
  • Bring the medical team together for excellent patient care
    • RN, PT/OT, LMT, MD and more!
  • Tips for documentation and billing for maximum reimbursement

Conscious Cancer Care: A Trauma Informed Approach to Integrative Rehabilitation & Advanced Healing
"When the patient has already been through brutal and aggressive treatment (and even 2-3x)… they need gentle techniques."
— Karen Pryor, PT Click here for information about Karen Pryor
Empower Pre & Post-Op Healing and Effective Patient Engagement
  • Trauma-informed care strategies
  • Communication tactics to reduce fear
  • Joining the patient's healing team
  • Gentle techniques to combat aggressive treatments
  • Utilize the power of patient education
Personal Survivor Journey: Insights from a Bilateral Mastectomy
  • Addressing surgical trauma
  • Easing painful ADLs and bandaging
Comprehensive Healing Strategies — More Than Just ROM
  • Unleash lymphatic healing
  • Myofascial mobilization techniques
  • Holistic approaches: acupressure, Reiki, neuroplasticity
Empower Home Recovery
  • Self-mobilization techniques
  • Active home programs
  • Pain management
  • Synergy of conventional and natural medicine
    • Integrating herbs, nutrition, and supplements
    • Harnessing the power of hydration

Nutrition Considerations Before & After Breast Cancer: A Dietitian’s Perspective
"Diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma at 27, I embarked on a 20+ year journey exploring the link between nutrition and cancer. Join me to gain cutting-edge skills in oncology nutrition, supporting breast cancer patients and survivors and explore all of today’s hottest topics in the field. Inspire change and empower patients with the tools to make informed nutritional choices. Together, let's pave the way for a brighter, healthier future in oncology nutrition. Join me on this impactful journey of knowledge and compassion.”
— Jean LaMantia, RD Click here for information about Jean LaMantia

Food and Risk Reduction for Breast Cancer: Can diet and nutrition really impact breast cancer risk for primary or recurrent breast cancer? Is this true for those with risk factors as well as without? Concrete evidence-informed guidance will provide empowerment to your patients with or at risk of breast cancer.

Tame the Sugar Beast| Reduce cancer risk by curbing sugar and promoting anti-inflammatory eating.

The Estrogen-Food Connection| Unravel the intricate relationship between dietary estrogens and breast cancer risk. Learn which foods have estrogenic compounds and if these are in fact risk factors and what to do about it.

Soy & Flax with Breast Cancer| Separating Myth from Fact. Explore the latest scientific evidence surrounding their impact on breast cancer.

Red Meat and Dairy are often vilified, but do they deserve it? | The latest meta-analyses on these food groups will be presented and what it means for breast cancer patients.

You’ll also learn nutrition-based interventions for post-cancer lymphedema, gaining an edge in lymphedema therapy with nutrition. Targeted strategies to reduce swelling and enhance lymphatic health will be discussed. Real case studies reveal practical insights from breast cancer survivors living with lymphedema.

Lymphatic Detailing™: Manual Lymphatic Drainage Breast Reconstruction Protocols: Pre and Post Op Techniques
"Manual lymphatic drainage is critical in the recovery after surgery, for any kind of surgery."
-Bart Rademaker, MD Click here for information about Bart Rademaker
Surgeries of the Breast & Why It’s Never Just as Simple as Surgery
  • Operating room protocol for observing
  • Tissue expanders and their purpose
  • Lumpectomies and fat transfers
  • Drains that are used to drain blood not lymph
  • Compression garment/bandage: when to remove?
  • Most common OR and breast surgery questions, answered!
  • Maximize the body’s own ability to remove toxins — that’s where MLD comes in.
Expert Insights: MLD for Plastic Surgery Healing
  • Breast Reconstruction, tummy tuck, & liposuction
  • Compression garment vs lymphedema garment
  • How to identify candidates
  • Surgical process
  • How long after surgery can postop MLD be performed
  • Your plastic surgery questions, answered!
  • Common complications

Mobile Lymphedema: Ramp up your Assessment and Treatment Skills!

Jarrett Dottin, OTR/L, MOT, CLT Click here for information about Jarrett Dottin

  • Learn the most effective in-home assessments and interventions to better manage skin integrity and volume reduction.
  • Walk through examples of clinical presentations with an insider's view into recommended supplies, technology and interventions that provide optimal outcomes

“Conscious Caring” for People in Pain

Carleen Sterner, MD Click here for information about Carleen Sterner

  • Explore Ayurvedic principles for holistic pain management
  • Learn self-care tools to prevent "burnout" and compassion fatigue
Meet the Course Experts
Elisa DiFalco, MS, OT, CMLDT, LMT
Elisa DiFalco, MS, OT, CMLDT, LMT, began working as a Lymphedema Specialist & Clinic Day Educator for Robert Lerner, M.D., “The Pioneer of Lymphedema Treatment.” Soon after receiving a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy, she became Clinic Director/Owner of LTS Clinic where she opened a new MLD market with Florida’s leading Plastic Surgeons. From her success, she was inspired to create new MLD courses for therapists to learn from and model after.

For 23 years, Ms. DiFalco has been public and practitioner educator through monthly radio broadcasts and column for Boomer Times, support group facilitator, physician in-services, consultant to major insurance companies, public speaker at American Cancer Society and serving on several university advisory boards. She was also appointed Educational Standards Chair for FSMTA of Florida and has won the NLN Lymphedema Day Award. The in-demand educator enjoys combining education and entertainment as presenter for: FOTA, FSMTA, AMTA, ISSE, World Massage Festival, Premier Day Spa Show, CSFA and Elite conventions. Today, Elisa is moving MLD forward through technology to reach the masses and offers a weekly show featuring experts in the field.Click here for information about Elisa DiFalco
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS, as a doctorate in physical therapy and has practiced for 40 years in the field. Dr. Pryor is the owner of Health Sphere Wellness Center, an integrative therapy clinic in Nashville, Tennessee. Involved with early intervention in the birth-three population for over 30 years, she has developed neuroplasticity techniques that are used in a wide variety of settings, including homes, childcare centers, and school systems, to advanced pediatric therapy programs. Dr. Pryor serves on several boards, including the Leadership Interagency Council for Early Intervention (2014-2019), a position to which she was appointed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. In 2010, she received the President's Volunteer Service Award for her contributions to the advanced treatment of children from President Barack Obama. In addition to her work with children, Dr. Pryor has served as an adjunct professor at the Tennessee State University Occupational Therapy Assistant program. She is a clinical instructor for several universities and colleges. With her years of experience and passion for complete wellness, Dr. Pryor advances a more expansive view of how to integrate therapy throughout the lifespan by using neuroplasticity techniques.Click here for information about Karen Pryor
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS
Jean LaMantia, RD
Jean LaMantia, RD, is a registered dietician, cancer survivor, author and speaker. She has been a dietitian for 30+ years and has written three books on the topics of cancer, lymphedema and intermittent fasting. Jean has worked in in-patient, diabetes education, home care, health club and now her virtual private practice and on-line school. Jean has been a repeat invited speaker for the National Lymphedema Network as well as the Canadian Lymphedema Framework national conferences. She has been published in Pathways — Canada’s national lymphedema magazine and spoken for several provincial lymphedema associations including Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia. She is currently writing the nutrition position paper for the NLN and has been invited to speak at the AVLS conference. She has spoken to the Oncology DPG as well as state conferences and Dietitians of Canada, oncology network and diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular network.Click here for information about Jean LaMantia
Bart Rademaker, MD, Plastic, Reconstructive & Regenerative Surgeon, Board Certified
Dutch-born and currently living in the United States, Dr. Rademaker has extensive medical training and is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is a major advocate for wellness and complimentary alternative medicine, trained in integrated energy healing, an ambassador for autologous stem cell therapy and a thought leader in belief medicine. He states, “the future of medicine is in you” and you can tap into that intelligence that creates health and wellness. His conversation includes our brain intelligence, our body intelligence, and our energy intelligence.

As a humanitarian and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for work in El Salvador, he believes that we must also preserve and respect the indigenous cultures worldwide — for their wisdom and rights to live their own way.Click here for information about Bart Rademaker
Bart Rademaker, MD
Jarrett Dottin (JD), OTR/L, MOT, CLT
Jarrett Dottin (JD), OTR/L, MOT, CLT,is a specialist in treating Lymphedema and Wound Care in the Greater Tampa Bay Area. He is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT), Wound Care Therapist (CLWT) and Compression Fitting Specialist (CCS) that utilizes Dr. Vodder and LIR approaches for the management of lymphedema.

Jarrett is a certified Skills2Care practitioner, which improves the well-being and skills of family caregivers, slows decline in daily functioning of persons with dementia, and reduces challenging behaviors that can trigger nursing home placement. He has developed and led dementia training/mapping, restraint reduction, wheelchair positioning and contracture management programs at skilled facilities in Maine, Massachusetts and Florida.

Additionally, he has consulted with homecare agencies and physicians for management of pain, neuropathy and musculoskeletal dysfunction with microcurrent point stimulation (MPS).Click here for information about Jarrett Dottin
Carleen Sterner, MD, practiced as a Family Physician in Canada and the USA (Mayo Clinic Health System in Eau Claire, WI) for 25 years prior to transitioning to a career in holistic healing as a NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) Certified Ayurvedic Health Practitioner (graduated from the Radiant Living Online School of Ayurveda, 2018) and Ayurvedic Body Therapy provider. While she is no longer practicing as an allopathic physician, she provides a "bridge" between the knowledge of modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Carleen believes in living LIFE with balance and joy, compassion and kindness, love and laughter, gratitude and grace, to empower our innate capacity for healing and happiness. Carleen is passionate about achieving a return to wholeness and health through the ancient holistic medical system of Ayurveda. Sterner founded and currently provides healing services at Ayurveda with Carleen: Creative Life Coaching.Click here for information about Carleen Sterner
Carleen Sterner, MD
Frequently Asked Questions
Absolutely! Whether you're just starting or have years of experience, this comprehensive training offers valuable insights, techniques, and tools that can enhance your practice.
By incorporating advanced healing techniques, nutrition insights, trauma-informed approaches, and a multidisciplinary perspective, you'll be equipped to provide holistic, personalized care that promotes quicker recovery and overall well-being.
Yes! Your satisfaction is guaranteed so you can register for this training without risk. We're confident that you'll be delighted with what you learn from this course, but if you're not satisfied, call us at 800-844-8260.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260. We're that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course. CRS001645 • © PESI Inc. • All rights reserved • Email: • Phone: 800-844-8260
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