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Complex neurological disorders can leave even the most seasoned clinician stuck when traditional therapeutic approaches don't work. Understanding the foundations of neuroscience is only half the battle, the other is restoring function.

From impaired speech, balance, pain, cognition, and vision, neurologic events can pose life-altering circumstances for patients. But it does not have to be that way. The gap between neuroscience and functional application ends here — with this in-depth, self-paced training.

We've gathered a multi-disciplinary panel of expert functional neurology clinicians, so you can draw on their vast experience rehabilitating the most complex neurological disorders...

...and it's all in one comprehensive course.

You will discover a plethora of dynamic techniques and assessment tools applicable in every practice and walk away with the essential skills to transform the lives of your patients.

All sessions are designed to offer a solid foundation and then get straight to the information you can use immediately in the clinic — anatomy/physiology, case studies, neuromuscular facilitation techniques, passive and active ROM exercises, guided motor imagery, manual therapies, home programs, and more!

It's neuroscience made simple. This is your chance to get a front-row seat to practical, evidence-based strategies you can use immediately.

  • •  Neurodynamics
  • •  Primitive Reflexes
  • •  Visual Rehab
  • •  Aging and Cognition
  • •  Brain and Body Connections
  • •  Neurophysiology of Behavior
  • •  Fall Risk
  • •  And more!

Neuro Specialist Certificate Course:
Functional Neuroscience & Rehabilitation Simplified

$1,499.89 Value
Yours Today for $824.94
Earn up to 28.0 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit hours breakdown | Click here for course objectives and outline
Neurologic diagnoses and presentations can be staggering. That is why this online course brings together 8 clinical neurology experts to provide a variety of evidence-based transformative techniques that you can implement in the clinic the next day.

Training Highlights:

  • ✔  Differential diagnosis & treatment guidelines of UE and LE nerve entrapment
  • ✔  Working with primitive reflexes after CNS trauma to facilitate neuroplasticity and reduce spastic tone
  • ✔  Strategies to activate cranial nerve stimulation to boost neurology activity and function
  • ✔  Differentiating functional cognition in aging versus pathologic changes
  • ✔  Multisensory processing through breathing techniques, hypnosis, aroma therapy, yoga, mindfulness, and the placebo effect
  • ✔  Manual therapy approaches to reduce adverse neural tension in the PNS
  • ✔  Comprehensive screening strategies & treatments for visual impairments following neurological events
Is This Course Right for You?

This course is the perfect blend of neuroscience essentials and functional application to elevate your clinical practice, particularly if you see clients with neurologic conditions, impairments or injuries. This includes:

  • •  Physical Therapists
  • •  Physical Therapist Assistants
  • •  Occupational Therapists
  • •  Occupational Therapist Assistants
  • •  Speech Language Pathologists
  • •  Chiropractors
  • •  Nurse Practitioners
  • •  Physician Assistants
  • •  And other allied health professionals
What You'll Learn
Welcome to the Future: Technology Within Reach for Rehabilitation Professionals

Virtual reality, robotic assisted ambulation, ROM, underwater body weight supported treadmills, digital everything — oh my! One of the most notable changes in recent times in rehabilitation is technology. From high-end devices that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to simple apps, patients can download on their tablets, you may quickly find yourself wondering where to start. Physical therapist and neuroscience expert clinician, Dr. Mike Studer, will present a dynamic and exciting look at the practical and affordable technological advances with applications in balance, gait, speed, dual tasking, and more! You will get a practical product guide including near-term advances in science and technology that could be within reach for both you and your patients.

Karen Pryor, PHD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CFPS
Adult Central Nervous System Injuries Relationships to Primitive Reflexes — Symptoms and Treatments Using Simple Neuroplasticity Techniques
Karen Pryor, PHD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CFPS

Adults with CVA, TIA, closed head injuries, concussions, and spinal cord trauma demonstrate patterns of movement and dysfunction related to primitive reflex patterns. The primitive movement synergies coupled with spastic tone qualities. Fortunately, you will discover how to treat these reflex patterns to reduce tone through neuroplasticity techniques. You will expand your skillset by learning how to calm the nervous system and reframe motor and sensory responses to promote active movement and increased function. Be prepared for a new and transformational approach to augment outcomes of neurologic trauma.

Michelle Mioduszewski, MS, OTR/L
Visual Rehab after a Neurological Event: What Every Therapist Needs to Know
Michelle Mioduszewski, MS, OTR/L

When working with clients after a neurologic event, therapists immediately recognize physical deficits and began to create a list of functional impairments. How often does this include an assessment of vision or consideration of the contributions of visual impairment to functional limitations? You will get a clear foundation for how to assess vision and recognize visual field loss vs visual inattention and how this impacts movement, balance, and ADLs. You will learn effective techniques to conduct a vision screening after a stroke or brain injury and how to implement treatment strategies into your plan of care for improved outcomes.

Karen Pryor, PHD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CFPS
Mica Foster, DC
Brain and Body Connections: How to Utilize Neural Connections for Optimal Function
Karen Pryor, PHD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CFPS and Mica Foster, DC

Move beyond the status quo of treating neurologic dysfunction. Discover how to assess the function and identify dysfunction of the cranial nerves as well as how findings can be used to treat complex cases. Through techniques including focused attention, meditation, multisensory stimulation, and more, you will gain insight into how cellular communication influences inflammation and healing. Direct application will be demonstrated through case studies in which etiology, symptom display, and treatment outcomes will all be examined. You will leave this session armed with new techniques, simple home programs, and patient education tools to complement your skillset while improving treatment efficiency and outcomes.

Cathy Ciolek, PT, DPT, FAPTA
Aging and Cognition: Maximizing Intellectual and Physical Function
Cathy Ciolek, PT, DPT, FAPTA

Rehab clinicians are more frequently finding themselves treating patients that are showing signs of cognitive decline. Discover how to differentiate normal aging from conditions that require a referral for further assessment. This course will discuss the relatively new diagnosis of Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome and Cognitive Frailty, stages that are considered pre-clinical to dementia(s) but may offer target areas for treatment to forestall dementia onset. Finally, we will review the clinical application of exercise and medical management on cognitive and physical function with aging for those with or without dementia.

Theresa A. Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS
Neurodynamic Mobilization: Examination and Interventions to Promote Function and Relieve Pain and Disability: Upper Extremity
Theresa A. Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS

Pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, electrical sensations, and more — where do you begin to address the myriad of symptoms of adverse neural tension? This training will provide foundational essentials of neurodynamics with respect to how nerves move within a complex system.

  • Refine your clinical skillset while identifying compromised nerve mobility as the origin of musculoskeletal dysfunction.
  • Form a streamlined assessment and develop a variety of hands-on techniques to manage adverse neural tension.
  • Confidently develop personalized home exercise programs to reinforce treatment techniques for accelerated outcomes.
With an understanding of and the ability to facilitate movement of the peripheral nervous system, you will elevate your skill and provide the results your patients want.

Jerome Quellier, MS, CCC-SLP
Addressing Patient Behavior by Brain Lesion Site: Clinical Tools Specific to Patient Deficits
Jerome Quellier, MS, CCC-SLP

Simplify the complexity of neuroanatomy as you form a clear understanding of the clinical implications of how you can work around compromised structures in the brain.

Attendees will develop:

  • A framework for navigating the recovery pathway for each type of lesion
  • Clinical implications for abrupt visual changes and an in-depth understanding of the difference between visual field cuts and neglect
  • Simple modifications to your interventions that will streamline your treatment time and accelerate patient outcomes
Build confidence as you unlock the keys to working with behavior barriers and engagement.

Theresa A. Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS
Neurodynamic Mobilization: Examination and Interventions to Promote Function and Relieve Pain and Disability: Lower Extremity
Theresa A. Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS

Boost your skill and confidence in differential diagnosis of peripheral nerve dysfunction in the lower extremities. Find out how to identify when radicular symptoms in the lower extremities originate centrally vs. peripherally. Through the field of neurodynamics, you will be able to assess the dynamic mobility qualities of the most commonly involved LE peripheral nerves. Be prepared to look beyond the musculoskeletal system as the origin and end-all-be-all of dysfunction as you are introduced to common presentations in which hypertonicity of the musculature is secondary to restricted peripheral nerve mobility. You will gather hands-on interventions including soft tissue mobilization and customized home exercise programs to effectively transform adverse neural tension to get your patients moving with ease!

Shelly Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT, CGCP
Neurological Considerations in Fall Risk
Shelly Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT, CGCP

Falls are NOT inevitable, even in individuals with neurologic diseases. New models and the neurobiology of pathological fatigue as it relates to Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and COVID-19 'Long Haulers' will be introduced. Furthermore, the science behind neuroplasticity, proprioception, muscle tone, and balance will be analyzed to reduce fall risk in this population. We will also examine somatosensory components of movement and the impact on fall risk as well as autonomic dysregulation and how to rewire the autonomic nervous system. You will leave this course with comprehensive screening and assessment tools along with an awareness of how to use effective interventions utilizing neuroplasticity.

One Size Does Not Fit All: Parkinson Disease & the Parkinsonisms

Therapy approaches for Parkinson's disease are often overly simplified to one or two global approaches. This course offers the ability to identify and treat the different subtypes of Parkinson's disease for enhanced outcomes. A classification paradigm will be presented along with explanations of primary tremor, rigidity, primary dyskinesia, freezing gait, postural considerations, festination, and why defining your patients' presenting characteristics structures the plan of care. Additionally, become informed regarding the most common Parkinsonisms and the subtypes under the Parkinson's umbrella. Current evidence is presented regarding the how, what, where, when, and why of treatment for this challenging and rewarding population.

  • Discover the neurophysiology of Parkinson's Disease and Parskinsonisms, how they differ, and the subtypes of each
  • Cutting edge evidence-based treatment strategies tailored to the specific needs of your patients, not their diagnostic nomenclature
If you are ready for clinical applications that will immediately assist with differential diagnosis and management of these conditions — this is your course!

Neuropathy: Advancing Your Practice in Recognition & Treatment

Are you struggling to find effective management strategies for neuropathy? Look no further! Be prepared to challenge some of your current beliefs about the various forms of neuropathy including those caused by or originating from: diabetes, Vitamin B12 deficiency, familial, compressive (stenosis), inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune, toxin, chemotherapy, traumatic, and more! Your patients want solutions, not medication. Discover how the brain can change sensory and motor mapping in response to a structured rehab program for one of the most common and challenging neurologic conditions.

Neuro Specialist Certificate Course:
Functional Neuroscience & Rehabilitation Simplified

$1,499.89 Value
Yours Today for $824.94

Earn up to 28.0 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit hours breakdown | Click here for course objectives and outline

Mike Studer, PT, MHS, NCS, CEEAA, CWT, CSST, FAPTA, is board-certified as a Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy and has been designated a Certified Exercise Expert in the Aging Adult (CEEAA) by the Academy of Geriatric PT. Dr. Studer has served as the Vice-president of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy of the APTA and has been the chair and vice-chair of several special interest groups at the national level in each of the Academies of Neurologic and Geriatric PT, including Balance and Falls, Stroke, and the Practice Committee in neurology. He practices at and founded Northwest Rehabilitation Associates, in Oregon. Mr. Studer has presented courses and published articles on neurologic and geriatric rehabilitation since 1995 and has authored and co-authored over 30 articles on topics of neurology and geriatrics, as well as several book chapters on stroke, cognition, PD, and preventative care. Mike is a regular guest lecturer on a national and international basis at several universities and national meetings on topics of dual-task rehabilitation, concussion, stroke, Parkinson's Disease, balance, motor control, motor learning in rehabilitation and sports performance, cognitive impairment, and case management. He was awarded the 2011 Clinician of the Year by the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy and again in 2014 by the Academy of Geriatric PT - the first to receive this national distinction from each entity. In 2021, Mike received the Mercedes Weiss Service Award from APTA Oregon. Mike achieved fellowship status through the APTA in 2020 for achievements in clinical practice, research, education, and leadership.

Click here for information about Mike Studer

Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, ND, CH, CFPS, is the owner of Health Sphere Wellness Center, an integrative therapy clinic in Nashville, Tennessee. Involved with early intervention in the birth-three population for over 30 years, she has developed neuroplasticity techniques that are used in a wide variety of settings, including homes, childcare center, and school systems, to advance pediatric therapy programs. Dr. Pryor serves on several boards, including the Leadership Interagency Council for Early Intervention, (2014-2019), a position to which she was appointed by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. In 2010, she received the President's Volunteer Service Award for her contributions to the advanced treatment of children from President Barack Obama. In addition to her work with children, Dr. Pryor has served as an adjunct professor at the Tennessee State University Occupational Therapy Assistant program. She is a clinical instructor for several universities and colleges.

Click here for information about Karen Pryor

Michelle Mioduszewski, MS, OTR/L, has experience in a variety of settings including acute, inpatient rehabilitation, and outpatient. Visual rehabilitation following neurological events has been an area of focus. Michelle owns and operates Niagara Therapy, LLC, a team-oriented practice based in Erie, PA that offers OT, PT, and SLP to adults and children with neurological concerns. She also consults for legal, educational, and professional situations.

Michelle is the AOTA Administration and Management Chairperson for the Rehabilitation and Disability Special Interest Section, National MS Society Board of Trustees, and is a National MS Society Partner in Care Designation. She was trained in NDT and Neuro-IFRAH (NDTC), Bioness Certified, REO Certified, SAEBO Certified, and specialized in vision and cognitive rehabilitation. A published writer by AOTA Press, she also teaches on topics such as IASTM, Neuro-Rehab/Neuro-Handling, vision, cognition, spasticity, ergonomics, and complex wheelchair evaluations.

Click here for information about Michelle Mioduszewski

Mica Foster, DC, is a chiropractor and is also a licensed Craniosacral therapist, Reiki Master, HeartMath practitioner, and Artist. She has a private practice in Hood River, Oregon. She treats a wide array of musculoskeletal disorders with a focus on finding ease and promoting stress reduction. She enjoys teaching "The art of Meditation: Drawing Mandalas" to all ages. She has created "community coloring collaboration" walls to invite community involvement and communication. She has created "custom color pages for the classroom" to decrease stress and increase focus. Her art therapy has been distributed nationwide. Her illustrations have been featured in the book Ten Fingers Ten Toes Twenty Things Everyone Needs to Know in 2019.

Click here for information about Mica Foster

Cathy Ciolek, PT, DPT, FAPTA, has been a physical therapist for over 30 years and provided geriatric care across the healthcare continuum including acute care, home health, outpatient, and SNF/rehab. She holds Board Certification as a Geriatric Clinical Specialist and has multiple certifications in aging and dementia care. She has been recognized as a Catherine Worthingham Fellow of APTA, Lucy Blair Service Award, and the Joan M Mills awardee and serves as President of APTA Geriatrics. Currently, Cathy is President of Living Well With Dementia®, LLC, providing education and consultation to promote well-being and create positive expectations for aging adults. Additionally, Dr. Ciolek serves as a speaker and expert witness supporting person-centered care practices.

Click here for information about Cathy Ciolek

Dr. Theresa Schmidt, PT, DPT, MS, OCS, LMT, CEAS, CHy, is an orthopedic physical therapy specialist and massage therapist integrating traditional and alternative medicine with an emphasis on manual therapy, precision exercise, wellness, Reiki, hypnosis, and mindfulness. She presented for NASA/Inomedic, Johns Hopkins, Cleveland Clinic, Vanderbilt Med, Wake Med, and professional associations. She received her doctorate at UNE and served as faculty at Touro PT Programs and CUNY Queens Colleges in NY. She is a published author, Expert Consultant, Reiki Master Instructor, and hypnotherapist in private practice at Educise® in New Hampshire.

Click here for information about Theresa A. Schmidt

Jerome Quellier MS, CCC-SLP, is a specialist in traumatic brain injury and communication disorders at a 500+ bed Level 1 Trauma hospital in Saint Paul, MN. He has accumulated 25+ years of acute, residential, and outpatient rehabilitation experience. During his tenure at the hospital, he has focused on neuro-based diagnostics and intervention for cognitive-linguistic deficits, dysphagia, head and neck cancer management, and patient advocacy. Mr. Quellier has completed advanced training in brain dissection at Marquette University, recently joined a surgery team to preserve language function during tumor resections, and has shared his expertise with interdisciplinary audiences around the country.

Click here for information about Jerome Quellier

Shelly Denes, PT, CFPS, C/NDT, CGCP, is an expert in fall prevention and neuro-rehab with more than 25 years of experience treating patients with hemiplegia, neuromuscular disorders, TBI, and SCI. She has a special interest in COVID-19 'Long Haulers' and advanced technology. She had been involved extensively with neuroprosthetic devices, lower extremity orthotics, and exoskeletons at the Rehab Institute of Michigan

Ms. Denes travels nationally to present seminars on fall prevention and geriatric rehabilitation. Additionally, she provides expert witness work, both nationally and locally. Ms. Denes completed a certification in Neurodevelopmental Treatment for Adult Hemiplegia (NDT) at The Rehab Institute of Chicago. She helped create the certifications of 'Fall Prevention Specialist' and a 'Geriatric Care Professional' with Evergreen Certifications and sits on their advisory board.

Click here for information about Shelly Denes

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Neuro Specialist Certificate Course:
Functional Neuroscience & Rehabilitation Simplified

$1,499.89 Value
Yours Today for $824.94
Earn up to 28.0 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit hours breakdown | Click here for course objectives and outline

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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