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The core is one of the most misinterpreted components of any rehab program and is often a cause for peripheral mobility impairment. Because when it comes to stability, mobility, and function, ALL musculoskeletal systems are interwoven with the core.

“Engage your core” barely scratches the surface for proper training.

Reimagine your approach to core function and stabilization and discover proven strategies to drastically improve your clients’ core awareness — from the very first session. Learn skills to efficiently identify dysfunction starting with the core as you unlock:

  • Assessment tools for quality of respiration, core engagement and stabilization
  • Strategies to train proper respiration and postural stabilization function
  • Exercises to activate the WHOLE core – from external pelvic floor techniques up to the diaphragm, it’s all here!
  • Techniques to improve recognition of compensatory patterns that signal core weakness
  • Comprehension of the ties to the entire kinetic chain: gait, pelvic imbalance, posture, muscle recruitment and more!

Discover proven solutions to identify root causes of dysfunction that start at the core!

The Core Conference:
Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment of the Trunk
Valued at $979.93
Yours today for only$538.96!
Plus, earn up to 21.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details
Sneak Peek of What You'll Get


  • Standardized assessments addressing core weakness and faulty movement patterns
  • Effective exercise progressions for all ages and activity levels
  • Clinical hints to identify compensatory dysfunction up and down the kinetic chain

  • Current methods to train proper - timing, coordination, and expansion of core muscles
  • Practice mindful 360 breathing strategies that support core stabilization
  • Learn evaluation tips to analyze the quality of respiration

  • Integrative techniques to improve function such as – kinesio tape, manual therapy, percussion therapy
  • Differentiating function of the inner and outer core
  • Determine key building blocks of functional movement
Meet Your Core Experts
//TODO: Alt text with author name TRENT BROWN, MOT, OTR/L, BCG, ATP, CFPS
Click here for information about Trent Brown
Click here for information about Elizabeth Frey

This conference is a value-packed collection of core techniques that will boost your patient’s ability to live the active lifestyle they desire. Follow along with leading experts who have years of first-hand experience transforming mobility using a centered approach.

Join this training today and become your areas expert on core rehab. Develop practical strategies to retrain engrained motor patterns and see results in your patient’s mobility as soon as the FIRST visit.

Course Outline
Re-Discover the Core - Trent Brown, MOT, OTR/L, BCG, ATP, CFPS
Click here for information about Trent Brown
Core function is the apex of all functional movement, yet the “core” is one of the most misunderstood terms in therapy, medicine, and athletics. With this robust approach that is centered on functional stability and mobility, you’ll redefine the “core” and explore a powerful new array of clinical tools that accelerate outcomes.

Overview of the Core

  • Evidence of function and clinical significance
  • Definitions and myths

Core Function in Multiplanar Activity

  • Region: Superior, inferior, central
  • Anatomy & physiology of stabilizers vs. mobilizers

Evolution of Contraction for Core/Spine Stabilization

  • I-IIA-IIX-IIB - muscle contraction slow twitch to fast twitch
  • Stability vs. mobility of the brain in the geriatric client
  • Contract-Relax-Antagonist-Contract principle (CRAC)
  • Sherrington’s Law: Are we emphasizing poor patterns during treatment?

Core Strength Evaluation

  • Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS): core stability and mobility control
  • Bent Knee Fall Out (BKFO)
  • Side-lying SLR
  • 3-Plane Core Test

Evidence-Based Strategies for Stability

  • Supine core stability
    • Abdominal Ball Press Lab:
    • Anterior abdominal wall re-education
    • Application: low back pain
    • Trochanter Tension Lab:
    • Supine techniques to contract gluteus medius/minimums, TFL, and QL
    • Application: single leg standing balance for mobility and transfers
  • Seated core stability
    • Dolphin Lab:
    • Core dissemination during frontal plane mobility
    • Application: lateral mobility: bed mobility, toileting, functional reach
    • Stable Ball Drop Lab:
    • Stabilizing the anterior and posterior abdominal walls
    • Application: low back pain and fall risk
  • Standing core stability
    • Wall Plank Lab:
    • Application: low back pain, LOB, fall risk
    • PNF Chop Lab:
    • PNF functional reaching diagonal patterns
    • Application: high to low reaching during functional tasks

Evidence-Based Strategies for Mobility

  • Supine core mobility
    • ASIS Press, Scapular Elevation Lab:
    • Mobilization of the pelvis to reduce soft tissue tightness
    • Application: sagittal plane movement of the upper body over the core
  • Seated core mobility
    • Quad Sit-up Lab:
    • Sit-stand utilizing lower extremity emphasis
    • Application: low back pain, sit-stand/transfers
    • Mobile Drop Lab:
    • Core rotation and reaching in all planes with various weighted objects
    • Application: functional reach for ADLs
  • Standing core mobility
    • Standing ASIS, Dynamic Chop Lab:
    • Tactile cues for pelvic extension during sit-stand
    • Application: COG over BOS during upright tasks with reduced energy expenditure

The Core: Training from the inside out - Elizabeth Frey, FCAMPT, MCISC (MANIP), MSC. PT, MSC, BPHE, BSc, MCPA
Click here for information about Elizabeth Frey
Whether it’s pelvic asymmetries, LBP, urinary incontinence, or SI joint dysfunction - Assessing core function is challenging and often overwhelming. BUT it doesn’t have to be. Develop an in-depth understanding of core musculature and how to tap into its true function. Stock your toolbox with special tests and effective strategies to overcome the most challenging cases.

Foundational Anatomy and Core Concepts

  • Anatomy of the ‘Inner Core’ and ‘Outer Core”
  • Introduce theories of how the core muscles function

How and Why does our Core Become Dysfunctional

  • The Biopsychosocial model of care
  • Factors that contribute to a dysfunctional (or inactive?) core
  • Common patterns in someone with a dysfunctional core
  • The brain and body connection: Body mapping via the homunculus
  • The upper and lower cross patterns of dysfunction
  • Injuries associated with upper cross and lower cross dysfunction

Assessing Core Muscle Function

  • Old models of assessment
  • New models of assessment: three planes of motion and movement screens

Progressively Train the Core: Strategies and Tips

  • Stage 1: Core muscle facilitation: Supine
  • Stage 2: Core function: All 4’s
  • Stage 3: Core function: High kneeling
  • Stage 4: Core function: ½ Kneeling
  • Stage 5: Core function: Standing
  • Stage 6: Core function: Standing sport specific

Injuries Associated with Dysfunctional Core & Corrective Strategies

  • Low back pain
  • Poor posture
  • Snapping hip
  • Urinary leakage (urge incontinence)

Integrated Techniques for Improving Function

  • Manual therapy
  • Kinesiology tape
  • Floss bands
  • Vibration tools

FAQ & Case Studies

The Diaphragm: Understanding the Key Role in Core Stabilization and Optimal Movement - Erin McGuire, PT, OCS
Click here for information about Erin McGuire
Compensatory patterns impact the quality of spinal stabilization and mobility throughout the kinetic chain exposing the body to excess stress/load. Assessing the quality of respiration, core stabilization and the ability to control both simultaneously is essential to achieve optimal movement. Don’t let faulty motor patterns dictate functional outcomes. Learn how to harness the diaphragm to break past any plateau.

Evaluating the Role of the Diaphragm:

  • Why does core matter? 
  • Diaphragm: core anatomy and 3 functions
  • Respiration: basic description & mechanics
  • Postural Stabilization: basic description & mechanics
  • Concurrent respiration and postural function
  • Consequences of poor core activation

Assessment Techniques to Quicky Identify Ideal vs Compensatory Patterns

  • Picking up on subtle compensatory strategies
  • Common areas where we tend to see insufficiency
  • Respiration: 3 levels (lower ribs, waist, and lower abdomen)
  • Common compensatory strategies with respiration
  • Postural stabilization: 3 levels (lower ribs, waist, and lower abdomen)
  • Common compensatory strategies with postural stabilization
  • Sitting diaphragm assessment (respiration, postural function, concurrent)
  • Supine diaphragm assessment (respiration, postural function, concurrent)
  • Variations in higher positions

The Diaphragm: Training Proper Respiration and Postural Stabilization Function - Erin McGuire, PT, OCS
Click here for information about Erin McGuire
Develop actionable strategies to train proper recruitment, coordination, and expansion of the core muscles — when the core is in sync, global mobility is reinforced beyond measure. Unlock practical cues to refine the quality of respiration and stabilization. Immediately implement diaphragm training with clients and drastically improve their movement performance.

Diaphragm Training: Impact on Performance and Movement

  • Where to start
  • Factors influencing outcomes 
  • Training 3 functions in sitting 
  • Training 3 functions in supine
  • Specific positions to target common key areas of insufficiency
  • Typical compensatory strategies: what to look for and how to recognize

Integrate New Breathing and Core Patterns into Functional Movements and ADLs

  • Strategies and tools to facilitate re-education
  • Potential limiting/contributing factors to consider
  • Progression strategies/considerations
  • Key factors to watch for as load or challenge is increased

The Core Conference:
Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment of the Trunk
Valued at $979.93
Yours today for only$538.96!
Plus, earn up to 21.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details
Bonus On-Demand Bundle:
Stabilizing the Core and SI Joint - Peggy Lamb, MA, LMT, BCTMB
Click here for information about Peggy Lamb
The Core and SI joint are intricately interwoven – Identifying the root causes of SI dysfunction necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of the core. Peggy Lamb will introduce you to special osteopathic-derived muscle energy techniques and neuromuscular interventions proven to help restore the SI joint and Core.

Bridging the Gap Between Yoga and Pelvic Health - Aimee Bailey, PT, DPT, RYT
Click here for information about Aimee Bailey
Expect a truly immersive experience as Dr. Aimee Bailey introduces yoga poses that are unparalleled in promoting women’s health and performance. Follow along as you're guided through mindful movements with attention to… cadence – form – rhythm – flow. Develop a deeper understanding of each individual pose as it engages and challenges the body. You'll walk away with the applied skills you need to help guide your clients’ past roadblocks and back to living a pain-free life.

The Aging of Posture: How Age, Gravity, and Dysfunction Contribute and What to Do About It - Trent Brown, MOT, OTR/L, BCG, ATP, CFPS
Click here for information about Trent Brown
Does your patient's posture appear to be inspired by Picasso? Are your patients reporting pain, dysfunction, falls, and more? Additionally, due to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and electronic use, forward head posture and excess thoracic kyphosis are becoming more prevalent among ALL age groups. Dive into the anatomical and functional contributions to dysfunctional posture. We will analyze imaging of common pelvic, thoracic, and cervical postural dysfunction. Finally, fill your toolbox with evidence-based treatment strategies to inhibit, lengthen, and activate specific structures for long-term successful correction of the most common postural deviations seen in the clinical setting.

This cutting-edge training provides a clinical framework for addressing pain, stiffness, ROM, and overall function by adapting a core-focused approach. Upon completion of this course, you'll be better equipped to help your patients with whole-body - mobility, stabilization, respiration, and pain management!
The Next Steps in Advancing Your Practice
Watch your email for your order confirmation, and get instant access to all course materials, including the bonus material. Click here for course objectives and outline.
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Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You'll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on integrating the most effective techniques, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences, and to build your professional network.
Complete your online CE tests and earn up to 21.25 CE hours! Click here for Credit details and credit details specific to your profession.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
The Core Conference:
Comprehensive Evaluation and Treatment of the Trunk
Valued at $979.93
Yours today for only$538.96!
Plus, earn up to 21.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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