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Patients are desperate to go back to life before cancer…

…But they are dealing with a slew of unmanaged symptoms impairing their quality of life.

You understand they need your help, but you're not sure when manual therapies are safe to use, how much activity is too much, and where to start treatments.

Leaving you stuck with far more questions than answers, when treating…

Chemo-brain - lymphedema - loss of appetite - fatigue - bone loss - myofascial restrictions - and more!

Here is the good news! You don't need to be an oncology specialist to make a difference for these patients. With this comprehensive 1-Day Live Virtual Summit, you'll discover leading best practices that will help give you the confidence to enhance functional outcomes from the day of diagnosis, through treatment, survivorship, and beyond.

Join a group of the nation's elite clinical experts who come strongly equipped with practical skills to treat nearly all symptoms oncology patients experience. You'll discover up-to-date, critical information you need to know to demonstrate proficiency and skill in caring for this patient population.

No matter your discipline – We guarantee you'll unlock powerful clinical tools to improve patient outcomes. With information on…

  • Cancer-related fatigue
  • Lymphatic health
  • Nutrition
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Axillary Web Syndrome
  • Dysphagia
  • Exercise prescribing
  • Neuropathy
  • Radiation fibrosis
  • Mental health
  • Complete decongestive therapy
  • End-of-life care
Register today and increase your specialty services! With actionable tools you can implement immediately to help your cancer patients live longer and more fulfilling lives.

Oncology Rehab Summit

Live Online Event: February 15, 2024
Access the Training Course afterward to watch on your own schedule
$1,319.90 Total Value
Just $299.99 Today — Save 77% when you register by 2/15/24

From lymphatic drainage techniques to exercise prescription, and risk reduction eating – NEW interventions for symptom relief, function, and psychosocial support are leading the way in cancer rehab. In just one day you'll develop skills you can immediately apply to…

  • Reduce cancer and lymphedema risk with a "food as medicine" approach.
  • Implement safe and appropriate lymphatic yoga practice with breathing exercises, physical postures, meditation, and mindfulness techniques.
  • Safely combine load with exercise to optimize bone formation, and build strength during survivorship.
  • Construct a specific framework for exercise and exercise prescription: optimal pacing, frequency, and duration.
  • Explore the profound impact of physical activity on cancer prevention, treatment, survivorship, and palliative care.
  • Customize caregiver support and family training techniques.
  • Instill Independence - with strategies for home management, diagnosis progression, and community engagement.
Summit Highlights
  • Live Online Event: February 15th, 2024 -or- Access the training afterwards to watch on your own schedule
  • Learn the Very Latest Evidence - and easily replicated treatment interventions from 4 elite clinical authorities
  • Earn up to 8 LIVE CE hours in just a single day
  • Includes 5 FREE bonus sessions to watch at your convenience! Earn up to an additional 11.5 self-study CE hours
  • Developed for anyone desiring skills to assess and treat cancer patients with complex symptoms
  • Save over $1000 off the total value when you register by 2/15/24. That's a 77% Saving!
Experience the Live Online Summit
February 15, 2024
  • Earn up to 19.5 CE hours with the perfect blend of up to 8 Live CE hours & up to 11.5 Self-Study CE hours
  • Interactive Q&A and downloadable handouts
  • Replay access available for 30 days after the event
Can't Attend Live?
Get the Summit Recording Package
  • Unlimited access and replays on ALL sessions
  • Earn up to 19.5 self-study CE hours
  • Downloadable handouts for each session
  • Learn on your own time and earn CE as you go
Oncology Rehab Summit
Live Online Event: February 15, 2024
Access the Training Course afterward to watch on your own schedule
$1,319.90 Total Value
Just $299.99 Today — Save 77% when you register by 2/15/24
FEATURING... The Cancer Rehab PT on YouTube!
Kelly Sturm, DPT
Kelly Sturm, DPT
Certified Lymphedema Specialist
Board Certified Oncology Specialist
300K+ Subscribers
PLUS… Firsthand Nutrition Strategies from A Cancer Survivor!
Jean LaMantia, RD
Jean LaMantia, RD
Accomplished Author
Registered Dietician
National Speaker
What You'll Learn!
Prescribing Exercise for the Cancer Population

Introduction to Cancer and its Effects

  • Understand the incidence and prevalence
  • Common side effects of cancer and cancer treatment

Cancer Rehabilitation and Exercise

  • Common impairments addressed in cancer rehab
  • Unmet needs with patient-reported impairments and side effects
  • The Cancer Care Continuum – Where exercise plays a role

The Role of Exercise -Before Treatment (Prehab)

  • Goals of exercise to address pre-existing impairments, improve physical health, and establish baseline
  • Outcomes of supervised exercise in various cancer types
  • High-intensity interval training and effects of VO2peak in prehab setting
  • Exercise's role in reducing surgical complications and recovery
  • Address the limitations of research and potential risks

The Role of Exercise -During Cancer Treatment 

  • Goals of exercise to address impairments, side effects, and symptoms related to treatment 
  • Exercise impacting side effects during cancer treatment 
  • Benefits and risks during chemotherapy  
  • Current exercice recommandations and prescriptions 
  • Comparing outcomes of low-intensity vs mod/high-intensity exercise vs no exercise  
  • Acknowledge potential risks and contraindications of exercise during treatment 

The Role of Exercise - After Cancer Treatment 

  • The goals of exercise after cancer treatment is completed 
  • Physical activity's impact of non-physical outcomes  
  • Exercise role on risk of cancer mortality 
  • Limitations of the research and potential risks in the survivorship phase 

The Role of Exercise – Long-Term Survivorship 

  • Discuss long-term clinical applications of exercise for cancer survivors 
  • Cardiovascular disease risk and exercise role  
  • The role of exercise in androgen deprivation therapy
  • Pediatric cancer survivorship and exercise role in chronic diseases
  • Cancer recurrence – does exercise lower the risk?

The Role of Exercise – Hospice/End of Life

  • Recognize the benefits of exercise in end-of-life care settings
  • Adapting exercise to the needs of terminally ill cancer patients
  • Understand the limitations and potential risks in palliative exercise programs

Interdisciplinary Collaboration

  • Explore how healthcare professionals can work together to promote exercise in cancer care
  • Strategies for overcoming barriers to interdisciplinary collaboration

Course Conclusion and Future Directions

  • Reflect on the evolving landscape of exercise in cancer care
  • Continued learning and research in the field

*Note: Throughout the session, we will emphasize the limitations of existing research and the potential risks associated with exercise interventions, ensuring a comprehensive and responsible approach to exercise across the cancer continuum.

Oncology Care and Rehab: What Nutrition Can Offer

Cancer Risk Reduction

  • Nutrition for cancer survivors to reduce risk of recurrence
  • Top questions from cancer survivors
    • Sugar
    • Soy
    • Flax
    • Dairy
    • Meat
  • Integrating nutrition education into clinical practice
  • Managing misinformation


  • Incidence rates of lymphedema in the cancer population
  • Risk factors for lymphedema post-cancer
  • Timing and duration of lymphedema post-cancer
  • Lymphedema risk and risk reduction strategies

Lymphedema Treatment

  • Complete Decongestive Therapy
  • Nutrition therapy

Novel Case Studies

  • Case conceptualization with Q&A

Lymphatic Flow Yoga: Mindful Movement To Improve Lymphatic Health

What is the lymphatic system 

  • Understanding the network
  • Understanding the pathways that the fluid moves
  • Essential components

How does lymph fluid move through the body

  • Manual lymph drainage
  • Muscle pump activation
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Mind-body connection

Concepts of Lymphatic Flow Yoga

  • Improve lymphatic health through guided self-manual lymph drainage (MLD)
  • Emphasize mindful breathing practices and diaphragmatic training
  • Engage internal muscle pump activation
  • Analyze psychosocial benefits to enhance support and survivorship

What are the ways we can improve lymph flow

  • Integrating Yoga practices
  • Implementing deep diaphragmatic breathing strategies
  • Utilizing self-MLD techniques
  • Whole-person approach through mindfulness interventions
  • Parasympathetic activation to improve relaxation and restoration

Current research about lymphedema / lymphatic system & yoga

  • Review of recent studies and findings
  • Evidence-based support for symptom management
  • Indications and contraindications of lymphatic flow yoga
  • Factors to consider for implementation of yoga programs, and best approaches

Is Bone Health A Missing Link in Oncology Rehab?

How Bone Changes Across the Lifespan

  • Review of bone structure, bone cells, development of the skeleton, peak bone mass from birth to maturity
  • Factors affecting bone metabolism
  • Physiology of bone maturation and metabolism

Cancer and bone density

  • Epidemiology of cancer-related osteoporosis
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology BMD recommendations
  • Preventive care and fracture risk

How do cancer treatments affect bone density

  • Bone mineral density testing
  • Vertebral Fracture Assessment
  • Fracture Risk Assessment Tool (FRAX)
  • Blood bone markers
  • Radiofrequency Echographic Multi Spectrometry (REMS)

Constructing an Evaluation of Osteoporosis

  • Risk factor assessment
  • Demonstration of a posture evaluation
  • Functional assessment and osteoporosis
  • Outcome measures

Build Bone, Build Strength, Reduce Falls and Fractures: Constructing a Rehabilitation Program

  • Exercise program design based on FIIT principle
  • Progression of exercise intensity for a cancer patient
  • Body mechanics
  • Exercises Precautions
  • Contraindications

Role of Nutrition & Supplementation

  • Calcium and vit D RDA, estimation of intake, sources
  • Dairy = friend or foe? Plant-based sources of calcium
  • Supplements - type, how much, how to pick a supplement
  • Absorption of calcium supplements
Oncology Rehab Summit
Live Online Event: February 15, 2024
Access the Training Course afterward to watch on your own schedule
$1,319.90 Total Value
Just $299.99 Today — Save 77% when you register by 2/15/24
Meet Your Live Education Clinical Experts
Barbara Jackson, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, CYT, Reiki (Babz)
Barbara Jackson, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, CYT, Reiki (Babz), is an occupational therapist, lymphedema therapist, certified yoga teacher, certified in yoga4cancer, LoveYourBrain, Yoga for Trauma training, and reiki attuned. She is a certified lymphedema therapist (LANA certified) specializing in cancer rehab and the lymphatic system. Babz integrates her clinical techniques into her yoga practice. She is passionate and eager to create wellness programs to help to teach and support specialized populations including lymphatic flow yoga wellness.
Click here for information about Barbara Tobin

Jean LaMantia, RD
Jean LaMantia, RD, is a registered dietician, cancer survivor, author and speaker. She has been a dietitian for 30+ years and has written three books on the topics of cancer, lymphedema, and intermittent fasting. Jean has been a repeat invited speaker for the National Lymphedema Network as well as the Canadian Lymphedema Framework national conferences. She has been published in Pathways – Canada's national lymphedema magazine and spoken for several provincial lymphedema associations including Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia.
Click here for information about Jean LaMantia

Payal Sahni, PT, MPT, DPT
Payal Sahni, PT, MPT, DPT, has been practicing physical therapy for over twenty years with an emphasis in orthopedics. Dr. Sahni is a Maitland-trained certified manual therapist with additional training in IASTM and BFR. She is a strong proponent of prevention and wellness for health. Dr. Sahni regularly lectures on osteoporosis and serves as the program coordinator of the New York State Osteoporosis Prevention and Education Program through the NYS Department of Health. She has published prior studies on osteoporosis and continues with ongoing research.
Click here for information about Payal Sahni

Kelly Sturm, PT, DPT, OnCS, CLT-LANA
Kelly Sturm, PT, DPT, OnCS, CLT-LANA, is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) through Klose Training and is certified by the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA). In 2019, Kelly became one of the first Board-Certified Oncology Clinical Specialists in the United States. She has taught in Physical Therapy Programs and is a guest speaker at various conferences, programs, and community groups. Kelly has clinical expertise in the rehabilitation treatment of oncology diagnoses, primary and secondary lymphedema, and pelvic health. Kelly owns Cancer Rehab PT LLC, with engaging educational YouTube and Instagram platforms, bringing awareness and light to lymphedema, oncology rehabilitation, and physical therapy.
Click here for information about Kelly Sturm
PLUS, when you register today, you'll receive 6 FREE on-demand bonus sessions!
Earn up to 11.5 Self-Study CE hours!
Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS
Cancer Care and Considerations for End-of-Life Intervention
With: Kirsten Davin, OTD, OTR/L, ATP, SMS | Click here for information about Kirsten Davin
    • Rehab roles in achieving and assisting with end-of-life goals
    • Alternative techniques to pain management, coping strategies and activity pacing
    • Managing patient fears, anxieties, and feelings associated with end of life care
    • Essential resources to help develop and end of life plan
    • Diagnosis progression within the home, and strategies for community engagement
    • Preparing for a safe transition home, including support of family and caregivers
Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS
Reimagine Pre & Post-Op Treatment: Clinical Insights from A Cancer Survivor
With: Karen Pryor, PhD, PT, DPT, CH, CFPS | Click here for information about Karen Pryor
    • Scar management and manual therapy techniques
    • Axillary web syndrome/cording and increasing ROM
    • Self-assisted range of motion and frequency considerations
    • Designing home programs combining patient education and family support
Jarrett Dottin, OTR/L, MOT, CLT
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Techniques: Perform MLD from Anywhere
With: Jarrett Dottin, OTR/L, MOT, CLT | Click here for information about Jarrett Dottin
    • Review typical and atypical clinical presentations
    • Learn how to select appropriate, patient-centered interventions
    • Essential assessment protocols to use
    • Review recommended clinical supplies and optional supplies
Neuropathy: Recognizing The Signs & Selecting the Appropriate Intervention
Mike Studer, PT, DPT, MHS, NCS, CEEAA, CWT, CSST, FAPTA | Click here for information about Mike Studer
    • Uncover the most common diagnoses we are overlooking
    • Discover an impairment-based and functional examination
    • Create a rehab program to reframe sensory and motor mapping pathways in the brain
    • Condition and patient-specific approaches to LE neuropathy
Lauren Meffen, MA CCC/SLP, CLT
Head and Neck Cancer: Considerations for Speech, Swallowing, and Trismus
With: Lauren Meffen, MA CCC/SLP, CLT | Click here for information about Lauren Meffen
    • Etiology and prevalence of radiation-associated dysphagia
    • Develop a comprehensive trismus assessment and screening protocol
    • Identify risk factors for osteoradionecrosis
    • Unlock strategies for individualized exercise management and progressions
    • Essential tips for long-term self-monitoring and red flag identification
Kimberly Morrow, LCSW Elizabeth Dupont Spencer, MSW, LCSW-C
Health Anxiety: Strategies for Handling the Fears and the Realities
With: Kimberly Morrow, LCSW, & Elizabeth Dupont Spencer, MSW, LCSW-C | Click here for information about Kimberly J Morrow & Click here for information about Elizabeth DuPont Spencer
    • Strategies to help patients create boundaries regarding doctor visits and researching illnesses
    • How the appropriate mindset can help clients face new health symptoms
    • Developing exposures to change your patient's relationship with their illness fears
    • Integrating mindfulness in treatment and integrating acceptance
Oncology Rehab Summit
Live Online Event: February 15, 2024
Access the Training Course afterward to watch on your own schedule
$1,319.90 Total Value
Just $299.99 Today — Save 77% when you register by 2/15/24
Supported By Evidence-Based Updates From
  • AHA Council on Clinical Cardiology 
  • AHA Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing 
  • AHA Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease 
  • Menopause and Andropause Society (EMAS) 
  • International Gynecologic Cancer Society 
  • American Society of Clinical Oncology 
  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 
  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) 
  • Occupational Therapy Now (OT NOW) 
  • Oncology Nursing Society 
Frequently Asked Questions

Increasing numbers of cancer survivors means more patients coming to your clinic desperate for symptom relief. Don't refer them out the door because you're unequipped to manage their complaints. There has never been a better opportunity than right now to make sure your clinical toolbox is stacked with proven interventions for lymphatic health, scar tissue management, nutrition education, fatigue reduction, psychosocial wellbeing, and more!

This is a real opportunity for you to increase your referrals and grow your practice.

  • Physical Therapists
  • Physical Therapist Assistants
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapist Assistants
  • Speech Language Pathologists
  • Chiropractors
  • Massage Therapists
  • Athletic Trainers
  • Exercise Physiologists
  • Registered Nurses
  • Physician Assistants
  • Other Rehab Professionals
Yes, up to 8 live CE hours are available for this event! You must attend the Live summit to obtain live credits. Credit hours may vary by profession and state. CE approval details to come!
Can't attend live? No problem! We don't want you to miss out on this practice transforming information. You can register for the on-demand option of this Summit to watch on your own time, and earn self-study CE hours at your own convenience. Pre-order the self-study version here!
Yes, access to all sessions will be made available in your attendee portal following the conclusion of the event. You will have replay access for 30 days.
Oncology Rehab Summit
Live Online Event: February 15, 2024
Access the Training Course afterward to watch on your own schedule
$1,319.90 Total Value
Just $299.99 Today — Save 77% when you register by 2/15/24
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register today risk-free and become a part of this crucial oncology rehab event! If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We're that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.

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ADA Needs: We are happy to accommodate your ADA needs when you register at least three weeks prior to the event; please call Customer Service for more information at 800-844-8260
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