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Alisha Denham, LCSW

Alisha Dunham, LCSW

I’m an artist by nature, and a mental health therapist by trade! I drew my first art piece at the tender age of 6 years old – to somewhat mediocre reviews (side note – my is a realist who loves me beyond measure – but she did not want me to have an inflated sense of my ability, and for that I am eternally grateful). The artist/creator inside of me has never been a choice – it is as natural to me as the air I breathe. And while my 6-year-old feelings were hurt for a little while, I was still determined to fulfill my destiny. Over the years I “dabbled” in the arts – drawing, sketching, painting – but never calling myself an artist. To me I “doodled.” Just as I knew in my soul that art was a piece of me, I also knew that helping others was another part of who I am. I’ve been in the helping profession for the past 15 years, and a therapist for the past 8. As a mental health therapist working at a non-profit agency, I learned quickly how to blend my art skills with my creation skills to make sand tray figures that I needed – not just for me but for those I was serving. My first creation was a homemade guillotine out of a coat hanger. I’m happy to report that my skills have improved since then!