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Brett Jason Deacon, Ph.D.

Brett Deacon, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Wyoming and co-author of the book Clinical Handbook of Exposure Therapy for Anxiety,, published in 2010 by Guilford Press. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship specializing in CBT for anxiety disorders at Mayo Clinic and currently directs the University of Wyoming Anxiety Disorders Clinic. Dr. Deacon supervises doctoral student therapists and maintains a private practice specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders. He regularly presents workshops on CBT for anxiety disorders at national conferences and serves on the clinical advisory board of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.

A scientist as well as a practitioner, Dr. Deacon has published over 50 peer-reviewed scientific articles and book chapters on CBT and anxiety disorders and has presented approximately 100 symposium talks, research posters, workshops, panel discussions and invited addresses at national and international conferences. His research involves conducting clinical studies of CBT for various anxiety programs and investigating the psychological processes that cause and maintain anxiety disorders. Dr. Deacon has received awards from the University of Wyoming for his research and teaching.

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