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Chris Samuels, PhD


Chris Samuels, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist who has specialized in the treatment of problematic sexual behavior for more than 25 years. A pioneer in the field of sexual addiction, Dr. Samuels began her work in 1989 with Patrick Carnes, clinician and author of landmark books on sexual addiction, including Out of the Shadows (1983) and Don’t Call it Love (1991). In 1992, Dr. Samuels founded and serves as the executive director of The Sexual Addiction Treatment and Training Institute (SATTI), the foremost treatment facility in the New York metropolitan area. Known for a compassionate and nonjudgmental approach to treatment, SATTI clinicians offer evaluation and treatment for individuals, groups, and families who are struggling with sexual addiction and related problematic sexual behavior. In addition, SATTI offers training and supervision for mental health professionals as well as a range of consultation services to business, mental health organizations, religious institutions, and the media concerning sexual addiction, sexual harassment, and other problematic sexual behavior. For more information about Dr. Samuels and SATTI, please visit: and


Speaker Disclosures: 

Financial: Chris Samuels is the executive director of The Sexual Addiction Treatment and Training Institute (SATTI). She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Chris Samuels has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.

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