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Colleen Smith, RYT, RCYT

Colleen Smith, RYT, RCYT, has extensive experience and training focused sharing yoga and mindfulness with children, families and in schools.  In addition to serving as a National Trainer for ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms, she teaches regularly in several preschools, UPK, school districts and studios around Syracuse, NY through her business, BeLive Yoga.  With an M.S. and C.A.S in School Counseling, Colleen has worked as an Elementary School Counselor, experience that has served as a critical foundation for effectively understanding supporting the needs of school communities.  She has been inspired to see the transformative impact that the integration of simple yoga and mindfulness-based strategies can have at school and in classrooms, especially in terms of providing children and educators with tools they can use to manage stress and anxiety now and throughout their lives.


Speaker Disclosure:

Financial: Colleen Smith is the owner of BeLive Yoga LLC. She is an independent contractor Yoga 4 Classrooms, LLC and ChildLight Yoga Education Company, LLC. Ms. Smith receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.

Non-financial: Colleen Smith has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.