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Judy Dobson, RN, MSN, CHPN

Judy Dobson has gained extensive experience caring for patients through her 45 years as a nurse in a variety of settings. While serving as a hospice director, Judy organized a hospice orientation program, extended hospice care to residents in skilled nursing facilities, and developed the first local bereavement camp for children and teens.

In addition to Judy's expertise caring for end stage disease hospice patients, she will draw from her invaluable experiences in acute care, caring for specialized patient populations including: emergency departments, medical/surgical, end stage renal disease, pediatric oncology and gastroenterology. She has also encountered many of these end stage diseases through personal family experiences, which adds another important perspective to the discussion.

Judy is a sought-after end of life presenter, having shared her insights at the local, state, and national levels. She holds certifications as a Hospice and Palliative Care Generalist Nurse and as a Hospice Trainer. Judy is an ELNEC (End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium) trained and Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association presenter. She recognizes that caring for persons with end stage disease requires extreme sensitivity, deep compassion, and extraordinary knowledge. Attend this seminar to learn from Judy's passion and expertise to provide optimal care for patients with end stage disease. She has a special interest in "finding meaning" at the end of life, and in the near-death awareness exhibited by many patients.

Financial: Judith A. Dobson is receiving a fee for speaking at this educational activity.
Nonfinancial: Judith A. Dobson has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose. 

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