Kathleen Kelley, EdD, PT, NCS
Kathleen Kelley, EdD, PT, NCS, is an associate professor of physical therapy at Quinnipiac University. She has taught in the areas of neurologic rehabilitation, balance, falls and vestibular dysfunction for 20 years. Dr. Kelley’s passion for both yoga and preventing falls in older adults has created many avenues of service. In 2008, she completed work on a pilot study examining the effects of yoga on preventing falls in older adults. At the conclusion of the study, the participating facility hired a full time yoga teacher and continues to offer yoga two times per week, free of charge, to all its residents.
Dr. Kelley received her BS in physical therapy from the University of Connecticut, her MS in neurology from Boston University and her Doctorate in education from the University of Sarasota. She is also a board certified neurological clinical specialist. In 2004, Dr. Kelley completed her 200-hour certification in Kripalu yoga and has completed an additional 200 hour certification in Anusara yoga.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Kathleen Kelley is an associate professor at Quinnipiac University. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Nonfinancial: Kathleen Kelley has no relevant nonfinancial relationship to disclose.