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Laurie Beebe, MS, RD, LD

Laurie Beebe has, for the past 25 years, served as a dietitian in hospitals, doctors' offices, home health agencies, and universities and runs a successful practice as a diet coach. Throughout her work, she has enjoyed educating patients, students, physicians, nurses and other healthcare staff. It was while attending a seminar to become certified in adult weight management through the Commission on Dietetic Registration, that Laurie was able to put a name to the process she found lent itself to a higher success rate in weight loss: "coaching". Laurie went on to attend CoachU - a coaching school accredited by the International Coach Federation - and became a Core Essentials Graduate (CEG). Now Laurie's expertise includes combining accurate nutrition information with practiced coaching skills, leading people to bridge the gap between information and action. This translates into changes in their lifestyles, including diet, to produce desired weight loss results.

Laurie is a member of the American Dietetic Association and the dietetic practice groups for Weight Management and for Nutrition Entrepreneurs. She is also certified in Adult Weight Management at Level II. Laurie is active in her local chapter of the International Coach Federation and speaks to groups ranging from professional dietitians to local business members and weight loss groups such as TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly). Laurie volunteers at the local food pantry to provide an avenue to educate community members. Laurie looks forward to enlightening you regarding new ways of approaching clients to increase success rates through the use of specific weight loss coaching methods.

Financial: Laurie Beebe is receiving a fee for speaking at this educational activity.

Nonfinancial: Laurie Beebe has no relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose.