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Patricia Staples, MSN, NP-C, CCRN

Nurse Practicioner

Patricia Staples is currently the Assistant Director of Medical Education and Accreditation at The Postgraduate Institute of Medicine in Colorado. Clinically, Patricia works as a Nurse Practitioner for Colorado Brain and Spine Institute, where she works in collaboration with neurosurgeons in comprehensive management of brain, spine and peripheral nerve diseases and disorders in neurosurgical patients, both in-hospital and outpatient. She is directly involved with patient care, interdisciplinary medical rounds, and the hospital's resuscitation and rapid response teams. Patricia was awarded the2007 Kaiser Permanente Nightingale Award for creating nursing excellence through the promotion of educational and scientific activities and community-based projects in Yetebon, Ethiopia. 

During her advanced practice nursing career, she collaborated with physicians on a hospitalist team, where her responsibilities included the care of hospitalized patients, teaching, and management in a level-one trauma community hospital. She has prescriptive authority granted by the Colorado State Board on Nursing and has prescribed medical therapies for acute life-threatening conditions, chronic health maintenance, and preventative care. During her experience as a hospitalist, she performed comprehensive history and physical examinations, assessed the health status and developed a plan of care for a wide variety of hospitalized patients. She directly facilitated the treatment and management care for patients as they transitioned from hospital to home by redesigning the hospital discharging process, improving patient safety and patient and family education practices. 

PESI HealthCare and Patricia Staples indicate that the content for this educational activity is without bias of any commercial product or drug. There is no relevant financial or nonfinancial relationship to disclose.

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