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Paul R. White, LCSW

Paul R. White, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker with over 34 years of experience counseling children. He is an internationally recognized therapist, consultant and author. Since 1983, he has had a full-time private practice counseling children and families in Rockford, Illinois. In addition to his individual, group and family therapy, Mr. White has consulted and supervised with public and private agencies, schools and residential settings. He is uniquely qualified to teach therapy with children to his peers. Mr. White began his career with children in 1970 as a supervisor of five teams of VISTA Volunteers on three southwest Native American reservations. His Tulane University graduate courses, field placements and thesis research were directed at his primary professional goal, face-to-face interaction with children. Following graduate school in 1972, he worked as a front-line Case Worker with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, a direct service counselor with the Illinois Department of Mental Health and University of Illinois Division of Specialized Care for Children.

During his many years of direct work with children, he has developed numerous unique aids and techniques that assisted him in teaching children to cope with stress, express feelings and to solve problems. Two of these have found their way into publication. The first is a disk and manual for group therapists' entitled Sebastian and the Anger Dial. The second is his book, CLAYtherapy: A Manual of Therapeutic Applications of Clay with Children. In June 2004, he presented a paper on CLAYtherapy to the World Congress of Child Play Therapy and Child Psychotherapy in London, England.

Mr. White provides seminars on Play Therapy, clinical techniques, anger and other children's issues across the country.

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